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Tarakan Borneo
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Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Support Ardiz Tarakan In SEO Contests
Berau and Tarakan Reach Champion
Gebyar Domestic Tourism 2010
Borneo - Tarakan Berau again incised and achievements. This time the successful stand Tarakan champion hopes to get one at the exhibition and cultural tourism Gebyar archipelago in 2010 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) last night. To note, this event followed by 110 cities of 26 provinces. While more yahud Berau longer stand by itself as a champion crowned second at the district level.
Molly Prabawaty, one of the jury at the exhibition that was held from 27 to May 30 said the booth for the category winner, Tarakan is one of the best from six other cities in Indonesia. "For this year's category winners stand kateori divided into three categories namely provincial, district and city level, which each won one through three and reigning champions hope of one to three championship hopes," explained Molly.
Head of Marketing and Tourism Department of Tourism Culture Youth and Sports Tarakan Asnawi admit, this year is the second time the exhibition Gebyar Tarakan follow. And this is also the first time won. "But essentially we follow this exhibition is not merely to reach the championship, but how to promote tourism to the town of Tarakan Archipelago. Alhamdulillah with the readiness of early mature and experience from last year's result was not in vain. Thus achieve the best, "said Asnawi.
For their dedication and achievements of the town of Tarakan, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI to give awards to Tarakan in the form of awards and trophies plaque that reads Gebyar Exhibition and Cultural Nusantara 2010.
In general, added Molly, criteria Gebyar champions stand at the exhibition this year and domestic tourism, which is assessed on the look and design of the booth. Then the presentation of material about the potential of tourism and hospitality in providing information to visitors and booth cleaning. "Point-point was achieved by participants either on a stand and won the best dance performance taken on the basis of the determination of the jury who are members of the PT Wahyu Promo Citra, Stand contractors, visitors and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism," said Molly told reporters. Moreover, in the category champions stand this year, representatives of other East Kalimantan, for the District of Berau Regency achieved by the predicate as a champion two of the 140 districts participated. (Sur)
Source: RadarTarakan (May 31, 2010)
Kontes SEO : Hosting Murah Indonesia
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
Pulau Sadau, Daerah Wisata Sejarah di Tarakan
Pulau Sadau sebagai alternatif lahan untuk pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) oleh PLN Tarakan dan pembangunan jembatan antara Tarakan dan Bulungan, karena Pulau Sadau merupakan salah satu obyek wisata di Tarakan.
"Dengan memilih Pulau Sadau ini diharapkan, objek wisata ini dapat dikenal banyak orang dan dijadikan sebagai salah satu obyek wisata bagi orang yang berkunjung ke Tarakan. Apalagi Pulau Sadau ini sudah masuk dalam RTRW sebagai daerah wisata," ucap Walikota Tarakan, Udin Hianggio, Kamis (27/5/10)
Sekedar infotmasi Pulau Sadau ini merupakan sebuah pulau kecil, lokasinya ada di sebelah barat Pulau Tarakan. Pulau ini merupakan saksi sejarah dari perang dunia kedua tahun 1945.
Oleh karena itulah Pulau Sadau sangat layak untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu obyek wisata sejarah bagi daerah Tarakan dan Kaltim.
Di Pulau Sadau ini kita juga bisa menikmati langsung berbagai masakan khas laut atau sea food karena di pulau kecil ini disajikan berbagai menu makanan khusus berbahan baku ikan segar, udang, kepiting dan kerang.
Pulau Sadau juga sebagai cikal bakal pembangunan jembatan yang menghubungkan antara Tarakan dan Bulungan. Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Tarakan menargetkan tahun 2013 pembangunan jembatan yang menghubungkan Kota Tarakan dengan Kabupaten Bulungan akan terwujud. Tahun ini juga detail engineering design (DED) digarap.
Menurut Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio, jembatan ini sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Tarakan-Bulungan. Di antaranya jarak tempuh antara Tarakan dan Bulungan lebih cepat, perekonomian tentu lebih maju. Rencananya pembangunan jembatan ini dimulai dari Pulau Tarakan ke Palau Sadau, kemudian Pulau Sadau ke Bulungan. (*)
Sumber : TribunKaltim (27 Mei 2010) Borneo
Kontes SEO : Hosting Murah Indonesia
Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010
Already Sadau in Tarakan Island Entrance RTRW Tourism Region
Tarakan Borneo - Sadau Island as an alternative land for the construction of Steam Power Plant (Power Plant) by PLN Tarakan and building bridges between Tarakan and Bulungan, because Sadau Island is one of the attractions in Tarakan.
