TARAKAN - Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Kota Tarakan, tak lama lagi akan memiliki gedung baru sendiri. Rencananya pembangunan gedung akan dimulai tahun 2011 di atas lahan seluas 10 meter x 30 meter
Kepala Diskominfo Kota Tarakan, Ruslan Arifin mengungkapkan, rencana pembangunan telah mencapai studi kelayakan . "Kami harapkan tahun 2011 pembangunan sudah dapat dilakukan, karena sesuai dengan anggaran perubahan tahun 2010 untuk pembangunan gedung ini dialokasikan dana sebesar Rp 3,5 miliar," ungkapnya, Minggu (19/12/2010)
Rencananya gedung ini akan dibangun di Lingkungan Sekertariat Pemkot Tarakan tepatnya persis di belakang gedung Humas dan Informatika Kota Tarakan. Gedung ini akan berdiri sebanyak tiga lantai yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai ruangan. Diantaranya, ruangan bidang komunikasi dan informasi publik, teknologi informasi, serta pos dan telematika.
Tak hanya itu pula akan dilengkapi ruang media center, crisis center, dan multi media. Khusus untuk basement atau lantai dasar akan dibangun kantin dan tempat parkir, sehingga memudahkan pelayanan informasi kepada masyarakat.(*)
Sumber : tribunkaltim.co.id (20 Desember 2010)
Redirect to TarakanBais
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010
Gedung Diskominfo Kota Tarakan Dialokasikan Rp 3,5 Miliar
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
BAZ Tarakan
Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) Kota Tarakan
Pengelolaan Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah
Alamat Sekretariat :
Gedung YPII
Jalan K.H. Agus Salim RT.05 No.21
Selumit Dalam
Tarakan - Kaltim
Borneo Indonesia
Telepon :
Fax :
Website :
Rekening BPD Tarakan :
Layanan Konsultasi Zakat :
HP : 08125307989
Layanan Jemput Jakat :
Hp : 0852-4715-8703 / 0812-5336-544
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
DKPP Tarakan
Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan dan Pemakaman (DKPP) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Halmahera
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Dinas Kehutanan, Pertambangan Dan Energi (DISHUTAMBEN) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Dinas Peternakan dan Tanaman Pangan (DISNAKTAN) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.5
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-32004, 32204
Website :
Email :
Disbudparpora Gelar Expo Tarakan dan Karnaval Budaya
TARAKAN - Memeriahkan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-13 Kota Tarakan, Dinas Kebudayaaan Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disbudparpora) Kota Tarakan mengelar dua kegiatan, masing-masing Expo Tarakan dan Karnaval Budaya.
Rencananya Expo Tarakan akan dimulai 8 hingga 15 Desember di Stadion Datu Adil. Pameran dengan menampilkan produk-produk usaha mikro kecil dan menegah (UMKM) ini akan diramaikan dengan 90 stand yang terdiri dari 54 stand permanen dan 36 stand non permanen.
Menurut, Kabid Pemasaran, Disbudparpora Tarakan, Asnawi,Pameran ini tidak hanya diikuti oleh UMKM dari Tarakan, melainkan dari luar Tarakan, diantaranya, Surabaya, Malinau dan Palu. Ketiga daerah ini akan menjual produk-produk unggulan khas daerah masing-masing.
"Selama pameran dihadirkan pula acara hiburan musik dan kesenian tradisional yang akan dipersembahkan putra putri Tarakan. Hiburan musik dan kesenian ini akan hadir setiap malam, sehingga pengunjung yang datang ke pameran menjadi lebih terhibur," ungkapnya, Senin (6/12/2010).
