Fight Climate Change Impacts
Tarakan Borneo - Taking advantage of the moment of Earth Day, April 22 this year, the City Government of Tarakan in this case the Environmental Management Agency (BPLH) in collaboration with PT Medco E & P Tarakan-Sembakung began a program of mangrove planting of 15 thousand seeds in a number of points at the Tarakan. Originally was planting a large number of mangrove seedlings in the outer regions of Mangrove Conservation Area and the proboscis monkey (KKMB). Implementation was attended by the Mayor of Tarakan Hianggio H Udin, Head of Department of Forestry, Mining and Energy (Dishutamben) Budi Setiawan, Head BPLH Subono, and Operations Manager of PT Medco E & P Tarakan-Sembakung Supreme Wibisono, representatives of youth organizations and others. "This also shows that Medco was not just a company that solely oriented to the oil and gas. But we are also concerned with the environment and the world, "Agung said Wibisono, Operations Manager of PT Medco E & P-Sembakung Tarakan, in between planting the mangrove seedlings spacing of 1 x 1 meter in KKMB, yesterday (22 / 4).
This activity is also a form of local government support and Medco to a national program to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 26 percent until the year 2020 and Green East Kalimantan program, initiated by the governor of East Kalimantan. "Why did we choose the mangrove? Because the recommended BPLH, where the function of absorption of carbon dioxide to produce oxygen gas, the mangrove is the most good, "explained Great again.
Meanwhile, the head of Tarakan Ir BPLH Subono MT says in an effort to reduce the impact of climate change caused by greenhouse gases, the local government have started a preliminary study Tarakan to adopt action plans for adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts. "This year is expected the action plan has been arranged," he explained.
At the national level, the action plan has been structured and has been adopted by the East Kalimantan provincial. "If the general and Tarakan in East Kalimantan, has been realized in the form of Green program in the province of East Kalimantan and One Man Five Tree," in short. (Urgently Required)
Source : Radat Tarakan (23 April 2010)
Redirect to TarakanBais
Jumat, 23 April 2010
BPLH-Medco program, 15 Thousand Mangrove Planting in Tarakan
Kamis, 22 April 2010
Become Tarakan Indonesia Entry Point SAIL 2011
Tarakan Borneo, Tarakan Hotel Swiss-Bell, - On Saturday and Sunday (10th - 11.04) has held meetings SAIL INDONESIA 2011 Work Plan, attended by several Heads of Regencies and municipalities in the territory of Indonesia
SAIL INDONESIA 2011, namely activities related to maritime and kebaharian Indonesia. In this activity, there will be cooperation between cities and counties whose territory is situated in the coastal sea and the formation of the National Marine Tourism Line. Moreover, it can raise the living standard of living in coastal areas in the economic aspects, education, motivation and innovation.
In Annual Work Plan was also discussed about the CAIT (Clearance Approval for Indonesian Territory), namely ease of access into the territory of Indonesia, and CIQP (Custom Immigration Quarantine Port), the process of immigration, customs and quarantine port.
These two things are important for travelers from foreign countries that use sailboat / yacht (yacht), which plans to come visit the town or district in coastal areas which have a port to use CIQP CAIT, and this, in order to facilitate the visitors sailors overseas (foreign sailor / yachter) prior to bersinggah at ports of destinations in SAIL INDONESIA 2011.
SAIL INDONESIA 2011 in Agenda, Tarakan become one of the destinations at once became the first city ENTRY POINT or visited in the Northern Territory of Indonesia. For that Tarakan expected to prepare and plan for all things related to the SAIL INDONESIA 2011, as in the tourism aspect and kebaharian.
The plan committee will hold an audition with the President or Vice President for this program to get the legal umbrella of Presidential Decree (Decree) so that SAIL INDONESIA may be fixed in the national agenda of national tourism program.
On Saturday night, held "Special Dialogue" in Tarakan TV, which was attended by Chairman of the DPRD Tarakan City, Effendi Djuprianto and Vice Mayor of Tarakan, Suhardjo Trianto with guests Committee SAIL INDONESIA 2011.
In Dialogue TSB, the Chairman of Yayasan Cinta Bahari Indonesia, Raymond Lesmana give the highest appreciation to all parties associated with the implementation of the Work Plan Meeting SAIL INDONESIA 2011 in Tarakan.
"I say thanks and highest appreciation to the City Government of Tarakan of terselenggarnya this event, hopefully the agenda SAIL INDONESIA 2011 can run smoothly and well," explained Raymond.
Still in the same occasion, Raymond hopes that the City Government of Tarakan kept clean and prepare the tourism sector to meet the program SAIL INDONESIA 2011. In Meetings And Work Plan was also discussed agenda BANDA SAIL 2010.
FRD - DD, Public Relations & Information
Source: TarakanKota.Go.Id (12 April 2010)
D III Nursing, University of Borneo Tarakan
Ethics Matter Given Serves 35 Percent
Tarakan Borneo - UNIVERSITY Borneo Tarakan (UBT) has six faculties and two diplomas. One of these, the Diploma in Nursing. Building lecture Diploma III (D-III) Nursing is different from other faculties. The reason is building a separate lecture with other buildings located in Long Beach Charity. While building the D-III college of Nursing is located right in front of General Hospital (Hospital) Tarakan.
MORNING seemed hundreds of students and student D-III college of Nursing with a uniform medium of Central Examination Semester (UTS). Inside the classroom, they seemed busy working on the answer sheet over, guarded the two supervisors.
Not long later, the bell rings as a sign of UTS has long expired. One by one student and one student is out of each classroom. Outside, most of them engrossed in his story, there is also an open-book open again lecture material.
D-III college building has three floors of Nursing has seven classrooms. Each classroom has a different capacity. There is one classroom that there were 60 people inside the classroom that only 31 people. Each room has air conditioning and a projector to support students and student tuition to be more comfortable getting the materials provided by lecturers lectures.
As supporting the process of D-III college of Nursing, has various facilities ranging from six laboratories, a library equipped with 3000 books with 1035 titles on health, mosque up to the hall.
According to First Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and Kemahasiswan Goddess Hariyanti, in giving lectures to students and the material it not only gives students the theory and practice alone, but of ethics material.
"Material ethics here, we teach how this nursing student and student to maintain his position in communication. Starting from how to talk, the attitude that gives an honest word to give a smile. For nurses here as a public service and should be friendly in the spoken word," he said.