"By choosing Sadau Island is expected, this tourism object can be known by many people and serve as one of the attractions for those visiting the Tarakan. Moreover, this Sadau Island RTRW already logged in as a recreational area," said Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio, Thursday (27/5/10)
Just infotmasi Sadau Island is a small island, its location is in the west of Tarakan Island. This island is the historical witness of the second world war in 1945.
Therefore Sadau Island is very feasible to be used as one of history for local attractions and Tarakan Kaltim.
In this Sadau Island, we can also enjoy various cuisine direct ocean or sea food because in this small island presented a variety of special meals made from fresh raw fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish.
Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 27, 2010) Borneo
Kontes SEO : Hosting Murah Indonesia
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
Cheap Houses for Civil Servants Prepared Tarakan
Type 55 Price USD 55 Million, 15-year Samapai Credit
Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan City Government will conduct socialization to civil servants (PNS) and candidates for public (civil servant) who are interested to have a house in the location of employee housing currently being built in North Tarakan area. "The data already available and registration will be done at the same time socializing the terms and conditions must be fulfilled employees," said Assistant II City Government of Tarakan Sopian Raga to the media.
Problems big and installments, it can not be determined city government. However, to obtain these houses, civil servants can apply for loan contract. Time settlement of loans is quite mild, ranging from 10 to 15-year term. "Socialization will be carried out in the near future, at the latest May Socialization done gradually, "he said.
For the first phase, construction of housing civil servants will be working on the house at least 500 employees. "The end of the year 2011 when he finished all that has been completed can be occupied," he said. Civil servants will receive this house are those who meet the requirements. The main requirements are listed as City Government of Tarakan PNS.
Then do not already have a house and a number of other requirements. "We expect civil servants who do not have a home. If you've ever taken housing loans through bapertarum certainly already have a house, namely the housing Korpri Juwata, "he said. In accordance with the standards established by the Ministry of Housing, house prices are per unit is USD 55 million after receiving a subsidy from the government, with type 55.
Meanwhile, land area 10x18 meters or 180 square meters total. All the same house its range, but there is still an empty space to be developed. Credit payment system can be done in various ways. Good cooperation with the tripartite, banks, developers and city government itself. "Details will be explained later when socializing," he said.
So what should be civil servants who receive these houses? "Not a word must, but there are conditions," said Sopian. Please note, the number of civil servants in the Tarakan nearly 4000 while 500 new houses built, and plans 1,500 homes will be built. To accommodate the interests of civil servants, the government will make proper rules. (Ddq / kpnn)
Source: KaltimPost (May 19, 2010)
Kontes SEO Terbaru Hosting Murah Indonesia
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Men's Future Tarakan 2010 International Tenis Tournament
International Tenis Tournament
Men's Future June 06-13 2010
At Telaga Keramat Indoor Tarakan City
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
PNS Tarakan Disiapkan Rumah Murah
Tipe 55 Harga Rp 55 Juta, Kredit Samapai 15 tahun
TARAKAN - Pemerintah Kota Tarakan akan melakukan sosialisasi kepada pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) dan calon PNS (CPNS) yang berminat untuk memiliki rumah di lokasi perumahan pegawai yang saat ini sedang dibangun di wilayah Tarakan Utara. “Data-data sudah ada dan nanti akan dilakukan pendaftaran sekaligus sosialisasi syarat dan ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi pegawai,” kata Asisten II Pemkot Tarakan Sopian Raga kepada media.
Soal besar dan angsuran, memang belum dapat ditentukan pemerintah kota. Namun, untuk memperoleh rumah tersebut, PNS dapat mengajukan akad kredit. Waktu penyelesaian kredit pun cukup ringan, mulai jangka 10 sampai 15 tahun. “Sosialisasi akan dilakukan dalam waktu dekat, paling lama Mei. Sosialisasi dilakukan bertahap,” ujarnya.
Untuk tahap pertama, pembangunan perumahan PNS ini akan mengerjakan sedikitnya 500 rumah pegawai. “Akhir tahun 2011 kalau sudah selesai semua yang sudah selesai dibangun bisa ditempati,” ujarnya. PNS yang akan menerima rumah ini adalah mereka yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan. Persyaratan yang paling utama adalah tercatat sebagai PNS Pemkot Tarakan.