Untuk Karnaval Budaya akan dilaksanakan 12 Desember yang startnya mulai dari Halaman Kantor Walikota Tarakan di Jalan Kalimantan, Stadion Datu Adil, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Jalan Kesuma Bangsa dan berakhir di Lingkas Ujung. (*)
Sumber : tribunkaltim.co.id (6 Desember 2010)
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Disbuparpora degree Tarakan and Carnival Culture Expo
TARAKAN - enliven the Anniversary (HUT) of the 13 City of Tarakan, cultures Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora) Tarakan City mengelar two activities, each of Tarakan and Carnival Culture Expo.
Tarakan Expo The plan will begin 8 to December 15 at the Stadium Datu Adil. The exhibition by displaying the products of small and medium micro enterprises (MSMEs) will be enlivened with 90 booths that consist of 54 permanent booths and 36 non-permanent booths.
According, Head of Marketing, Disbuparpora, Tarakan, Asnawi, this exhibition is not only followed by SMEs from Tarakan, Tarakan but from the outside, among others, Surabaya, Malinau and Palu. The third area will be selling competitive products typical of their respective regions.
"During the exhibition also presented musical entertainment and traditional arts that will be devoted sons and daughters of Tarakan. Entertainment music and art will be present every night, so that visitors who come to the exhibition to be more entertained," he said on Monday (6/12/2010).
For Cultural Carnival will be held December 12 that startnya start of page Office of the Mayor of Tarakan in Kalimantan Road, Stadium Datu Adil, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Kesuma Nation Road and ending at Lingkas Edge. (*)
Source: Tribunkaltim.co.id (December 6, 2010)
Tarakan Expo 2010 "Inspiration For Indonesia"
Tarakan - Every year end of December, exactly, the activities of the City Government will be more solid, be it related diperkantoran end of the fiscal year, and activities to enliven the Tarakan City Day was born on 15 December.
Some SKPD, institutions, organizations / associations exist which hold events / tournaments for memeriah Anniversary of the City. Tarakan City Government in welcoming the birthday of this city to XIII of which will hold a Carnival Parade on December 12, Development, and Tarakan Expo 2010 in Datu Adil Stadium starting on 8 to December 15, 2010.
According to the Chairman of the Committee, who also served as Assistant to the City Development Tarakan, Ir. Sofyan Raga, M.Sc., until now the number of registered participants helped enliven and showcase pruduknya in Tarakan Expo 2010 has reached 120 booths.
"Tarakan Expo 2010 is the event Product Exposition, the World Business and Industry, Arts, Culture and Tourism largest in North Eastern Kalimantan," said Sofyan shortly after chairing a meeting evaluation and technical meeting in Room Imbaya, Office of the Mayor of Tarakan, on Saturday (12/04 .)
Sofyan described, this event will take place in a business interaction with fellow businessman and an opportunity to get excellent products from various cities in Indonesia. Also in Tarakan Expo 2010 will be celebrated also by the Forum for Games, Live band, Live DJ, Performing Arts, Featured Products, and various Culinary.
"Tarakan Expo 2010 is the inspiration for Indonesia," he closed the conversation with us. DD, Diskominfo City of Tarakan.
Source: tarakankota.go.id (December 7, 2010)
Bridge Construction Feasibility Study ITB-Bulungan Tarakan
To realize the plan to build a bridge connecting the island of Tarakan City Sadau headed Bulungan, Tarakan City Government in cooperation with the Institute for Research and Community Service Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) to conduct a feasibility study of bridge construction.
In the feasibility study report, the City Government Lubung Tarakan, on Tuesday (11/30/2010) LAPI ITB offers two alternatives for these bridges. The first alternative access road from Tarakan Island-Island-Sadau Liago toward Bulungan. The second alternative of Sadau Tarakan Island-Cape-Karis toward Bulungan.
After conducting a feasibility study for two weeks in Tarakan and Bulungan, LAPI ITB was more dominant team chose the first alternative of Tarakan Island-Island-Sadau Liago toward Bulungan, as access connecting the two regions.
According to The Center for Water Resources Development, LAPI ITB, Prof. Indratmo Sukarno, the reason for choosing the first alternative, because in an area crossed by access roads that have had a lot of population. For the second alternative, the population is still small.