Given this ethical lecture material, said Dewi, it also provides substantial ethical rating that is equal to 35 percent. "For this ethical matter, each teacher can assess students and mahasiwi ethics while in the classroom," he said.
Not only that, the D-III Nursing who has 336 students and female students and 40 faculty and staff also provide assessments of the activity. This means that if there are students and female university students active in the discussion, asked the professor to follow the activities on campus will get its own assessment.
With classes ranging from the learning system to learn the theory, practice until ethics, no wonder if the D-III Nursing graduates are always welcome to work in all hospitals in the northern region, ranging from Tarakan, Malinau, Templates, Nunukan up outside Tarakan, such as Bali and Lombok . Even alumni of Nursing was also given a certificate of Basic Cardiac Life Support Trauma (BTCLS) of 118 emergency training. (Junisah)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (March 25, 2010)
Lion Air Starting Simulation in Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo, ROUTE Tarakan - Jakarta and Jakarta - Tarakan direct a new idol for the airline in Indonesia. After Batavia Air, Lion Air is now following a plan to fly a fleet on the route. Prepared the fleet of Boeing 737 - 900ER, with passenger numbers of around 200 people.
Rachimsyah, Plt Station Manager of Lion Air, Tarakan mention the current flight plan route related licensing Tarakan - direct Jakarta is already complete. Now, to stay execution of internal preparation undertaken Lion in both Jakarta and Tarakan. "The simulation is carried out with a road like mengalkulasikan speed check-in process, and the readiness of the IT technology equipment. For IT, we bring in technicians who will install his line, "said Boim, Rachimsyah close calls.
Process, said Boim done so that ground crew could not shocked when Lion Air inaugural flight Jakarta - Tarakan began to be implemented. To note, Lion Air is not really a new airline that serves the needs of air transportation in Tarakan. Because, in the year 2007 before the vacuum Lion Air, the airline became one of the public choice Tarakan. "For the reservation itself, has actually been opened but while this is only a few agents who can see (about 5 agents, Red). While sub-agent, still in the exploratory process. From that, we'll go to them directly, "he said.
Lion Air Boeing 737 - 900ER, will fly from Jakarta at 02:40 local time and arrived at Tarakan at 06:15 local time. Meanwhile, take off from the International Airport Tarakan Class 1 Special Juwata 07.00 local time and arrive in Jakarta at 08:30 local time. "Certainly for this inaugural flight, the price promo. And, the range is not far from the promo price of other airlines serving this route, "Boim told reporters the light of this newspaper, yesterday.
Technically, this aircraft has a carrying capacity of about 4 tons already including baggage and cargo. There are two classes, ie, business class and economy. Can transport 205 passengers a total of 195 people consisting of economic sheet and 10 sheets of business. "Why did we choose this route? Obviously because the prospect is good, and why am because we consider the ease of connecting flight passengers will do, "he said.
Meanwhile, Head International Airport Tarakan Class 1 Special Juwata H Husni Djau disclose the Lion Air Boeing 737 - 900ER will increase choice for people who want to travel to Tarakan directly without having to transit in Jakarta with a fairly competitive price. In addition, these aircraft will also print a new history of commercial aviation in particular for Airport Tarakan Tarakan Juwata. 'The aircraft is a plane that can land at most airports our maximum. Because, it is still a long runway is 2250 feet while flying or landing, this type of foundation needed along the 1.8 kilometers (km), "she added.
However, after the process of developing a 2500-meter runway with a width of 45 meters after the year 2012, the airport can be landed Juwata or narrow body aircraft such as Airbus wide-bodied Boeing 330 or 767. (Urgently Required)
Source: Radar Tarakan (March 26, 2010)
SDN 024 Represent Tarakan Kaltim
Tarakan Borneo - Public Elementary School (SDN) 024 Kelurahan Karang Anyar Tarakan in East Kalimantan Province successfully representing (East Kalimantan) to the National Level Competition in Final Force Elementary School (SD) held by the Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Education Ministry of National Education.
SDN is located in Kampung Bugis, will compete with participants from 32 other provision in Indonesia. In connection with this competition, the plan assessment team from the Directorate of Kindergarten and elementary school - Education Ministry next April will visit elementary schools to provide assessment Tarakan 024.
Competition Force assessed in elementary school are all aspects covered in the school environment, among others, the school administration, content, processes, facilities and infrastructure of schools, SKL, educators, and educational, management, financing and educational assessment, management of clusters (in management science and school-based management)), MBC (teaching and learning activities), as well as community participation (School Committee).
Head of Tarakan SDN 024, Amana said Ridwan grateful for the election of SDN 024 Kaltim to represent the National Level. Because of this success is inseparable from the participation and support Disdik Tarakan, teachers, students and school committees.
"We are grateful for this success. Because in this race is not just our own, but there are five schools that played an impact. Like Home SDN I, SDN 009, 011 SDN, SDN 034 and Tunas Kasih. So that here the assessment team is not only assessing our , as a core school, but also impact other schools, "said Ridwan in his office, Monday (15 / 3).
Ridwan reveal, for the preparation of the assessment team's arrival from the national level, it has coordinated with the school impact. "We've prepared everything from school to school committee Management," he said.
For this target in the final, Ridwan hope to come out as champion. "We all look forward to the first champion. Because we believe could be a champion, because of support from teachers, students, school committees and Disdik Tarakan very big," she revealed.
Previously SDN 024 Tarakan has come out as Competition Winner SD clusters as East Kalimantan. For that SDN 024 Tarakan eligible to advance to the national finals which will be held in July. (Jnh)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (March 15, 2010)
Tourism Potential of the Tarakan to Offer Investors
Governor Ready to Be Sales
Tarakan Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan H Udin Hianggio hope, on budget changes (APBD-P) Kaltim the possibility of legalized middle of this year, no funding for development projects in the City of Tarakan. Section, several government projects which are carried out, had been halted due to insufficient budget again.
"Hopefully it can be assisted. Because there are several other projects such as the ring road, and construction of hospitals Kaltim not yet complete, "said Udin Hianggio in front of the Governor of East Kalimantan Faroek Ishak Awang, during a visit to Tarakan some time ago.
It is said Udin, to support the application and disbursement of budget changes in this East Kalimantan, some time before City Government of Tarakan has also been reported to the Commission II and Commission IV DPRD Kaltim. Mainly associated development Tarakan Hospital.
"We hope that at least in 2011 can be executed. We are always ready to coordinate with the governor and the DPRD Kaltim for this, "he explained.
