TARAKAN - Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (Diskominfo) Kota Tarakan, tak lama lagi akan memiliki gedung baru sendiri. Rencananya pembangunan gedung akan dimulai tahun 2011 di atas lahan seluas 10 meter x 30 meter
Kepala Diskominfo Kota Tarakan, Ruslan Arifin mengungkapkan, rencana pembangunan telah mencapai studi kelayakan . "Kami harapkan tahun 2011 pembangunan sudah dapat dilakukan, karena sesuai dengan anggaran perubahan tahun 2010 untuk pembangunan gedung ini dialokasikan dana sebesar Rp 3,5 miliar," ungkapnya, Minggu (19/12/2010)
Rencananya gedung ini akan dibangun di Lingkungan Sekertariat Pemkot Tarakan tepatnya persis di belakang gedung Humas dan Informatika Kota Tarakan. Gedung ini akan berdiri sebanyak tiga lantai yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai ruangan. Diantaranya, ruangan bidang komunikasi dan informasi publik, teknologi informasi, serta pos dan telematika.
Tak hanya itu pula akan dilengkapi ruang media center, crisis center, dan multi media. Khusus untuk basement atau lantai dasar akan dibangun kantin dan tempat parkir, sehingga memudahkan pelayanan informasi kepada masyarakat.(*)
Sumber : tribunkaltim.co.id (20 Desember 2010)
Redirect to TarakanBais
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010
Gedung Diskominfo Kota Tarakan Dialokasikan Rp 3,5 Miliar
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
BAZ Tarakan
Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) Kota Tarakan
Pengelolaan Zakat, Infak dan Sedekah
Alamat Sekretariat :
Gedung YPII
Jalan K.H. Agus Salim RT.05 No.21
Selumit Dalam
Tarakan - Kaltim
Borneo Indonesia
Telepon :
Fax :
Website :
Rekening BPD Tarakan :
Layanan Konsultasi Zakat :
HP : 08125307989
Layanan Jemput Jakat :
Hp : 0852-4715-8703 / 0812-5336-544
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
DKPP Tarakan
Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan dan Pemakaman (DKPP) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Halmahera
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Dinas Kehutanan, Pertambangan Dan Energi (DISHUTAMBEN) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Dinas Peternakan dan Tanaman Pangan (DISNAKTAN) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Gedung Gabungan Dinas II Lt.5
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.76
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
Website :
Email :
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-32004, 32204
Website :
Email :
Disbudparpora Gelar Expo Tarakan dan Karnaval Budaya
TARAKAN - Memeriahkan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-13 Kota Tarakan, Dinas Kebudayaaan Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disbudparpora) Kota Tarakan mengelar dua kegiatan, masing-masing Expo Tarakan dan Karnaval Budaya.
Rencananya Expo Tarakan akan dimulai 8 hingga 15 Desember di Stadion Datu Adil. Pameran dengan menampilkan produk-produk usaha mikro kecil dan menegah (UMKM) ini akan diramaikan dengan 90 stand yang terdiri dari 54 stand permanen dan 36 stand non permanen.
Menurut, Kabid Pemasaran, Disbudparpora Tarakan, Asnawi,Pameran ini tidak hanya diikuti oleh UMKM dari Tarakan, melainkan dari luar Tarakan, diantaranya, Surabaya, Malinau dan Palu. Ketiga daerah ini akan menjual produk-produk unggulan khas daerah masing-masing.
"Selama pameran dihadirkan pula acara hiburan musik dan kesenian tradisional yang akan dipersembahkan putra putri Tarakan. Hiburan musik dan kesenian ini akan hadir setiap malam, sehingga pengunjung yang datang ke pameran menjadi lebih terhibur," ungkapnya, Senin (6/12/2010).
Untuk Karnaval Budaya akan dilaksanakan 12 Desember yang startnya mulai dari Halaman Kantor Walikota Tarakan di Jalan Kalimantan, Stadion Datu Adil, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Jalan Kesuma Bangsa dan berakhir di Lingkas Ujung. (*)
Sumber : tribunkaltim.co.id (6 Desember 2010)
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Disbuparpora degree Tarakan and Carnival Culture Expo
TARAKAN - enliven the Anniversary (HUT) of the 13 City of Tarakan, cultures Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora) Tarakan City mengelar two activities, each of Tarakan and Carnival Culture Expo.