"With a population of more, of course, have the income benefits of development that is very dominant, so that the construction of these bridges can bring substantial benefits to the development of two regional development," he said. (*)
ITB Target Connector Bridge Feasibility Study Tarakan-Bulungan 8 Months
To complete the feasibility study of a bridge connecting the island of Tarakan through Sadau toward Bulungan, Research and Community Services (LAPI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) targets for eight months.
"We are targeting 8 months is over, and eventually the end of 2011 the construction of the bridge can be started and 2014 the bridge was completed. But even this also depends on the availability of budget. If the budget is, I believe the 2014 bridge can be used," he said.
As for the concept of bridge construction is planned to be built two lines, namely lines of motorcycles and cars, and track infrastructure such as gas pipelines, electricity networks and water pipelines. It is estimated that funds to build this bridge will cost around Rp 1.3 trillion. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim.co.id
Almost Tarakan Fisherman Fisherman Malaysia Ship Fuel
TARAKAN - Relations Indonesia and Malaysia to this day still seems to heat up. Evidence, dozens of fishermen who are in Sub Lingkas Edge, City of Tarakan, Sunday (05/12/2010) almost burned the ship trawling (trawling) from Tawau, Malaysia Indonesian flag conducting illegal fishing in the waters of Tarakan.
Fortunately, the town of Tarakan fishing action can be prevented Unitary Implementation of Safety Harbor (KP3) Tarakan, so that the ship was not until burnt Tawau.
Four of the crew (ABK), which is in direct vessel secured at the Office of the City KP3 Tarakan.
Chairman RT 16, Lingkas Edge, Akas, admitted, its citizens almost burn, because the crew on board trawlers would fight back when reprimanded by fishermen Tarakan. Malaysian fishermen action that infuriated fishermen Tarakan.
"They were adamant, saying the ship was the ship of Indonesia. The period of Indonesian ships and physical form like this. Where there are fishing boats Indonesi like this. Surely this Tawau fishing boat, from its physical form and wrote already found out, "he said.
To convince the ship, along with other fishermen Akas vessel to examine documents. It turns out in the document that lists their ship type vessels of 5 GT, while the apparent physical vessel 10 GT and have the signature of the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan City
"What we wonder why the document had no signature from DKP City of Tarakan. That's why we ultimately report to the KP3 to solve the problem. We certainly do not accept the ship entered the waters of Tarakan Tawau to take hasi our oceans, "he said.
Meanwhile, Chief KP3, AKP BC Naidoo said the company is still reviewing the development of the case by requesting information from the crew and fishermen.
"Here we are still developing kasusunya," he met on Sunday (05/12/2010) in the Office of the KP3. (*)
Source: tribunnews.com (December 6, 2010)
Universitas Borneo Tarakan Status is now State
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Hundreds of students and student together with staff of the University of Borneo (UB) Tarakan, on Wednesday (24/11/2010) in the Vip Room Juwata Airport Tarakan, Tarakan UB Inscription welcomed a State university which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on 22 November Cenderawasih University of Papua.
Inscription who brought the Rector Tarakan Ibrahim Abdul Jabarsyah is also directly Diara Tarakan City-wine tour. In the procession which uses an open pickup truck participated in it Udin Hianggio Tarakan Mayor and Chairman of the DPRD Tarakan Efendhi Djuprianto.
The procession started from Vip star Room Juwata Tarakan Airport, passing Jalan Mulawarman, Yos Sudarso, Kusuma Nations, Bunyu Island, Borneo and finally finish in the parking lot of the Office of the Mayor of Tarakan.
During the inscription-wine paraded around the city of Tarakan, Tarakan residents are not too enthusiastic to welcome the arrival of these inscriptions. Residents do not care as solah arrival prastasi it. Pantuan Tribune, when he joined the procession, the residents who were seen at the edges of the road just to see and memadang without giving expression to joy.