Responding to the desire of this City Government of Tarakan, Awang Farouk claimed potentials owned Tarakan City must be supported by the provincial government, especially for Charity Beach seawall.
"Why is the provincial support, because it has always been very famous Coast Charity. As a child I used to play here, "said Awang who had attended public school in Tarakan in 1959-1961. "The potential of this great along with the Tarakan as a tourism destination," he added.
Therefore, continued the governor, all the infrastructure that could attract tourists, should be prepared with the best. "Moreover, this is the main gateway for the North region," said Awang.
According to Awang, people come to Tarakan because there is an interesting place to visit in this city. Although Tarakan better known as a transit port for the other districts in the vicinity. Or as access to Malaysia through Nunukan.
"With this object, will certainly attract people to come here (Tarakan, Ed.). Let's fix this Tarakan and provincial governments would be supportive. As long as they carried out with good planning, "the governor a message.
Explained the governor, the concept of development in this Charity Beach, should not be half-half. If necessary in the location of this Charity Beach hotels built along the coast. "That would all be handled professionally," said the governor warned.
Kaltim, connect Awang Farouk, is currently developing the PPP (Public Private Partnership). "We will cooperate with national private parties (investors), and even internationally to come to Tarakan. I am ready to facilitate and I am ready to become his salesman Tarakan, "he said.
Why should a salesman? "Because of the potential of this kind if there is no salesman was useless, no one will glance. Especially here with crab sauce, famous for his culinary tourism. I also suggested that there could be tourism, conventions, "he said.
If good marketing and promotion, continued the governor again, surely people will come to Tarakan. Good just to visit, to international seminars held in Tarakan. "I'm sure Tarakan will become a thriving tourist destination," confident. (Ddq)
Source: KaltimPost (March 12, 2010)
Rabu, 21 April 2010
Prepare Airport Tarakan So Juwata Kaltara Icon
Tarakan Borneo - Juwata Tarakan Airport as the only international airport, a special 1st class in the north continue to clean up East Kalimantan. Yesterday (2 / 3), shortly after landing at the airport Juwata, Deputy Mayor (Vice Mayor) Tarakan airport accompanied by the head Suhardjo Trianto Juwata H. Husni Djau SE MM could review some existing facilities. Like VIP, VVIP room (lounge), airport departure terminal and office building.
According Suhardjo, with a fairly rapid progress of construction at the Airport Juwata, did not rule out the biggest airport in northern East Kalimantan will become an icon in Kaltara, even at the Kaltim. "I believe the future of this airport will be better," said Vice Mayor Suhardjo Trianto.
Regarding status of the special 1st class international airport that carried Juwata Airport today, according Suhardjo necessary adjustments to their status as an international airport.
"The name of international airport at him definitely out of the country, there are at least minimum standards, especially in terms of service," said Suhardjo.
But the important thing now, Vice Mayor continued, is how the municipal government with the Department of Transportation can provide the best possible service to the community that uses air flight services. To support the rapid development in the Airport Juwata, Suhardjo ensure the city government through the city budget will support its development.
"Certainly there is support from local government, both in form and morale budget to support the development of the airport," he said.
One of the airport infrastructure development that will be supported through the development budget is a cargo terminal. "Exactly when can a cargo terminal was built of local government. Meanwhile, for the construction of runway, apron and passenger terminal were charged to the State Budget through the Department of Transportation because the vertical institutions, "he said.
Responding to this, Head of Airport Juwata H. Djau Husni says, to support the airport Juwata become an international airport, in addition to development in the field of physical and infrastructure, Juwata Airport also continued to complement the capabilities of its human resources.
"We're trying to do the next three years we increase their performance," Husni said yesterday.
The first concern is how to Husni Djau Juwata this airport will be cleaner than ever. "After we clean or upgrade to a beautiful green," he said.
According to Husni Djau, Juwata development at the Airport was not anything because there is still much to be done revamping. "God willing in the near term there is a path we've Malaysia Airlines flights that will fly over the Tarakan-Tawau-Sandakan until Kinabalu," said Husni. With hope, the flight route from Tarakan to Malaysia this could open lines of other international airlines. "If you have been to Malaysia, would be to continue the flight to Singapore or other countries," proud. (Ddq)
Source: Radar Tarakan (March 3, 2010)
Batavia Air Open-Jakarta route Tarakan Without TransitTarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Beginning today, the management of Batavia Air to open new international routes, round-trip (pp) Tarakan - Jakarta without transit or transit. Tarakan District Chief Representative Batavia Air Yunianto say, to serve the new routes it uses Boing 737-300 type aircraft fleet, with passenger capacity of about 144 people with the travel lane approximately 2.5 hours.
"This new point, we do with the old aircraft" he told reporters earlier the Tarakan FM Grass wednesday afternoon, (03/02/2010).
While efforts are made, because of the large number of seats or seats filled, which reached 80 percent each day, "When low sesion regular day or time, reaching 80 percent, this amount is big enough, so we open new pathways Tarakan - Jakarta," he said added.
According to her, with the addition of the fleet, it can compete with other airlines. Both of the competition in price up to maximum service providers. "We believe aja, which obviously in this way at least able to compete with other airlines" he added.
In addition, Batavia Air also plans to replace the fleet with the type of Water Bus, on 6 March 2010. "While waiting for the other preparations, we'll change it later type Air Bus" she said.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Tarakan H. Hianggio Udin, who attended the inaugural flight events reveal, it gives management an appreciation of Batavia Air, because of transportation in the city of Tarakan, more and more choices. "We support for Batavia Air, because it's a matter of progress in our transportation world" he explained. (SPN - grass fm MH)
Source: Grass FM (March 3, 2010)
Tarakan Boyong 23 Gold Swimmers
Tarakan Borneo - In the President Cup swimming championships in Balikpapan, Tarakan contingent gained brilliant achievements. At least 23 gold medals were achieved and ranked number 3. In the President Cup swimming championships in Balikpapan 26 until February 28 last contingent of 2 clubs namely lowering Tarakan Yus Swimming and Tirta Sakti.
Nevertheless, Tarakan successfully obtained 23 gold, 23 silver and 15 bronze. Not only that, Tarakan also capable ranked 3rd under Balikpapan and Makassar. In fact, 4 swimmers capable of Tarakan best swimmers won awards from the 10 awards up for grabs.