Kemudian belum mempunyai rumah dan sejumlah persyaratan lainnya. “Kita harapkan PNS yang belum memiliki rumah. Kalau sudah pernah mengambil kredit perumahan melalui bapertarum tentu sudah memiliki rumah, yaitu di perumahan Korpri Juwata,” ujarnya. Sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat, harga rumah tersebut per unitnya adalah Rp 55 juta setelah mendapat subsidi dari pemerintah, dengan tipe 55.
Sementara luas lahan 10x18 meter atau total 180 meter per segi. Semua rumah sama luasannya, namun masih ada space kosong untuk bisa dikembangkan. Sistem pembayaran kredit dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Baik kerjasama dengan triparti, bank, pihak pengembang dan pemerintah kota sendiri. “Detilnya nanti akan dijelaskan saat sosialisasi,” tuturnya.
Lalu apa harus PNS yang menerima rumah tersebut? “Tidak dengan kata harus, namun ada ketentuan,” jawab Sopian. Perlu diingat, jumlah PNS di Tarakan hampir 4.000 sementara rumah yang dibangun baru 500, dan rencananya 1.500 rumah akan dibangun. Untuk mengakomodir kepentingan PNS ini, pemerintah pun akan membuat aturan yang tepat. (ddq/kpnn)
Sumber : KaltimPost (19 Mei 2010) Borneo
Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010
Still Tarakan Department Maritime Fishermen Data Verification
Tarakan Borneo - Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan until today still continue to perform data verification fishermen in four Districts in Tarakan. Verification is related to the distribution of aid to the poor fishermen go to sea equipment, such as fiber boat, engine suspension, and fishing equipment.
"We are still verifying the data, because we want government aid equipment provided was obtained by poor fishermen who really need it. For the purpose of this assistance for poverty alleviation of the fishermen," said Chief DKP Tarakan, Syahrintan Friday (14 / 5 / , 2010).
As information, help with fishing equipment is a poverty relief program for fishermen kemisikinan year 2009. Assistance provided by the form, 45 fiber boats, 30 engines ketinting, 10 machines hanging dams be some fishing equipment for fishermen. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Village Chief, District Head, and LPM were included in the Verification Fisherman Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - To verify the data of the fishermen to be more valid in the channeling of aid equipment for the fishermen go to sea, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan form a team with data verification involves the headman, district and the Institute for Community Empowerment (LPM).
Head DKP Tarakan, Syahrintan Friday (5/14/2010) revealed, it involves three elements, because the rate of three elements is that the team can find a valid data fishermen are eligible to receive aid equipment will be provided DKP.
"We involve the ravine, and sub-district head, because they inila who know about their own community. While this LPM as an independent and neutral institution that will support and assess seobyektif maybe the fishermen who really deserves it," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Fisherman Tool Aid Awarded Best Slow Tarakan June 2010
Tarakan Borneo - Head of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan Syahrintan, Friday (05/14/2010 asserted, after the data verification process has been run by the team, it would soon deliver relief equipment to the fishermen go to sea.
"If you've completed the verification of data, we will immediately distributed the aid. Well at the latest June kemisikinan aid for fishermen alleviation program was granted. We also do not want to stay long to give this aid, because we do not want the quality of this equipment becomes less well , "he said, Friday (14/05/2010)
Syahrintan said, now aid in the form of boat equipment, fiber ketinting engines, engine suspension, and fishing gear have been submitted by partners to the Ministry of Tarakan. "We have equipment in DKP but for our fiber boat behind the market place and the Office of Trakindo Long Boom," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Two elementary students in Tarakan Reservoir Drowning Death
Tarakan Borneo - Two students SDN Harapan Tarakan Reef 029, drowned, while bathing in the reservoir's taps Pamusian Saturday (15/04/2010). The second body Ansar student named Roland and rescue team eventually found was not dead anymore.
The body of two finally brought to the hospital immediately different. The body of Roland (twelfth year) brought to the District General Hospital (Hospital) and Ansar (12 yrs) was taken to the Hospital Pertamedika. Several people who claimed to be in the event, there are five to 10 children a bath in the reservoir. When cool swim, Roland and Ansar drifted quite heavy, since on the bersaman was heavy rain.
Meanwhile, the Head of HR 029 Hope Reef, Jone Hendrik admitted, his side pupils know both are drowned, the other disciples, "When there are several students who told if they sink, we heard this directly to the hospital, and in fact both have been died, "said Jones, who met at the District Hospital Tribune.