Also seen the streets through which this procession was deserted of people. It is seen as it passes through Jalan Kusuma Nations, and Jala Kusuma Bunyu Island Nation residents who were not there at the curb just cars and motorcycles are passing.
Certainly the welcome is very different, when the commission II welcomed the Parliament related to the formation Kaltara some time ago. Here the residents are very enthusiastic. They carried red and white flag, unfurled banners and waved to members of the commission arrived. (*)
Universitas Borneo Tarakan could So Pride Residents
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio like to thank the local council and residents to the founder of UB Tarakan Tarakan who have given support to change the status of UB into Higher Education Government of Tarakan.
"If there is no support from the local council and citizens of Tarakan, founder of UB up to his fellow UB UB Tarakan can not possibly be like this now. Tarakan Status UB became a state university that gives pride of its own for the City of Tarakan," he said on Wednesday (24 / 11/2010) in the VIP Room Juwata Tarakan Airport.
Udin hopes to Tarakan UB status to state universities, to improve the Human Resources (HR) in Tarakan. "So this opportunity to our children to get quality ynag learn better," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim.co.id
Tarakan Binalatung Suitable So Regions Swallow
TARAKAN - Despite the current City Government (City Government) Tarakan, still drafting the design to local regulations (draft) on the bird's nest, but the Middle Tarakan District, has recommended Binalatung area as a place that can help them swallow the region.
"In my opinion Binalatung area suitable for use as an area of bird's nest, because the location was still empty and faces the sea. Moreover, I hear bird's nest are better when close to the sea," said Camat Middle Tarakan, Hendra Arfandi.
Hendra said, Binalatung can be used as swallow nest area, in addition to the location of the land is still vacant and faces the sea, well away from residential homes, so as not to disturb surrounding residents. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (23 November 2010) Borneo
Posting Soon Tarakan City Government Vehicle Department
Tarakan city government who are planning to do deletion of assets in the form of official vehicles, the mayor affirmed H. Udin Hianggio, will be passed by way of public tender, in the sense of openly sold to the public.
"The mechanism does allow auctioned. The plan public auction, "said Udin Hianggio mayor.
He said the proposed removal of these assets in the form of an official letter from the secretary of the city not already know. "I do not see having just arrived from Japan. Perhaps my new Monday to know, "he said.
He said that if all the assets you want to delete and planned to be auctioned has fulfilled all requirements as outlined in the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, in the near future the plan will soon be done.
Regarding the sales revenue target of dozens of motorcycles which proposed several SKPD this, the mayor said there was no specific revenue targets. "The target must refer to the condition of the bike," he explained.
He said also, in addition to motor, chances are there are still some more assets will also be auctioned. Among these four-wheeled cars that are also eligible for auction.
"But I do not know the amount. Still relevant SKPD handled, "said Udin Hianggio.
There are currently two work unit area (SKPD) in the scope of city government plans to auction off the two-wheeled vehicle which has been used as an operational vehicle. Namely from the Department of Education who proposed the 70 motor, and the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management (DP2KA) who proposed the 20 motor. All motors are auctioned branded Yamaha Sigma output in 2000 and 2001.
Then how the official motorcycle to be auctioned? For example, under the combined building services (Girl) I, there were 11 motor with the same brand, Yamaha Sigma. Berderetan this bike was parked at the front. Everything berplat red, aka the government. These motors are some of the motor are planned to be bleached (wheat) through a public auction. His condition is now very dusty. This is understandable because this vehicle has not been used for a long time. Of the 11 vehicles, 7 of them suffered a flat tire. Whether it was parked while so flat, or indeed flat because a flat tire. In addition, only one motor which is equipped rearview mirror. Mounted on the left. And 8 motors are no longer equipped hood.