Tarakan Expo The plan will begin 8 to December 15 at the Stadium Datu Adil. The exhibition by displaying the products of small and medium micro enterprises (MSMEs) will be enlivened with 90 booths that consist of 54 permanent booths and 36 non-permanent booths.
According, Head of Marketing, Disbuparpora, Tarakan, Asnawi, this exhibition is not only followed by SMEs from Tarakan, Tarakan but from the outside, among others, Surabaya, Malinau and Palu. The third area will be selling competitive products typical of their respective regions.
"During the exhibition also presented musical entertainment and traditional arts that will be devoted sons and daughters of Tarakan. Entertainment music and art will be present every night, so that visitors who come to the exhibition to be more entertained," he said on Monday (6/12/2010).
For Cultural Carnival will be held December 12 that startnya start of page Office of the Mayor of Tarakan in Kalimantan Road, Stadium Datu Adil, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Kesuma Nation Road and ending at Lingkas Edge. (*)
Source: Tribunkaltim.co.id (December 6, 2010)
Tarakan Expo 2010 "Inspiration For Indonesia"
Tarakan - Every year end of December, exactly, the activities of the City Government will be more solid, be it related diperkantoran end of the fiscal year, and activities to enliven the Tarakan City Day was born on 15 December.
Some SKPD, institutions, organizations / associations exist which hold events / tournaments for memeriah Anniversary of the City. Tarakan City Government in welcoming the birthday of this city to XIII of which will hold a Carnival Parade on December 12, Development, and Tarakan Expo 2010 in Datu Adil Stadium starting on 8 to December 15, 2010.
According to the Chairman of the Committee, who also served as Assistant to the City Development Tarakan, Ir. Sofyan Raga, M.Sc., until now the number of registered participants helped enliven and showcase pruduknya in Tarakan Expo 2010 has reached 120 booths.
"Tarakan Expo 2010 is the event Product Exposition, the World Business and Industry, Arts, Culture and Tourism largest in North Eastern Kalimantan," said Sofyan shortly after chairing a meeting evaluation and technical meeting in Room Imbaya, Office of the Mayor of Tarakan, on Saturday (12/04 .)
Sofyan described, this event will take place in a business interaction with fellow businessman and an opportunity to get excellent products from various cities in Indonesia. Also in Tarakan Expo 2010 will be celebrated also by the Forum for Games, Live band, Live DJ, Performing Arts, Featured Products, and various Culinary.
"Tarakan Expo 2010 is the inspiration for Indonesia," he closed the conversation with us. DD, Diskominfo City of Tarakan.
Source: tarakankota.go.id (December 7, 2010)
Bridge Construction Feasibility Study ITB-Bulungan Tarakan
To realize the plan to build a bridge connecting the island of Tarakan City Sadau headed Bulungan, Tarakan City Government in cooperation with the Institute for Research and Community Service Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) to conduct a feasibility study of bridge construction.
In the feasibility study report, the City Government Lubung Tarakan, on Tuesday (11/30/2010) LAPI ITB offers two alternatives for these bridges. The first alternative access road from Tarakan Island-Island-Sadau Liago toward Bulungan. The second alternative of Sadau Tarakan Island-Cape-Karis toward Bulungan.
After conducting a feasibility study for two weeks in Tarakan and Bulungan, LAPI ITB was more dominant team chose the first alternative of Tarakan Island-Island-Sadau Liago toward Bulungan, as access connecting the two regions.
According to The Center for Water Resources Development, LAPI ITB, Prof. Indratmo Sukarno, the reason for choosing the first alternative, because in an area crossed by access roads that have had a lot of population. For the second alternative, the population is still small.
"With a population of more, of course, have the income benefits of development that is very dominant, so that the construction of these bridges can bring substantial benefits to the development of two regional development," he said. (*)
ITB Target Connector Bridge Feasibility Study Tarakan-Bulungan 8 Months
To complete the feasibility study of a bridge connecting the island of Tarakan through Sadau toward Bulungan, Research and Community Services (LAPI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) targets for eight months.
"We are targeting 8 months is over, and eventually the end of 2011 the construction of the bridge can be started and 2014 the bridge was completed. But even this also depends on the availability of budget. If the budget is, I believe the 2014 bridge can be used," he said.