Meanwhile, at Porprov later in 2010 in Bontang, Tarakan PRSI as the main target sports pool only 1 gold medal. Likely to be obtained from breaststroke specialist branch 50, 100 and 200 meters and the 50 butterfly and 100 meters. (Sukma Ardiansyah, Dadang Pujianto)
Source: TV Tarakan (March 3, 2010)
Senin, 19 April 2010
Tarakan Adipura Can not Be Threatened
Hygiene Assessment Early Stage sag
Tarakan Borneo - Based on the assessment conducted by an internal assessment team Adipura Tarakan town of Environmental Management Agency (BPLH), assessment of stage 1 or P1 Tarakan for the year 2009-2010 decreased by point, to 69.53. This decrease was reasonable, given the general condition of the city and the awareness of citizens to maintain the cleanliness of decline.
"Its value sag. Evaluations, from SKPD, schools and management Tenguyun Market and Gusher, "explained Assistant I field Governance Fate MAP Drs.
Evaluation begins with the exposure value of coordination meetings initiated P1 BPLH Tarakan, yesterday. In it pursued a number of steps to memperbaki flaws and weaknesses that contribute jebloknya Adipura points P1 Tarakan city.
"There will be a clear division of tasks, especially to perform monitoring, working at places that were considered to reduce Adipura points in P2. So, it is clear who is handling what, no need to show them to show, "he said.
Certainly, Office Cleaning, Gardening and Cemetery (DKPP) Tarakan be actively pursued to transport residents who dumped trash in places that have been provided. But, still need the following citizen awareness of government to realize its cooperation with the town of Tarakan as Clean, Safe, Beautiful, Healthy and Prosperous (BAIS).
"Sub-district and village chief, we were instructed to monitor the environment around each morning. If there is a dirty, immediately followed up and cleaned, "he said.
From these meetings, is also known that there are some critical points that deserve attention. Among them, the shade and the process of sorting waste at one of SKPD. Then the value of shade, beauty and cleanliness of the Market Tenguyun Gusher and also a number of schools in Tarakan.
CLEAN spatula
Mulawarman spatula, which has been the point of watching is one contributor points for assessment Adipura it could become "nurseries of water hyacinth." But, yesterday initiated a number of workers began to clean the spatula DPU Tarakan from water hyacinth and other debris.
"It's followed up by the DPU, possibly today (yesterday, Red) or tomorrow (today, Red) will be completed. To speed up the cleaning process, DPU will reduce heavy equipment, "said Fate while ensuring that hard work is required because of Tarakan Adipura target reached the fourth time with a much higher points than the previous points. (Urgently Required)
Source: KaltimPost (February 25, 2010)
Tarakan Legalkan Seaweed Cultivation
Tarakan Borneo - Soon, the team led by the field identification of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan and involve a number of personnel from several related SKPD like the Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) and others, will conduct field reviews, following research-related data verification making efforts zoning seaweed farming in several villages in Tarakan.
This is the main activity of other DKP efforts, namely the preparation of the Regulation of Mayors (Perwali) Tarakan on Zoning Seaweed Cultivation in Coastal City of Tarakan. Firmannoor, Head of Aquaculture and Capture Fisheries DKP perwali Tarakan in compiling these states, it also has held a coordination meeting with the District, village of farmers involved and to discuss this issue. "Hopefully, there's no problem in the field after perwali prepared," he said.
Zoning Tarakan seaweed in the waters, the plan will be determined in 4 villages namely Juwata Sea, Mamburungan, Lingkas Reef Edge and Hope (Sadau Island). "This Perwali, the estuary is to legalize the cultivation of seaweed by the pembudidayanya thus more secure in trying because it has no legal umbrella," said Firmannoor again.
That is, seaweed farming activities in Tarakan has long existed but there is no rule of law that regulate these activities. Consequently, it is difficult once exposed to the public. This effort, said Firmannoor an alternative to the fishermen fishing effort in Tarakan when to stop fishing. "Seaweed is commonly cultivated seaweed cultivated in the pond or Gracilaria Sp. The price is slightly lower with seaweed cultivated in the waters or euchema cottonii, "he explained.
Problem prospects, seaweed cultivated in Tarakan pretty good because of good marketing support with an attractive price. "Currently there pembudidayanya several groups, with a membership of hundreds of people," he said. (Urgently Required)
Source: KaltimPost (February 26, 2010)
Dragon Sightings Photos Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Sunarti citizens Markoni, Tarakan credible sightings is able to catch the dragon as a god who is believed Quan in mobile phone (cell phone) his property.
The photos were taken a week earlier, precisely on Saturday (20/2/2010), when Sunarti pose with their children in the house. Dedi, Sunarti sister in law who took the photo, was surprised because there are images in the camera image is not Sunarti with his son.
In the photo it looks the picture the head of a scaly dragon. In the body of the dragon there are some human head. Sunarti also surprised to see that in the photo bukanlan he and his son but the dragon's head. Furthermore, Sunarti could ask for more photos and change her clothes. However, up to three times repeated, the image still shows a dragon image.
In the capture of the fourth and fifth, then the picture looks dim. Sunarti confess, before a photo with his son, he had indeed been amazed at the beauty of its form tepekkong pagoda roof in the form of a dragon.
Tarakan dragon sighting phenomenon is justified by the guards Toa Pek Kong Temple of Confucius. Suwarno, Confucius Temple guard Toa Pek Kong after watching the image, claim kebenaranya. "Yeah, it's true dragon as a god who is believed Im Quan. I say this is true because I've also seen a dragon like this in the temple," he said. (*)
Dragon sighting means Blessing for Sunarti and Tarakan
According to Toa Pek Kong Temple guards, mobile phone camera owners Sunarti (phone), which managed to record the appearance of a dragon image will get a blessing, Friday (26/2/2010).
Confucius Temple guards, Toa Pek Kong, Suwarno said Sunarti with his family will get a blessing, fortune, safety. "Her Sunarti will be photographed with the officers," said Suwarno.
In addition, Suwarno also said it also means the appearance of the town of Tarakan will become a more developed city. "It can be estimated Kaltara provinces (North Borneo, red) will be formed immediately," he said. (*)
Residents Tionghoa: Dragon Appearance Not Engineering
The phenomenon of the appearance of dragons in the camera cellular phone (mobile) belonging to citizens Markoni, surprising residents Tionghoa in Tarakan. Dragon trusted as a vehicle Quan Im god.
Thomas, one citizen center Tionghoa mengakut shocked to see the appearance of the dragon. "I was shocked to see new times like this dragon. I saw the dragon image is true and not engineering," he said.