Jones said the two students are actually just finished school exam English subjects at around 11:00. "After the exam because they went home and may also direct them to rain showers," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Vice Mayor Welcomes Attend Night Head Separation RRI Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan Deputy Mayor attend Suhardjo Trianto Separation Greet Night Head RRI Tarakan, from Hendro Prasetyo kepasa Chrisma Rinny, Friday (5/14/2010) at the Hall of RRI.
In this event Suhardjo provides souvenirs for both. Suhardjo duty to congratulate Hendro Prasetyo in a new place that will be Kepla RRI in Samarinda.
"For Mother Chrisma welcome to Tarakan. We hope that with the clerk's mother's arrival kerjsama Tarakan and RRI can be better. Mother also do not worry, people in Tarakan, so good anyway," he said, to the accompaniment of laughter from the guests and extended family RRI. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Tarakan Students Accepted at GMU, But Take Exam Deuteronomy
Tarakan Borneo - Exam Deuteronomy level SMA / MA / SMK had ended. But there was still no interesting stories, one in SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan. It turned out that two students of SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan Deuteronomy Examination of each of Mathematics and Physics was received at the University of Gajah Mada (UGM).
SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan head, Susanti Arinda, admitted his side was quite shocked, with two students, which ultimately must follow the re-examination. "We are surprised why they did not pass the Main examination yesterday, because the ability of the two children we consider this better than his friends. Moreover, before the UN announced the President, they have been accepted at GMU through the test," he said.
Arinda say, until today it is still confused, why are both considered proteges of this clever re-examination should follow, because the value of Mathematics and Physics scores 3.5.
"We were confused what went wrong, probably due to rounding in the LJK wrong time, or get wet with sweat LJK, this possibility could happen. Even so but do not want to go on with sadness, we hope our children who passed the exam this re- , including two of our students are accepted at UGM, "he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
3D Movie Box Present at Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Movie 3-dimensional (3D) is currently booming in big cities like Jakarta, Bandung and Jogjakarta. But now 3D films, not only can be enjoyed in the big city, but also small towns like in Tarakan. The reason is now 3D Movie Box has been present at the Food Court, 2nd Floor Grand Tarakan Mall (GTM) Tarakan.
Watching 3D movies will certainly provide a very real sensation different from regular movies. The reason is that the image viewed by using three-dimensional glasses and give a real adventure as a thrilling and suspenseful.
The movie is playing every day from Monday-Sunday. The film was aired only about 20 minutes, with a capacity of 20 persons. Regarding the price is quite affordable. Monday-Friday pegged the price of Rp 25,000, but for Saturday and Sunday to Rp 30,000.
3D Movie Box Owner, Febrian Kurnia revealed, it would be in the Tarakan for three months starting May 15 until August 14 next. "We are here to provide different entertainment to the people of Tarakan. This was, after entering the school holidays, so the kids can come here with her parents," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
AJK Executive Vice Mayor of Tarakan induct
Tarakan BORNEO - Deputy Mayor (Vice Mayor) Tarakan, Suhardjo Trianto Kaltara inaugurates committee Journalists Alliance (AJK) in the period 2010-2015. The inauguration was marked by the pair to the board alamater AJK, Thursday (13 / 5).
On this occasion Suhardjo commanding his entire board and members of AJK, to campaign on the envelope of the interviewees refused when doing coverage. "By not receiving the envelope of professionalism and ethics of journalists can be upheld," he said.
In addition to refusing the envelope, the number two in the Tarakan local government requested that the news is presented with quality and still be balanced, without distinction of narasumbernya both the government and the business elite. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 13, 2010)
Beware of the City Health Office Transmission of Diphtheria Tarakan
Tarakan BORNEO - Chief Medical Officer (Health) Tarakan, Khairul states, until now there has been no report of Tarakan citizens diphtheria disease. Although the East Kalimantan in three areas, namely Samarinda, Balikapan has found patients died of diphtheria.