As for the concept of bridge construction is planned to be built two lines, namely lines of motorcycles and cars, and track infrastructure such as gas pipelines, electricity networks and water pipelines. It is estimated that funds to build this bridge will cost around Rp 1.3 trillion. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim.co.id
Almost Tarakan Fisherman Fisherman Malaysia Ship Fuel
TARAKAN - Relations Indonesia and Malaysia to this day still seems to heat up. Evidence, dozens of fishermen who are in Sub Lingkas Edge, City of Tarakan, Sunday (05/12/2010) almost burned the ship trawling (trawling) from Tawau, Malaysia Indonesian flag conducting illegal fishing in the waters of Tarakan.
Fortunately, the town of Tarakan fishing action can be prevented Unitary Implementation of Safety Harbor (KP3) Tarakan, so that the ship was not until burnt Tawau.
Four of the crew (ABK), which is in direct vessel secured at the Office of the City KP3 Tarakan.
Chairman RT 16, Lingkas Edge, Akas, admitted, its citizens almost burn, because the crew on board trawlers would fight back when reprimanded by fishermen Tarakan. Malaysian fishermen action that infuriated fishermen Tarakan.
"They were adamant, saying the ship was the ship of Indonesia. The period of Indonesian ships and physical form like this. Where there are fishing boats Indonesi like this. Surely this Tawau fishing boat, from its physical form and wrote already found out, "he said.
To convince the ship, along with other fishermen Akas vessel to examine documents. It turns out in the document that lists their ship type vessels of 5 GT, while the apparent physical vessel 10 GT and have the signature of the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) Tarakan City
"What we wonder why the document had no signature from DKP City of Tarakan. That's why we ultimately report to the KP3 to solve the problem. We certainly do not accept the ship entered the waters of Tarakan Tawau to take hasi our oceans, "he said.
Meanwhile, Chief KP3, AKP BC Naidoo said the company is still reviewing the development of the case by requesting information from the crew and fishermen.
"Here we are still developing kasusunya," he met on Sunday (05/12/2010) in the Office of the KP3. (*)
Source: tribunnews.com (December 6, 2010)
Universitas Borneo Tarakan Status is now State
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Hundreds of students and student together with staff of the University of Borneo (UB) Tarakan, on Wednesday (24/11/2010) in the Vip Room Juwata Airport Tarakan, Tarakan UB Inscription welcomed a State university which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on 22 November Cenderawasih University of Papua.
Inscription who brought the Rector Tarakan Ibrahim Abdul Jabarsyah is also directly Diara Tarakan City-wine tour. In the procession which uses an open pickup truck participated in it Udin Hianggio Tarakan Mayor and Chairman of the DPRD Tarakan Efendhi Djuprianto.
The procession started from Vip star Room Juwata Tarakan Airport, passing Jalan Mulawarman, Yos Sudarso, Kusuma Nations, Bunyu Island, Borneo and finally finish in the parking lot of the Office of the Mayor of Tarakan.
During the inscription-wine paraded around the city of Tarakan, Tarakan residents are not too enthusiastic to welcome the arrival of these inscriptions. Residents do not care as solah arrival prastasi it. Pantuan Tribune, when he joined the procession, the residents who were seen at the edges of the road just to see and memadang without giving expression to joy.
Also seen the streets through which this procession was deserted of people. It is seen as it passes through Jalan Kusuma Nations, and Jala Kusuma Bunyu Island Nation residents who were not there at the curb just cars and motorcycles are passing.
Certainly the welcome is very different, when the commission II welcomed the Parliament related to the formation Kaltara some time ago. Here the residents are very enthusiastic. They carried red and white flag, unfurled banners and waved to members of the commission arrived. (*)
Universitas Borneo Tarakan could So Pride Residents
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio like to thank the local council and residents to the founder of UB Tarakan Tarakan who have given support to change the status of UB into Higher Education Government of Tarakan.
"If there is no support from the local council and citizens of Tarakan, founder of UB up to his fellow UB UB Tarakan can not possibly be like this now. Tarakan Status UB became a state university that gives pride of its own for the City of Tarakan," he said on Wednesday (24 / 11/2010) in the VIP Room Juwata Tarakan Airport.