These motors is an asset to the city government-run Tarakan Revenue Service, Financial and Asset Management (DP2KA). In addition to this motor, there are still some who planned to join other motorcycle auctioned. In total there were 20 motorcycles with the same brand. "Motor others still dibengkel. If you put all the parking here is not enough, "said one employee in the building.
As with the condition of the motor in the Department of Education who also planned to also be auctioned. Of the planned total of 70 motorcycles participated auctioned, it is still used as school operational vehicles. It is said Wahjudi, Board of Education Office Goods, of the 70 motors that want to auction it, only 53 have been delivered to DP2KA city government as an asset manager, because of all the administrative and physical readiness of the motor 53 is already done, either in the form of vehicle tax, Signs Letter Number Vehicle (vehicle registration) and also Books Owner (BPKB). "The 23 other motor, there are still taken care of vehicle registration renewal. Also still completed his tax payment in SAMSAT, "Wahyudi said some time ago.
But of the 23 motors, about 40 percent, said Wahyudi, has completed the maintenance administration. While others are cultivated soon be finished. Obstacles during this because these motors are still used by the school, ie, as the principal operational vehicles and vice principal. "So still difficult to reach. Sometimes the motor that will be auctioned is located in a remote school. Sometimes his vehicle registration was dead, so it takes care of its extension. So is there an annual unpaid taxes, "said Wahjudi.
But the Education Department plans to auction off 23 motorcycles participated in this together 53 other motor is earlier submitted to DP2KA. "We hope that together," Wahyudi said.
Parties Education Department has also communicated this plan to the Department of Transportation to do the examination the physical condition of these 70 vehicles. From the results of that examination, note the physical condition of vehicles is below 25 percent. "The Affair had made the physical percentage of each vehicle. Of that percentage, DP2KA later determines the price, "he said.
Asset Maintenance Section Chief, DP2KA, M. Zainuddin had earlier said the plan for the elimination of government assets this city was proposed to the Mayor of Tarakan City, through the Secretary for approval. "If eventually approved Mr. Mayor, in a decree (decree) that will be explained, whether in terms of the auction sale, or assigned, or is destroyed," said Zainuddin.
According to him, there is the possibility of selling these motors because they still have economic value and are considered to assist regional treasury Tarakan city government. "It is still fit for use. Even if there are damaged can still be repaired, "he explained.
Average motor that wants this auction is operational procurement in fiscal year 2000 and 2001. So that has to be the elimination of assets by auction according to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, because it was past 5 years. The unit price of these motors, Zainuddin estimates that between $ 1 million up to Rp 5 million. "However, depending on their age and condition of motor vehicles," he said. In Permendagri also be explained if the value of movable assets in the form below Rp 5 billion, enough through the decree of the mayor without asking permission to Parliament. Meanwhile, if you want to remove it is land or buildings, although its value below Rp 5 billion, still must be submitted to parliament. "We plan to be auctioned later this year because it was proposed this year. Just waiting for the decree of the mayor alone, "said Zainuddin. (***)
Source: radartarakan (6 November 2010) Borneo
Mid-December Pertamax Present at Tarakan
TARAKAN - Anticipating high demand for fuel oil (BBM) subsidy in Tarakan, Tarakan Pertamina Depot in mid-December will bring a special non-subsidized fuel products pertamax.
To bring Pertamax in Tarakan various preparations have been done Pertamina Tarakan, one of which prepare the drum for charging pertamax. Inside the drum Tarakan Pertamina has set up a stock 1000 kl enough for 20 days.
"For Pertamax infrastructure we have prepared, even a single drum filling our premium change for charging pertamax. So everything is already prepared to stay our upcoming launch in mid-December," said Ilham Nasution, Operation Head Depot Tarakan PT Pertamina, which met in his office, Monday (22/11/2010).