Similar also disclosed Chandra Wijaya who was also surprised like Thomas. "I see this is a picture of the dragon. Because there are dragon scales drawing people's heads. So instead of engineering. Because I also heard that the temple guards had seen a dragon descended from heaven and entered the temple," he said.
Friday (26/2/2010) Tarakan residents startled by the appearance of a dragon in the picture Sunarti. When Sunarti pose with their children, precisely the munul in these photos are not pictures Sunarti and children. But a picture of a dragon. (*)
* Report Tribun Kaltim Journalists, Junisah
Source: Tribun Kaltim 1 2 3 (February 26, 2010)
City Walk Redirected Close Islamic Center
Tarakan Borneo - Projects planned city walk city government (municipal government) Tarakan Mayor Joseph SK era, began to be realized this year ascertained. However, the location changes.
Initially, a special area reserved for pedestrians and in it has been beautifully designed garden that will be built around the airport or located around the back Juwata Office Animal Quarantine Station. But the latest information, the location was moved to Kampung Four or adjacent to the area Islamic Center (Masjid Raya MH).
"Essentially (the project city walk, Ed.) Continues, but the location is different from the original plan," said the Head of Office Cleaning, Gardening and Cemetery (DKPP) HM Radar Tarakan Julkifli to Thursday (25 / 2).
He submitted, at this time DKPP party who is designing a city walk will be built at the new location. Besides being equipped with a nice garden and pedestrian facilities, city walk will also be equipped with some supporting facilities.
"Comfort and beauty is our main concept," he said.
Before you do, DKPP also will conduct the auction process. Julkifli hope, in March will be the activities already started walking. "God willing, if there is no obstacle we have already started the project," he hoped.
He confessed, so far it has been coordinating the various constraints in the project to continue the long discourse. Including project-affected area residents, said Julkifli, was coordinated.
"Already at the beginning of the previous consultation so as not to hamper project we do," he explained.
Separately, Secretary of Commission III (responsible for development) DPRD Tarakan Supa'ad Hadianto justify the removal of the location of city walk.
These transfers are planned because of the location used for the construction of early aircraft control radar. Given the greater importance, September 2009, Parliament then requested permission from the municipal government to transfer the principle of location. Finally, it was agreed city walk in the village of Kampung Four removed, the surrounding area of the Islamic Center.
"The development of this city walk is a project in 2009 with a budget of Rp 3.8 billion. There is already a winner lelangnya too. But when would be processed, there was a problem, the location of the airport used for the development of a more important, so there is a transfer location, "beber Supa'ad Hadianto.
Although progress is delayed until 2010, she made sure the budget provided in the budget in 2009 can still be used because the existing auction winner. It's just admit, this development will be done in several stages, so the City DPRD Tarakan will propose increasing the number of budget. The additions proposed in the budget 2010 changes to the overall total development funds reached USD 9 billion.
"Budget year 2009 amounted to USD 3.8 billion was not enough so that most likely will increase the 2010 budget amendment. Additional budget will be proposed, according to the approximate total budget of nearly USD $ 9 billion is needed. Because of this gradual, Insha Allah go well, "he explained.
Supa'ad said, the city's parks can be used as a place of family recreation strived well developed, in addition there will be additional green open space around him to fulfill the mandate of the law (Act).
"In accordance with the results of the meeting, called upon DKPP immediately follow up this development has been running since at least March auction winner already exists. Automatic stay together for the contract between the winner of the auction with a budget in DKPP users, "he hoped.
"Workmanship is gradually starting from the landfill, development of land and physical development. Leading sector of this development is in accordance DKPP duties entrusted to do it. The better the expected settlement of the city there is much less open space, green space. Parliament is supporting this program because it was not for waste development budget. Because there has been careful planning as well as the benefits and usefulness of this city walk forward, "added Supa'ad Hadianto.
According to him, an estimated 2011 city walk can be utilized. In addition, Supa'ad said, because the region will be one of public facilities provided by local government for the people of Tarakan, such as used as an arena for sports and family recreation. He also added that until now no plans to withdraw charges in the area of the city walk. (* / Muz, * / DTA)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 26, 2010)
After Prolonged Operation of The Ferry
Tarakan Borneo - Juata Sea ferry operator of ports again prolonged. Previously planned for February 26 is operated, but is expected to be inaugurated in March a new future. "It is prolonged. This delay caused some problems of ship letters that had died (no longer valid, ed), "said Head of Department of Transportation (Affair) Tarakan, Budi Prayitno, told Radar Tarakan, yesterday.
Nevertheless affirmed Budi, technically in the operation of the ferry had no problems. "We've been preparing for 12 personnel at the port and the physical preparation, we are ready, but depends on the readiness of Toli-Toli port," said Budi.
To note, Juata Sea ferry port is to temporarily serve the route-Toli-Toli Tarakan. Looking ahead, this port also serves the Tarakan-Bulungan. Furthermore, Budi said, the plan port located at Iskandar Adji was inaugurated by Governor of East Kalimantan Awang Faroek, beginning next March. "Settlement Administration to eat within 1 month. Moreover, the ship is technically operational problems did exist in the department membidanginya, including airworthiness cruise ships, "he said.
Although the government had confirmed that the ferry will serve the route-Toli-Toli Tarakan invent ferry-fated to be unlucky for the first time, the government will open the door if there is a ship managers who want to cooperate. "Under an agreement with the Mayor of Tarakan and ranks SKPD we still welcome it. Anyone who wish to enter the private sector to operate the fleet. Please, "he said.
To support the operations of the port, while some personnel are already stationed at the ferry port Juata. These personnel have undergone training and training. Currently, the ferry-fated to be unlucky for the first time they have waited for a decision in Balikpapan and Tarakan when leaving.
The existence of the ferry port is very supportive of the economy and transportation in Tarakan. Moreover, the city is only an island, and anywhere access depends only on the plane and ships. (* / Sur)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 23, 2010)
Minggu, 18 April 2010
Provincial Government Supports Establishment of Diskominfo Tarakan Kaltim
Tarakan Borneo - Plan the establishment of Task Force (SKPD) in the scope of the new government of Tarakan, namely the Office of Communications and Informatics (Diskominfo) Tarakan get full support from the East Kalimantan provincial government. Primarily, Diskominfo Kaltim noted M Jauhar Effendi, Head Diskominfo Kaltim.
"Service is important, because the future tasks related to information technology (IT) more remarkable. Also, 6 months ago the governor of East Kalimantan has written to all heads of regions in order to establish an institution that is named Diskominfo, "he said.