Udin hopes to Tarakan UB status to state universities, to improve the Human Resources (HR) in Tarakan. "So this opportunity to our children to get quality ynag learn better," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim.co.id
Tarakan Binalatung Suitable So Regions Swallow
TARAKAN - Despite the current City Government (City Government) Tarakan, still drafting the design to local regulations (draft) on the bird's nest, but the Middle Tarakan District, has recommended Binalatung area as a place that can help them swallow the region.
"In my opinion Binalatung area suitable for use as an area of bird's nest, because the location was still empty and faces the sea. Moreover, I hear bird's nest are better when close to the sea," said Camat Middle Tarakan, Hendra Arfandi.
Hendra said, Binalatung can be used as swallow nest area, in addition to the location of the land is still vacant and faces the sea, well away from residential homes, so as not to disturb surrounding residents. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (23 November 2010) Borneo
Posting Soon Tarakan City Government Vehicle Department
Tarakan city government who are planning to do deletion of assets in the form of official vehicles, the mayor affirmed H. Udin Hianggio, will be passed by way of public tender, in the sense of openly sold to the public.
"The mechanism does allow auctioned. The plan public auction, "said Udin Hianggio mayor.
He said the proposed removal of these assets in the form of an official letter from the secretary of the city not already know. "I do not see having just arrived from Japan. Perhaps my new Monday to know, "he said.
He said that if all the assets you want to delete and planned to be auctioned has fulfilled all requirements as outlined in the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, in the near future the plan will soon be done.
Regarding the sales revenue target of dozens of motorcycles which proposed several SKPD this, the mayor said there was no specific revenue targets. "The target must refer to the condition of the bike," he explained.
He said also, in addition to motor, chances are there are still some more assets will also be auctioned. Among these four-wheeled cars that are also eligible for auction.
"But I do not know the amount. Still relevant SKPD handled, "said Udin Hianggio.
There are currently two work unit area (SKPD) in the scope of city government plans to auction off the two-wheeled vehicle which has been used as an operational vehicle. Namely from the Department of Education who proposed the 70 motor, and the Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management (DP2KA) who proposed the 20 motor. All motors are auctioned branded Yamaha Sigma output in 2000 and 2001.
Then how the official motorcycle to be auctioned? For example, under the combined building services (Girl) I, there were 11 motor with the same brand, Yamaha Sigma. Berderetan this bike was parked at the front. Everything berplat red, aka the government. These motors are some of the motor are planned to be bleached (wheat) through a public auction. His condition is now very dusty. This is understandable because this vehicle has not been used for a long time. Of the 11 vehicles, 7 of them suffered a flat tire. Whether it was parked while so flat, or indeed flat because a flat tire. In addition, only one motor which is equipped rearview mirror. Mounted on the left. And 8 motors are no longer equipped hood.
These motors is an asset to the city government-run Tarakan Revenue Service, Financial and Asset Management (DP2KA). In addition to this motor, there are still some who planned to join other motorcycle auctioned. In total there were 20 motorcycles with the same brand. "Motor others still dibengkel. If you put all the parking here is not enough, "said one employee in the building.
As with the condition of the motor in the Department of Education who also planned to also be auctioned. Of the planned total of 70 motorcycles participated auctioned, it is still used as school operational vehicles. It is said Wahjudi, Board of Education Office Goods, of the 70 motors that want to auction it, only 53 have been delivered to DP2KA city government as an asset manager, because of all the administrative and physical readiness of the motor 53 is already done, either in the form of vehicle tax, Signs Letter Number Vehicle (vehicle registration) and also Books Owner (BPKB). "The 23 other motor, there are still taken care of vehicle registration renewal. Also still completed his tax payment in SAMSAT, "Wahyudi said some time ago.
But of the 23 motors, about 40 percent, said Wahyudi, has completed the maintenance administration. While others are cultivated soon be finished. Obstacles during this because these motors are still used by the school, ie, as the principal operational vehicles and vice principal. "So still difficult to reach. Sometimes the motor that will be auctioned is located in a remote school. Sometimes his vehicle registration was dead, so it takes care of its extension. So is there an annual unpaid taxes, "said Wahjudi.
But the Education Department plans to auction off 23 motorcycles participated in this together 53 other motor is earlier submitted to DP2KA. "We hope that together," Wahyudi said.
Parties Education Department has also communicated this plan to the Department of Transportation to do the examination the physical condition of these 70 vehicles. From the results of that examination, note the physical condition of vehicles is below 25 percent. "The Affair had made the physical percentage of each vehicle. Of that percentage, DP2KA later determines the price, "he said.