Khairul said, while working at the Tarakan Health Service from 1998 until 2010 or during the 12 years have not been getting reports of the disease diphtheria in Tarakan. "I started to become chief of staff there has never been dinkes incoming reports about the disease diphtheria in Tarakan," he said, Thursday (13 / 5)
Even so, remain wary of Tarakan Dinkes spread of the disease. Health conduct immunization and vaccine to toddlers in the neighborhood health center and health center, to make this cultural-health counseling in the clinic. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 13, 2010)
Medco Supply Gas PLN Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - PT Medco E & P Indonesia to supply gas for PLTG and amounted to 10.134 BBTU PLTMG Tarakan during the five years up to 2015 with a total contract value of USD 37.49 million. Thus expressed Producing Asset Director of PT Medco E & P Indonesia, Dasril Dahya after signing a gas sales agreement with PT PLN Tarakan at Hotel Novotel, Balikpapan, Wednesday (05/12/2010).
"This contract is a contract extension that began in 2003 and ended in March last," said Dasril. Medco, he continued ready supply gas for the needs of the city. Production on the block PSC Tarakan Medco reached 5.5 mmcf per day. Upcoming 2011 production will be increased to six mmcf per day. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 12, 2010)
Prepare the City Government of Tarakan International Marketing Point
Tarakan Borneo - In support of national export development, the City Government (City Government) Tarakan City has prepared a tower or building Tarakan International Marketing Point (TIMP).
Building located at Jalan Mulawarman, would be used as a central marketing management and trading nationally and internationally. In this building the company and business operators can find out information about the trade and can also promote their products.
City Secretary (Sekkot) Tarakan, Badrun, said the building is still in the finishing stage is expected to be operational early 2011. Because this building for networks of marketing communications and trade. "There's no way there anyway marketing point, but there was no adequate building. We do this to also fit the vision which is the town of Tarakan City services and trade," he said. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (May 12, 2010)
NAFED Tarakan to Help Promote Your Products Overseas
Tarakan Borneo - Secretary of National Agency for Export Development (NAFED) Ministry Perdagangn Republic of Indonesia, Chrisnawan Triwahyuardhianto Sosialisi present in the Export Development Program Year 2010, Wednesday (05/12/2010) at Swissbel Hotels Tarakan.
Reason Chrisnawan directly present in Tarakan, to be able to export the program mengsienergikan NAFED Tarakan City Government export programs. Tarakan is because this is one area in Indonesia that could improve market access of export products to neighboring countries.
"I come here with a direct staff, for trying to seek input about what programs we can do this in the Tarakan area. Because here we are on duty to promote the export commodities that are marketed abroad. We hope that with our arrival here can help mengeksporkan for existing products in Tarakan was out of the country, "he said. (*)
Source : TribunKaltim (12 Mei 2010)
Tarakan and Atambua Active in Developing Export
Tarakan Borneo - In Indonesia there are six areas that are considered potentially Marketing Pts improve market access of export products kenegara neighbors. Six regions namely, Skow, Entikong, Tarakan, Atambua, Bitung and Figures. But of these six only two active regions, ie, Tarakan and Atambua.
Clerk to the National Agency for Export Development (NAFED) Ministry of Commerce of Republic of Indonesia, Chrisnawan Triwahyuardhianto confess, Tarakan and Atambua active in the development of exports, because of support from the government.
"To develop this export should be no support from the government. Because if there is no support would be extremely difficult. However the government role in the development of these exports. Like the City Government of Tarakan. Goverments support this program, because it has felt the benefits. While those who are inactive may be not yet felt the benefits, "he said, Wednesday (05/12/2010) after attending the socialization of national export program in 2010, in Swiisbell Hotel. (*)
Source : TribunKaltim (12 Mei 2010)
One month One Container Teri Tarakan Exported to Kuwait
Tarakan BORNEO - It's been four months of the Office of Trade Industry Cooperative (Disperindagkop) and Tarakan City SMEs to export fish to Kuwait. Thus expressed the Head of Trading, and MSMEs Disperindagkop Tarakan City, Lucky, after attending the program sosialisi export, Wednesday (05/12/2010) at Swissbel Hotel.
Fortunately, disclose, during the four-month export the anchovy Kuwait, the Arab countries the response from the community is so nice, even every month the demand continues to rise. "Because of good response, we each month exporting fish to Kuwait as a container," he said.
With the increasing demand for these fish, and MSMEs Disperindagkop Tarakan City, will make a special cooperative effort to collect field anchovy perpetrator, so that raw materials can be made available anchovy.
"Because right now so many requests, we got overwhelmed to handle these fish demand. For it is our hope that this would be the formation of cooperatives, the odds will be more, so it can export to other Arab countries," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (May 12, 2010)
Explore Tarakan Exports to Hong Kong Milkfish
Tarakan Borneo - Success in exporting fish to Kuwait, the Department of Trade Industry Cooperative (Disperindagkop) and MSME Tarakan City plans to export the fish. Rencanannya these fish will be exported to Hong Kong.