Furthermore, the Law number 12/2008 on Information Disclosure for Public (KIP), one of which mandated that at the provincial level must set up the Regional Information Commission (KID), while in the area did not have to. But if needed can also form a KID. Where, KID secretariat is filled by the following Diskominfo service personnel in the field of information also need special handling.
"The government is currently developed the Plan of Government Regulation (RPP) on e-Government, one of whose contents mentioned that at the provincial level agencies that handle e-Gov is the echelon II A while in the area handled by the echelon II B," he said.
In other words, institutions that handle e-Gov can not form a part or the office but the office or agency. "But I think it fitting because it's operational department," in short. It is supporting the importance diskominfo Information Act and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) and broadcasters who need a sparing partner worth in the region.
"The formation of this Diskominfo, not latah but demands for local needs such as there are people or companies requiring broadcast licenses in the region, who will handle," explained Jauhar told reporters this daily, yesterday. In the journey, Diskominfo other authority greater control over the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) for the procurement of government goods and services. LPSE in East Kalimantan, has been applied in Berau District. That is, the whole process of government procurement of goods and services will be controlled entirely by the IT personnel who mastered in Diskominfo.
"This could be a sort LPSE his UPTD Diskominfo, which is chaired by the head of East Kalimantan telematics applications," he explained. This, he said Jauhar East Kalimantan provincial government in harmony with the plan requires the entire area in East Kalimantan using e-Procurement as a management system in the procurement of government goods and services-based IT, the next 2011 years.
"The program and the existence of this LPSE able to minimize the occurrence of corrupt acts that are common in the procurement of goods and services through a manual process. In fact, according to research efesiensinya get 30 percent, "he said. But, consequently, all vendors must be trained at the same time and other input data. (Urgently Required)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 20, 2010)
Malaysia Airlines Flight Scheduled Week Four Times
Tarakan Borneo - Soon, flights between Tarakan-Tawau airport could be served in Juwata, Tarakan. Head Juwata Tarakan Airport Djau H Husni claimed, some time ago visited the Cathay Pacific airline. The arrival of the flight management neighbors are none other than to explore a plan of cooperation the two countries, especially to reopen the flight path of Tarakan-Tawau (Malaysia), which had lost several years ago.
"The plan they will operate with the type of ATR 72 aircraft with a passenger capacity of over 70 persons," said Husni Djau told reporters. It says Husni, according to the initial conversation the two sides, which initiated the beginning of the route is Tarakan-Tawau-Kota Kinabalu. Of the three airports, the journey can continue to various cities in Malaysia. "That is, if we can reach out and Kinabalu Tawau, then we can easily continue the flight to Kuala Lumpur and even Singapore (via Tawau, Ed.)," Said Husni.
Problem ticket prices, indeed there is no agreement price. However, the airport chief predicts, the price offered will be cheaper for using Malaysia Airlines fleet. "Next week, we returned the manager will coordinate with the airport in Tawau to prepare everything. Including immigration, customs and quarantine, "said Husni again.
It says Husni, interest parties to serve Malaysia Airlines flights to Tarakan route, others are not is because the facilities and classes at the airport Juwata which continued to increase to a special first class international airport. "Indeed, we think, whose name the international airport at least should be supported by some international flights. God bless you with safety and security which we have to improve, supported by a very adequate infrastructure, Malaysia Airlines began to be interested, "he said.
For this plan, connect Husni again, the Airport Tarakan Juwata been coordinated with the city government and provincial governments in preparation for the Malaysia Airlines international flights to Tarakan. The reason for these international flights, the airport will ask the city government and provincial governments to provide subsidies so that they feel lightened.
While between the airport by Malaysia Airlines alone, are now carried out an intense coordination. Even the Malaysian Airlines declared ready to go to Tarakan because the aircraft will be used when flying was already ready.
"We just asked the readiness of ground. For example to check-in room, office space and others, "she exclaimed. According rencanaya, flights to Malaysia was carried out 4 times a week. "But if it's load factor was already good, will most likely be done every day," said Husni.
Indeed, continued Husni again, during the time entrepreneurs who have business to Malaysia, when using speedboats transportation is often treated as if they are the TKI (Indonesian workers). "In the future we will continue to seek international flights, not only to Malaysia, but to other countries as well. Because according to plan the new terminal, has been very supportive, "he said.
The structure of the new terminal building being built is composed of two sides, namely the domestic terminal and international specialized terminals equipped with four garbarata. "God willing, the first phase of construction will be completed in 2012," he concluded. (Ddq)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 19, 2010)
Al-Amin Mosque Tarakan Almost sold out
At Fire at Radio Tanwir
Tarakan Borneo - Yesterday (14 / 2) at around 11:00 pm, Al-Amin mosque on Jl Yos Sudarso burned. Fortunately the fire was not until the widespread and only a singe space Tanwir At the radio studio, which was merged with the mosque. Provisional estimates, a fire caused by short circuits (short circuit).
One eyewitness, Amat allowed but not required (40) said, fire broke out around 11:00 pm. "At that time I was eating breakfast, then I see no smoke was thick out of the windows on the second floor. Right then I run away and call the people, but has started a large fire, "said the man whose house was opposite the mosque.
"Because the door was locked into the studio, we also are trying to extinguish the fire with a way to solve the studio window. Inside the studio there was no one at all. But the speed of the flames can not be circumvented. The fire spread quickly to sear all studio devices, "continued the man who resided at No. 04 RT 13 this. The same is also said to Muhammad Idrus Bara (51) and Latief, the board of Al-Amin mosque. "I'm still in the mosque (1st floor) when a fire," said Latief.
In the span of 20 minutes later, the Fire Department officers (FMD) with 6 PMK car arrived at the scene and immediately shutdown. "After getting our information directly to the location. Because of holidays and the road was fairly heavy, after 20 minutes and then we just got here. And immediately plunged to extinction. But apparently no one can be saved. All studio devices already sold out conflagration, "beber PMK chief of Tarakan, Hariyanto.
Finally apipun can be turned off after 20 minutes later, at around 11:45 Wite. "We hope for the future there should be early prevention readiness before they happen like this. Because the causes of fires are many and one of them is due to electrical short circuiting. As happened in the 2nd floor of the mosque of Al-Amin, the "light Hariyanto. Police own up to now was still examining several witnesses, to ensure the causes of these fires.