Asset Maintenance Section Chief, DP2KA, M. Zainuddin had earlier said the plan for the elimination of government assets this city was proposed to the Mayor of Tarakan City, through the Secretary for approval. "If eventually approved Mr. Mayor, in a decree (decree) that will be explained, whether in terms of the auction sale, or assigned, or is destroyed," said Zainuddin.
According to him, there is the possibility of selling these motors because they still have economic value and are considered to assist regional treasury Tarakan city government. "It is still fit for use. Even if there are damaged can still be repaired, "he explained.
Average motor that wants this auction is operational procurement in fiscal year 2000 and 2001. So that has to be the elimination of assets by auction according to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) No. 17 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Technical Management of the Region, because it was past 5 years. The unit price of these motors, Zainuddin estimates that between $ 1 million up to Rp 5 million. "However, depending on their age and condition of motor vehicles," he said. In Permendagri also be explained if the value of movable assets in the form below Rp 5 billion, enough through the decree of the mayor without asking permission to Parliament. Meanwhile, if you want to remove it is land or buildings, although its value below Rp 5 billion, still must be submitted to parliament. "We plan to be auctioned later this year because it was proposed this year. Just waiting for the decree of the mayor alone, "said Zainuddin. (***)
Source: radartarakan (6 November 2010) Borneo
Mid-December Pertamax Present at Tarakan
TARAKAN - Anticipating high demand for fuel oil (BBM) subsidy in Tarakan, Tarakan Pertamina Depot in mid-December will bring a special non-subsidized fuel products pertamax.
To bring Pertamax in Tarakan various preparations have been done Pertamina Tarakan, one of which prepare the drum for charging pertamax. Inside the drum Tarakan Pertamina has set up a stock 1000 kl enough for 20 days.
"For Pertamax infrastructure we have prepared, even a single drum filling our premium change for charging pertamax. So everything is already prepared to stay our upcoming launch in mid-December," said Ilham Nasution, Operation Head Depot Tarakan PT Pertamina, which met in his office, Monday (22/11/2010).
The plan in Tarakan there are two General Fuel Filling Station (SPBBU) which will serve Pertamax. But so far unknown SPBBU which will be appointed to serve non-subsidized fuel Pertamax special. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (22 November 2010) Borneo
Six Students Tarakan National Olympic Champion
TARAKAN - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival Science Festival (ISF) and the Olympic Indonesian Literature (OSI), which held the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Primary and Medium (Mandikdasmen) starting 9 to 14 November at the Garden Hotel Surabaya.
Consists of four champions, Champion Runner II and II for the Study of Science diajang ISF, Second Place and Third Place diajang OSI. Which boasts of four winners of this, when he joined the OSI event. Because in this event, followed by first-SDN Main I, but immediately won two champions at the same time.
Veranita one student who won the Second Place diajang OSI can claim to be happy winner. The reason for following this event he did not get into trouble. Even he had to give explanations before the jury.
"When I was in the jury room asked me to explain the summary of literature and poetry that I created. Time to give my explanation was not nervous and I was able to explain it," he said, after meeting with Vice Mayor Takrakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Monday (15/11 / 2010) in the Office of the City Government of Tarakan Imbaya space. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010) Borneo
Tarakan Expo 2010
Tarakan Expo 2010 "Inspirasi Bagi Indonesia"
Tarakan - Setiap akhir tahun tepatnya bulan Desember, kegiatan Pemerintah Kota akan semakin padat, baik itu diperkantoran terkait berakhirnya tahun anggaran, serta kegiatan memeriahkan Hari Jadi Kota Tarakan yang lahir pada 15 Desember.
Beberapa SKPD, Institusi, organisasi/perkumpulan ada yang mengadakan kegiatan/turnamen untuk memeriah HUT Kota. Pemerintah Kota Tarakan dalam menyambut Ulang Tahun Kota yang ke XIII ini diantaranya akan menggelar Pawai Karnaval Pembangunan pada tanggal 12 Desember, dan Tarakan Expo 2010 di Stadion Datu Adil mulai tanggal 8 s/d 15 Desember 2010.