"We looked at Tarakan and the surrounding area is very over-fish. Seeing these opportunities we plan to export it. For the moment we are still doing exploratory to some countries, and found that Hong Kong, one of the countries interested in fish," said Head Fields of Trade, and MSMEs Disperindagkop Tarakan City, Lucky, after attending the program sosialisi export, Wednesday (05/12/2010) in Swissbel Hotel.
About the planned export of fish when this is done, a good thing can not be sure. "I have not been able to determine when, because of this assessment must be done first. For that we hope with the new building this TIMP is expected to help to promote this fish," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (May 12, 2010)
Tarakan Jajaki Ekspor Bandeng ke Hongkong
TARAKAN - Sukses melakukan ekspor ikan teri ke Kuwait, Dinas Perdagangan Perindustrian Koperasi (Disperindagkop) dan UMKM Kota Tarakan berencana akan mengekspor ikan bandeng. Rencanannya ikan bandeng ini akan diekspor ke Hongkong.
"Kami melihat di Tarakan dan daerah sekitarnya ini ikan bandeng sangat over. Melihat peluang ini kami berencana akan mengekspornya. Untuk saat ini kami masih melakukan penjajakan ke beberapa negara, dan ternyata Hongkong, salah satu negara yang berminat dengan ikan bandeng," ucap, Kepala Bidang Perdagangan, Disperindagkop dan UMKM Kota Tarakan, Untung, usai menghadiri program sosialisi ekspor, Rabu (12/5/2010) di Swissbel Hotel.
Mengenai rencana kapan ekspor ikan bandeng ini dilakukan, Untung belum dapat memastikan. "Saya belum dapat memastikan kapan, sebab ini harus dilakukan penjajakan dahulu. Untuk itu kami berharap dengan adanya gedung baru TIMP ini, diharapkan dapat membantu untuk mempromosikan ikan bandeng ini," ucapnya. (*)
Sumber : TribunKaltim (12 Mei 2010) Borneo
Sebulan Satu Kontainer Teri Tarakan Diekspor ke Kuwait
TARAKAN- Sudah empat bulan Dinas Perdagangan Perindustrian Koperasi (Disperindagkop) dan UMKM Kota Tarakan melakukan ekspor ikan teri ke Kuwait. Demikian diungkapkan Kepala Bidang Perdagangan, Disperindagkop dan UMKM Kota Tarakan, Untung, usai menghadiri program sosialisi ekspor, Rabu (12/5/2010) di Swissbel Hotel.
Untung mengungkapkan, selama empat bulan mengeskpor ikan teri Kuwait, respon dari masyarakat negara Arab ini sungguh bagus, bahkan setiap bulannya permintaan terus meningkat. "Karena respon bagus, kami setiap bulan mengekspor ikan teri ke Kuwait sebanyak 1 kontainer," ucapnya.
Dengan meningkatnya permintaan ikan teri ini, Disperindagkop dan UMKM Kota Tarakan, akan membuat koperasi khusus untuk mengumpulkan pelaku usaha dibidang ikan teri, agar bahan baku ikan teri dapat tersedia.
"Sebab saat ini saking banyaknya permintaan, kami sampai kewalahan menangani permintaan ikan teri ini. Untuk itu lah kami berharap dengan akan terbentuknya koperasi ini, peluangnya akan lebih banyak, sehingga dapat mengeskpor ke negara arab lainnya," ucapnya. (*)
Sumber : TribunKaltim (12 Mei 2010) Borneo
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Kronologi Konflik Warga (Kerusuhan Antar Etnis) di Tarakan Kaltim Borneo - Divisi Humas Mabes Polri merilis kronologi bentrok antar kelompo...
Start Tarakan Perusda Overwhelmed TARAKAN - Until yesterday, the network of natural gas (Gas In) which is connected to the SR (household ...
Soal Razia Petasan selama Ramadan TARAKAN – Memasuki bulan Ramadan biasanya disambut dengan semakin maraknya penjualan petasan. Karena itu,...
Diwarnai Bersitegang, Satu Pedagang Pingsan TARAKAN - Pemindahan paksa akhirnya dilakukan pemerintah kota Tarakan, bekerja sama dengan inst...