Separately, Chief Executive Officer, City of Tarakan Da'wah Muhammadiyah, Syamsi Sarman justify if a fire allegedly caused by electrical short circuit in the studio of the Radio At-Tanwir. "Because Studio Radio At-Tanwir was already 1 year is not executed. This is because still awaiting permission from the government. Perhaps because of short circuiting the end there is a fire, "said Syamsi.
He said the fortunate events in the 2nd floor was not until into the prayer hall on the 1st floor. Because the flow of electricity on the 2nd floor and 1st floor separately. So, no fire did not flare up everywhere. "In addition, with some people and Officer PMK who had worked hard to extinguish the fire, finally can go out without causing apipun casualties," he said. What is clear, he said these fires caused losses estimated at USD 150 million. "At least with this incident we can take a lesson. Order now significantly cautious and careful, "he said.
Fire rose to be a good spectacle of hundreds of citizens around the mosque of Al-Amin as well as passing. In addition to public officials and officers, PMK, some members of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and Police join forces to secure and control the burnout.
To note, At-Tanwir radio 103.2 FM was first established in 1995 at the mosque of Al-Amin on the initiative of scholars of Tarakan City Muhammadiyah. Radio studio with an area of approximately 2 x 6 meter has a slogan or motto of Walking Together In Da'wah Amar kindness Nahi unjust.
"But this last year the studio had to vacuum because of waiting for permission from the government's" one of the initiators of Radio At-Tanwir, Syamsi Sarman. Establishment of Radio Studio, located on Jl. Yos Sudarso RT. 11 2nd floor, Al-Amin Mosque Iron Bridge (Jembes) Eastern District of Tarakan, Tarakan City aims to support the mission fraught with challenges and obstacles. "Because it's not just preaching was done by face to face, but with different strategies and one of them on the radio," he explained.
Crew who are involved in running the Radio At-Tanwir about 7 people, a lot of Mosque Youth Association (IRMA), Al-Amin. Each crew has a duty and role of each in accordance with a broadcast job. "It's propaganda broadcasts, assesses, nasyid and others," he asserted.
Al-Amin Mosque itself is one of the oldest mosques in the town of Tarakan. Area of land approximately 30 x 30 meters which is located on Jl. Yos Sudarso RT 11 Iron Bridge (Jembes) Tarakan District East. This mosque was originally only musala. In 1983, Al-Amin musala turned into a mosque of Al-Amin. About the certainty of the founding of Al-Amin musala Syamsi plead not know exactly. "Development of Direct originally built 2nd floor as seen today," beber this man childless 4. The mosque is the land of waqf land foreman Joseph Gandut father who also lived in Iron Bridge. (* / Jaj / * / sur)
Source: Radar Tarakan (February 15, 2010)
Adipura Not Destination City Government of Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Raihan had won trophies Adipura Tarakan City since a few years later still far below the amount of Bontang, or more mirisnya, Tarakan was ranked at the bottom level on the criteria the city was winning trophies Adipura.
"Based on the developments from year to year, Tarakan position since last 2 years is still below the city of Bontang. Then when the national level, Tarakan is at a slightly lower order, although we did have got clean city, "said Ir Subono, MT, Head of Environmental Management Agency (BPLH) Tarakan City.
Adipura Cup by reaching for a city is an indicator of environmental physical conditions at the city's net assessed on its citizens and provide coolness. In addition, as an indicator of the success of urban environmental management (non-physical), which includes institutional, management, and responsiveness.
Although the City Government continues to pursue this, but said Subono, the municipal government makes no effort to achieve such a goal Adipura Cup municipal government. "We strive to always maintain the cleanliness and the coolness of the city rather than to clean city, but rather seeks to provide best services to the citizens of the community in this city compared to services in other cities," says Subono.
"Adipura was just one byproduct, as well as our tool to find out the cleanliness, beauty or shade of the city than from any other city. But its main purpose is to provide services in the field of hygiene and the shade of the city for the whole community Tarakan town, "he repeated.
He said that, some time ago, Tarakan Adipura survey team visited, from the visit, Raihan cleanliness in the city quite well, which is under 70. "It means in terms of hygiene management, we're still pretty. But now we must continue to work hard especially now more and more vendors popping up on highway pavements, due to seasonal fruit, "he said.
From today's conditions, Subono Tarakan expect all citizens would be able to maintain sanitary conditions in the city. "Yes, the aim is not to clean city, but how we can provide the beauty in this city. So that we get on a healthy life, "said Subono. (* / Sur)
Still in the Lower Bontang Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Assessment Adipura State Ministry of Environment held a tribute for the city in Indonesia that successfully managing hygiene and environmental management.
Head of Environmental management Multifinance (BPLH) Ir MT Subono mention, clean city program participants who were divided into 4 categories based on population, for the Tarakan and Bontang in East Kalimantan, including in the city is with a population ranging from 100,001 up to 500,000 inhabitants. Meanwhile, Samarinda and Balikpapan in the big city category.
"Based on the developments from year to year, Tarakan position since the last 2 years under the Bontang, Tarakan and then at the national level is at a somewhat lower order despite being a clean city," said Subono
This clean city is an indicator of physical conditions of urban environment in terms of cleanliness and the shade of the city, urban environmental management indicators (non-physical), which includes institutional, management, and responsiveness. However, he stressed the Tarakan City Administration did not make it clean city destination. But rather seeks to memeberikan best service to residents in this city that is better than other cities. "Adipura was just one byproduct, clean city as well as a tool for us to know the cleanliness, beauty or shade of the city than from any other city," he explained.
At one monitoring team conducted surveys in this town, the town of Tarakan conditions are still quite good with a value below 70. means in terms of value and classification of hygiene conditions in this city is still pretty. "We must work harder, especially with the condition of fruit now in season, where the emergence of sidewalk vendors (vendors) dikiri right road disorderly," he said. (* / Sur)
Lion Dance Team will Tarakan Show in Malaysia
Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan Lion Dance Team again got the chance to appear in foreign countries. Lion Dance Team joined in Social Circle Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI) Tarakan will fill the show together in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian capital.
"You could say there we learn, compete dexterity, and saw firsthand the techniques and mastery of the Malaysian Lion Dance team," said Leonardo Hengdy, secretary of the Lion Dance Team PSMTI to Radar Tarakan, Wednesday (10 / 2).
Various preparations ahead of a visit to Kuala Lumpur on 17-27 February. One of them involves the physical preparation of players and confidence. Because, PSMTI Lion Dance Team was determined to come up with the best performance on the show later. "We do exercise 5 times a week," he said.