Menurut Ketua Panitia, yang juga menjabat Asisten Pembangunan Kota Tarakan, Ir. Sofyan Raga, M.Si., sampai dengan saat ini jumlah peserta yang terdaftar turut memeriahkan dan memamerkan pruduknya di Tarakan Expo 2010 sudah mencapai 120 stand.
“Tarakan Expo 2010 adalah ajang Pameran Produk, Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri, Seni, Budaya serta Pariwisata terbesar di Utara Kalimantan Timur,” ungkap Sofyan sesaat setelah memimpin rapat evaluasi dan technical meeting di Ruang Imbaya, Kantor Walikota Tarakan, Sabtu (04/12).
Dijelaskan Sofyan, dalam ajang ini akan berlangsung interaksi bisnis dengan sesama pebisnis dan merupakan peluang untuk mendapatkan produk unggulan dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Selain itu di Tarakan Expo 2010 akan dimeriahkan juga oleh Wahana Permainan, Live band, Live DJ, Pentas Seni, Produk Unggulan, dan aneka Kuliner.
“Tarakan Expo 2010 adalah Inspirasi bagi Indonesia,” ujarnya menutup pembicaraan kepada kami. DD, Diskominfo Kota Tarakan.
Sumber : tarakankota.go.id (7 Desember 2010)
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Semarak 13 Tahun Kota Tarakan
Tarakan BAIS ~ Tarakan Kota Pendidikan ~ Tarakan The New Singapore ~ Tarakan Cyber City
* Hari jadi Kota Tarakan yang ke 13 jatuh pada hari Rabu, tanggal 15 Desember 2010.
*Tema : Dengan Semangat Keberagaman Budaya Mari Kita Wujudkan Tarakan Yang Lebih Maju.
* Saksikan dan kunjungi Tarakan Ekspo 2010 dari tanggal 08 Desember 2010 s/d 15 Desember 2010 bertempat di Stadion Datu Adil.
* Ikuti dan Saksikan Pawai Pembangunan (Carnaval Budaya) Kota Tarakan 12 Desember 2010. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat download formulirnya disini, atau menghubungi DISBUDPARPORA Tarakan.
* Ikutilah Lintas Alam Internasional.
Pengumuman :
Nomor : 003.1/96/PHBND
Dalam rangka menyongsong hari ulang tahun ke-13 Kota Tarakan tanggal 15 Desember 2010, yang bertemakan "Dengan Semangat Keberagaman Budaya Mari Kita Wujudkan Tarakan Lebih Maju".
Untuk itu dihimbau kepada seluruh masyarakat Kota Tarakan agar memasang bendera, umbul-umbul dan lampu hias di halaman/pekarangan depan rumah/toko/ruko/hotel/perusahaan dan lain sebagainya mulai tanggal 1 Desember s/d 31 Desember 2010.
Demikian, atas kesediaan dan perhatian serta kerjasama Saudara disampaikan terima kasih.Tarakan, 1 Desember 2010
Ketua PHBN
NB: Selamat ulang tahun Kota Tarakan yang ke 13, semoga semakin berkembang dan menjadi kota BAIS.
Logo 13 Tahun Kota Tarakan by DISKOMINFO Tarakan Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»
Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1 Tarakan
Tarakan (77131)
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Telepon :
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Fax :
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Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olah Raga (DISBUDPARPORA) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.76 Gedung GADIS I Lantai 4
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
(0551) 32100
Fax :
(0551) 35875
Website :
Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010
BKD Tarakan
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Kota Tarakan
Alamat :
Jl. Kalimantan No.1
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-21620, 21621, 34305
Website :
Email :
Reona Salon 'n Spa
Lokasi :
Jalan Panglima Batur
Tarakan (77131)
Kalimantan Timur
Borneo - Indonesia
Telepon :
0551-5501751 atau 08125806970
Buka :
Hari Senin s/d Minggu. Jam 9:00 - 18:00.
Member Card :
Kami memberikan Kartu Member (Member Card) Reona Salon 'n Spa kepada semua pelanggan secara cuma-cuma (GRATIS), tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran dan iuran bulanan.
Manfaat Member Card bagi pelanggan Reona Salon 'n Spa :
- Setiap pelanggan yang akumulasi layanannya telah mencapai Rp. 750.000, kami berikan layanan GRATIS 1 (satu) kali CREAMBATH dan sisa lebih pembayaran akan diakumulasikan untuk jumlah kelipatan berikutnya.