The plan in Tarakan there are two General Fuel Filling Station (SPBBU) which will serve Pertamax. But so far unknown SPBBU which will be appointed to serve non-subsidized fuel Pertamax special. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (22 November 2010) Borneo
Six Students Tarakan National Olympic Champion
TARAKAN - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival Science Festival (ISF) and the Olympic Indonesian Literature (OSI), which held the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Primary and Medium (Mandikdasmen) starting 9 to 14 November at the Garden Hotel Surabaya.
Consists of four champions, Champion Runner II and II for the Study of Science diajang ISF, Second Place and Third Place diajang OSI. Which boasts of four winners of this, when he joined the OSI event. Because in this event, followed by first-SDN Main I, but immediately won two champions at the same time.
Veranita one student who won the Second Place diajang OSI can claim to be happy winner. The reason for following this event he did not get into trouble. Even he had to give explanations before the jury.
"When I was in the jury room asked me to explain the summary of literature and poetry that I created. Time to give my explanation was not nervous and I was able to explain it," he said, after meeting with Vice Mayor Takrakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Monday (15/11 / 2010) in the Office of the City Government of Tarakan Imbaya space. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010) Borneo
Tarakan Expo 2010
Tarakan Expo 2010 "Inspirasi Bagi Indonesia"
Tarakan - Setiap akhir tahun tepatnya bulan Desember, kegiatan Pemerintah Kota akan semakin padat, baik itu diperkantoran terkait berakhirnya tahun anggaran, serta kegiatan memeriahkan Hari Jadi Kota Tarakan yang lahir pada 15 Desember.
Beberapa SKPD, Institusi, organisasi/perkumpulan ada yang mengadakan kegiatan/turnamen untuk memeriah HUT Kota. Pemerintah Kota Tarakan dalam menyambut Ulang Tahun Kota yang ke XIII ini diantaranya akan menggelar Pawai Karnaval Pembangunan pada tanggal 12 Desember, dan Tarakan Expo 2010 di Stadion Datu Adil mulai tanggal 8 s/d 15 Desember 2010.
Menurut Ketua Panitia, yang juga menjabat Asisten Pembangunan Kota Tarakan, Ir. Sofyan Raga, M.Si., sampai dengan saat ini jumlah peserta yang terdaftar turut memeriahkan dan memamerkan pruduknya di Tarakan Expo 2010 sudah mencapai 120 stand.
“Tarakan Expo 2010 adalah ajang Pameran Produk, Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri, Seni, Budaya serta Pariwisata terbesar di Utara Kalimantan Timur,” ungkap Sofyan sesaat setelah memimpin rapat evaluasi dan technical meeting di Ruang Imbaya, Kantor Walikota Tarakan, Sabtu (04/12).
Dijelaskan Sofyan, dalam ajang ini akan berlangsung interaksi bisnis dengan sesama pebisnis dan merupakan peluang untuk mendapatkan produk unggulan dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Selain itu di Tarakan Expo 2010 akan dimeriahkan juga oleh Wahana Permainan, Live band, Live DJ, Pentas Seni, Produk Unggulan, dan aneka Kuliner.
“Tarakan Expo 2010 adalah Inspirasi bagi Indonesia,” ujarnya menutup pembicaraan kepada kami. DD, Diskominfo Kota Tarakan.
Sumber : tarakankota.go.id (7 Desember 2010)
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Semarak 13 Tahun Kota Tarakan
Tarakan BAIS ~ Tarakan Kota Pendidikan ~ Tarakan The New Singapore ~ Tarakan Cyber City
* Hari jadi Kota Tarakan yang ke 13 jatuh pada hari Rabu, tanggal 15 Desember 2010.
*Tema : Dengan Semangat Keberagaman Budaya Mari Kita Wujudkan Tarakan Yang Lebih Maju.
* Saksikan dan kunjungi Tarakan Ekspo 2010 dari tanggal 08 Desember 2010 s/d 15 Desember 2010 bertempat di Stadion Datu Adil.