Hengdy mentions, for 10 days in the State of the neighbor, they will also learn the technique of the game, variation of up to mastery Malaysian team. "So this kind of comparative study," he said.
He considered, a lion dance team abroad such as Malaysia has a better capability when compared with Indonesia. However, the lion dance team Tarakan also not be underestimated. Given a row of achievements have been reached for a national event to begin international.
"This is evidenced from every championship victory gained national and international levels," said Leonardo Hengdy.
He also said, during a visit in the Malaysian Lion Dance team will also be utilized PSMTI Tarakan to promote cultural and tourism potentials in Tarakan. Hengdy confess, is currently coordinating with the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora).
"We're coordinating to didesainkan Tidung indigenous costumes that will be used on the show in Malaysia later. So Malaysians know Tarakan distinctive traditional clothes, "he explained.
Hengdy added that the visit to Kuala Lumpur will send two teams. The team of B consists of Ongko Ferdian (forwards) and Ade Irawan (defender). And team C: Candra (forward) and William (defender).
"Players Tambor Ferdian and Candra, while the musical instruments made by turns both teams," concluded Hengdy Leonardo. (* / Muz)
Senin, 12 April 2010
Tarakan Menjadi Entry Point SAIL Indonesia 2011
Borneo, Hotel Swiss-Bell Tarakan,- Hari Sabtu dan Minggu (10 – 11/04) telah berlangsung Rapat Rencana Kerja SAIL INDONESIA 2011, yang dihadiri oleh sejumlah Kepala Daerah Kabupaten dan Kotamadya di wilayah Indonesia
SAIL INDONESIA 2011, yakni kegiatan yang terkait dengan maritim dan kebaharian Indonesia. Dalam kegiatan ini, akan ada kerjasama antar kota dan kabupaten yang wilayahnya terletak di pesisir laut dan terbentuknya Jalur Wisata Bahari Nasional. Selain itu dapat mengangkat taraf hidup masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah pesisir dalam aspek ekonomi, pendidikan, motivasi dan inovasi.
Dalam Rapat Rencana Kerja ini juga dibahas tentang CAIT (Clearance Approval for Indonesian Territory), yaitu kemudahan akses masuk di wilayah Indonesia, dan CIQP (Custom Immigration Quarantine Port), yaitu proses keimigrasian, bea cukai dan karantina pelabuhan.
Kedua hal ini penting bagi para pelancong dari mancanegara yang menggunakan kapal layar/ pesiar (yacht) yang berencana datang mengunjungi kota atau kabupaten di wilayah pesisir yang mempunyai pelabuhan agar menggunakan CAIT dan CIQP ini, dengan maksud untuk memudahkan para pengunjung pelaut mancanegara (foreign sailor / yachter) apabila akan bersinggah di pelabuhan-pelabuhan destinasi dalam SAIL INDONESIA 2011.
Dalam Agenda SAIL INDONESIA 2011, Tarakan menjadi salah satu Destinasi sekaligus menjadi ENTRY POINT atau kota pertama yang dikunjungi di Wilayah Utara Indonesia. Untuk itu Tarakan diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan dan merencanakan segala hal yang terkait dalam SAIL INDONESIA 2011, seperti dalam aspek pariwisata dan kebaharian.
Rencananya panitia akan mengadakan audisi dengan Presiden atau Wakil Presiden agar program ini mendapat payung hukum berupa Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) sehingga SAIL INDONESIA bisa menjadi agenda nasional tetap dalam program pariwisata nasional.
Pada Sabtu malamnya diadakan “Dialog Khusus” di Tarakan TV yang dihadiri oleh Ketua DPRD Kota Tarakan, Effendi Djuprianto dan Wakil Walikota Tarakan, Suhardjo Trianto dengan para tamu Panitia SAIL INDONESIA 2011.
Dalam Dialog tsb, Ketua Yayasan Cinta Bahari Indonesia, Raymond Lesmana memberikan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada semua pihak yang terkait dengan penyelenggaraan Rapat Rencana Kerja SAIL INDONESIA 2011 di Tarakan.
“Saya ucapkan terimakasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada Pemerintah Kota Tarakan atas terselenggarnya acara ini, semoga agenda SAIL INDONESIA 2011 dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan baik,” jelas Raymond.
Masih dalam kesempatan yang sama, Raymond berharap agar Pemerintah Kota Tarakan terus berbenah dan mempersiapkan diri dalam bidang pariwisata untuk menyongsong program SAIL INDONESIA 2011. Dalam Rapat Dan Rencana Kerja tersebut juga dibahas agenda SAIL BANDA 2010.
FRD – DD, Humas & Informatika
Sumber : TarakanKota.Go.Id (12 April 2010) Borneo
Jumat, 09 April 2010
Direktur Diploma III Keperawatan UBT Diganti
TARAKAN - Terkait dengan tuntutan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Diploma III Keperawatan Universitas Borneo Tarakan (UBT) agar Direktur Diploma III Keperawatan UBT, Bethy Mariana diturunkan dari jabatannya, akhirnya dikabulkan Badan Penyelenggara UBT.
Badan Penyelenggara UBT akhirnya memutuskan mulai, Kamis (8/4/2010) Direktur Diploma III Keperawatan UBT, Bethy Mariana akan diganti dengan Pelaksana Harian (Plh) yang saat ini namanya belum diketahui.
Ketua Badan Penyelenggara UBT, Badrun mengungkapkan, setelah melakukan koordinasi dengan rektor UBT, pihaknya memutuskan untuk mengganti Bethy Mariana dengan Plh. "Tapi saya tidak siapa Plh yang ditunjuk untuk menggantikan Bethy. Sebab nantinya yang akan mengangkat Plh itu rektor UBT."
Jadi rektor UBT yang mengetahui," ucapnya, Rabu (7/4) saat bersilahtuhrahmi dengan mahasiswa di Serba Guna Kantor Walikota Tarakan. Badrun mengatakan, dengan ada pergantian kepimpinan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi
Sedangkan mengenai nasib Bethy Mariana, kata Badrun, akan dimutasi di bagian yang lain. "Beliau akan kami mutasi. Sebab bagaimanapun juga beliau ini sudah memimpin Diploma III Keperawatan UBT sudah enam tahun. Jadi beliau tetap harus kita hargai. Lagian perlu dingat beliau ini Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kaltim, yang diminta bantuannya untuk memimpin Diploma III Keperawatan UBT," ujarnya. (*)
Sumber : Tribun Kaltim (7 APRIL 2010) Borneo
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