- Bagi pelanggan yang ber-ULANG TAHUN, kami akan menghubungi anda, memberi DISCOUNT KHUSUS, menyampaikan UCAPAN SELAMAT dan tentunya memberi anda SOUVENIR MENARIK.
- Kami secara kontinyu akan memberikan informasi aktual kepada pelanggan tentang PROMO, DISCOUNT, LAYANAN BARU, PRODUK BARU, FASILITAS BARU dll melalui SMS GATEWAY Reona Salon 'n Spa (RSS)
Harga Lebih Murah :
Creambath Kemiri,Ginseng, Wella, Lidah Buaya, Valentino (S/M/L) HANYA Rp. 50.000/55.000/60.000. Smoothing (S/M/L) HANYA Rp. 350.000/450.000/550.000. DAPATKAN FACIAL BIOKOS HANYA RP. 115.000, FACIAL LATULIP HANYA RP. 70.000, FACIAL EVERLINE HANYA 115.000 DAN MENU PERAWATAN WAJAH LAINNYA
Informasi :
- Soft Opening 11 November 2010 hingga 20 November 2010. Nikmati discount khusus 20% untuk semua layanan perawatan rambut, perawatan wajah dan perawatan tubuh (khusus wanita).
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Rabu, 24 November 2010
Universitas Borneo Tarakan kini Berstatus Negeri
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Ratusan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi bersama staf Universitas Borneo (UB) Tarakan, Rabu (24/11/2010) di Vip Room Bandara Juwata Tarakan, menyambut kedatangan Prasasti UB Tarakan menjadi universitas Negeri yang ditandatangani Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada 22 November lalu di Universitas Cenderawasih Papua.
Prasasti yang dibawa Rektor UB Tarakan Abdul Jabarsyah Ibrahim ini pun langsung diara-arak keliling Kota Tarakan. Dalam arak-arakan yang menggunakan mobil pickup terbuka ini ikut serta di dalamnya Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio dan Ketua DPRD Tarakan Efendhi Djuprianto.
Arak-arakan ini mulai star dari Vip Room Bandara Juwata Tarakan, melewati Jalan Mulawarman, Yos Sudarso, Kusuma Bangsa, Pulau Bunyu, Kalimantan dan akhirnya finish di halaman parkir Kantor Walikota Tarakan.
Selama prasasti diarak-arak keliling kota Tarakan, warga Tarakan tidak terlalu antusias menyambut kedatangan prasasti tersebut. Warga seolah-solah tidak perduli kedatangan prastasi itu. Pantuan Tribun, saat mengikuti arak-arakan tersebut, terlihat warga yang berada di pinggir- pinggir jalan hanya melihat dan memadang tanpa ada memberikan ekspresi kegembiraan.
Terlihat pula jalan-jalan yang dilalui arak-arakan ini tampak sepi dari warga. Hal ini terlihat saat melewati Jalan Kusuma Bangsa, Pulau Bunyu dan Jala Kusuma Bangsa tidak ada warga yang berada di pinggir jalan hanya mobil dan motor saja yang lewat.
Tentunya penyambutan ini sangat berbeda, saat menyambut kedatangan komisi II DPR RI terkait dengan pembentukan Kaltara beberapa waktu lalu. Disini warga masyarakat sangat antusias. Mereka membawa bendera merah putih, membentangkan spanduk dan melambaikan tangan kepada anggota komisi yang datang. (*)
Universitas Borneo bisa Jadi Kebanggan Warga Tarakan
Universitas Borneo Tarakan - Walikota Tarakan, Udin Hianggio mengucapkan terimakasih kepada DPRD dan warga Tarakan hingga pendiri UB Tarakan yang telah memberikan dukungan atas perubahan status UB Tarakan menjadi Perguruan Tinggi Pemerintah.
"Kalau tidak ada dukungan dari DPRD dan warga Tarakan, pendiri UB hingga rekan-rekan UB tidak mungkin UB Tarakan bisa menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Status UB Tarakan yang menjadi universitas negeri ini memberikan kebanggan tersendiri bagi Kota Tarakan," ujarnya, Rabu (24/11/2010) di VIP Room Bandara Juwata Tarakan.