* Ikuti dan Saksikan Pawai Pembangunan (Carnaval Budaya) Kota Tarakan 12 Desember 2010. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat download formulirnya disini, atau menghubungi DISBUDPARPORA Tarakan.
* Ikutilah Lintas Alam Internasional.
Pengumuman :
Nomor : 003.1/96/PHBND
Dalam rangka menyongsong hari ulang tahun ke-13 Kota Tarakan tanggal 15 Desember 2010, yang bertemakan "Dengan Semangat Keberagaman Budaya Mari Kita Wujudkan Tarakan Lebih Maju".
Untuk itu dihimbau kepada seluruh masyarakat Kota Tarakan agar memasang bendera, umbul-umbul dan lampu hias di halaman/pekarangan depan rumah/toko/ruko/hotel/perusahaan dan lain sebagainya mulai tanggal 1 Desember s/d 31 Desember 2010.
Demikian, atas kesediaan dan perhatian serta kerjasama Saudara disampaikan terima kasih.Tarakan, 1 Desember 2010
Ketua PHBN
NB: Selamat ulang tahun Kota Tarakan yang ke 13, semoga semakin berkembang dan menjadi kota BAIS.
Logo 13 Tahun Kota Tarakan by DISKOMINFO Tarakan Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»
Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1 Tarakan
Tarakan (77131)
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Telepon :
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Fax :
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Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olah Raga (DISBUDPARPORA) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.76 Gedung GADIS I Lantai 4
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
(0551) 32100
Fax :
(0551) 35875
Website :
Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010
BKD Tarakan
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-21620, 21621, 34305
Website :
Email :
Reona Salon 'n Spa
Lokasi :
Jalan Panglima Batur
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-5501751 atau 08125806970
Buka :
Hari Senin s/d Minggu. Jam 9:00 - 18:00.
Member Card :
Kami memberikan Kartu Member (Member Card) Reona Salon 'n Spa kepada semua pelanggan secara cuma-cuma (GRATIS), tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran dan iuran bulanan.
Manfaat Member Card bagi pelanggan Reona Salon 'n Spa :
- Setiap pelanggan yang akumulasi layanannya telah mencapai Rp. 750.000, kami berikan layanan GRATIS 1 (satu) kali CREAMBATH dan sisa lebih pembayaran akan diakumulasikan untuk jumlah kelipatan berikutnya.
- Bagi pelanggan yang ber-ULANG TAHUN, kami akan menghubungi anda, memberi DISCOUNT KHUSUS, menyampaikan UCAPAN SELAMAT dan tentunya memberi anda SOUVENIR MENARIK.
- Kami secara kontinyu akan memberikan informasi aktual kepada pelanggan tentang PROMO, DISCOUNT, LAYANAN BARU, PRODUK BARU, FASILITAS BARU dll melalui SMS GATEWAY Reona Salon 'n Spa (RSS)
Harga Lebih Murah :
Creambath Kemiri,Ginseng, Wella, Lidah Buaya, Valentino (S/M/L) HANYA Rp. 50.000/55.000/60.000. Smoothing (S/M/L) HANYA Rp. 350.000/450.000/550.000. DAPATKAN FACIAL BIOKOS HANYA RP. 115.000, FACIAL LATULIP HANYA RP. 70.000, FACIAL EVERLINE HANYA 115.000 DAN MENU PERAWATAN WAJAH LAINNYA
Informasi :
- Soft Opening 11 November 2010 hingga 20 November 2010. Nikmati discount khusus 20% untuk semua layanan perawatan rambut, perawatan wajah dan perawatan tubuh (khusus wanita).
- Terima kasih kepada semua pelanggan Reona Salon 'n Spa, kami ada karena anda.Karenanya Your Satisfaction is Our Priority (Kepuasan Anda adalah Prioritas Kami) selalu menjadi spirit kami untuk terus berbenah diri. Dapatkan Pelayanan terbaik dan termurah di Kota Tarakan hanya di Reona Salon 'n Spa.
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