Udin berharap dengan status UB Tarakan menjadi universitas negeri, dapat meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)di Tarakan. "Jadi ini kesempatan anak-anak kita untuk mendapatkan kualitas belajar ynag lebih baik," katanya. (*)
Sumber : tribunkaltim.co.id
Selasa, 23 November 2010
Binalatung Tarakan Cocok Jadi Kawasan Walet
TARAKAN - Meskipun saat ini Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Tarakan, masih menyusun draft rancang peraturan daerah (Raperda) tentang sarang burung walet, namun Kecamatan Tarakan Tengah, telah merekomendasikan daerah Binalatung sebagai tempat yang dapat dijadikan kawasan burung walet.
"Kalau menurut saya daerah Binalatung cocok digunakan sebagai kawasan sarang burung walet, karena lokasinya masih kosong dan berhadapan dengan laut. Apalagi yang saya dengar sarang burung walet itu lebih bagus kalau dekat dengan laut," ujar Camat Tarakan Tengah, Hendra Arfandi.
Hendra mengatakan, Binalatung dapat dijadikan sebagai kawasan sarang walet, selain lokasi lahannya masih kosong dan berhadapan dengan laut, juga jauh dari pemukiman rumah warga, sehingga tidak menganggu warga sekitarnya. (*)
Sumber: tribunkaltim (23 November 2010) Borneo
Pemkot Tarakan Segera Melelang Kendaraan Dinas
Terbuka untuk Umum, Pemkot Tak Pasang Target
Pemerintah kota Tarakan yang berencana melakukan penghapusan aset berupa kendaraan dinas, ditegaskan wali kota H. Udin Hianggio, akan dilalui dengan cara pelelangan umum, dalam arti dijual kepada masyarakat secara terbuka.
“Mekanismenya memang membolehkan dilelang. Rencananya lelang umum,” kata Wali Kota Udin Hianggio.
Dikatakannya, usulan penghapusan aset ini berupa surat resmi dari sekretaris kota belum diketahuinya. “Saya belum lihat karena baru saja tiba dari Jepang. Mungkin Senin nanti baru saya dapat ketahui,” katanya.
Menurutnya, jika semua aset yang ingin dihapus dan direncanakan untuk dilelang sudah memenuhi semua persyaratan yang dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri (Permendagri) Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah, dalam waktu dekat rencana tersebut akan secepatnya dilakukan.
Mengenai target penghasilan penjualan puluhan motor yang diusulkan beberapa SKPD ini, wali kota mengatakan tidak ada target pendapatan khusus. “Target harus mengacu dari kondisi motor itu,” terangnya.
Dikatakannya pula, selain motor, kemungkinan masih ada beberapa aset lagi yang juga akan ikut dilelang. Di antaranya mobil roda empat yang juga memenuhi syarat dilelang.
“Tapi saya belum tahu jumlahnya. Masih ditangani SKPD terkait,” kata Udin Hianggio.
Saat ini ada dua satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) di lingkup pemerintah kota yang berencana melelang kendaraan roda dua yang selama ini digunakan sebagai kendaraan operasional. Yakni dari Dinas Pendidikan yang mengusulkan 70 motor, dan dari Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset (DP2KA) yang mengusulkan 20 motor. Semua motor yang dilelang tersebut bermerk Yamaha Sigma keluaran tahun 2000 dan 2001.
Lalu bagaimana kondisi motor dinas yang akan dilelang? Misalnya di bawah gedung gabungan dinas-dinas (Gadis) I, terdapat 11 motor dengan merek sama, Yamaha Sigma. Motor ini diparkir berderetan paling depan. Semuanya berplat warna merah, alias milik pemerintah. Motor-motor ini merupakan sebagian motor yang rencananya akan diputihkan (dum) melalui lelang umum. Kondisinya saat ini sudah sangat berdebu. Ini dimaklumi karena kendaraan ini sudah lama sekali tidak digunakan. Dari 11 kendaraan itu, 7 di antaranya mengalami ban kempes. Entah karena diparkir lama sehingga kempes, atau memang kempes karena ban bocor. Selain itu, hanya satu motor yang dilengkapi kaca spion. Yang dipasang pada bagian kiri. Serta 8 motor tidak lagi dilengkapi kap.
Motor-motor ini merupakan aset pemerintah kota Tarakan yang dikelola Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset (DP2KA). Selain motor ini, masih ada beberapa motor lainnya yang direncanakan ikut dilelang. Totalnya ada 20 buah motor dengan merek yang sama. “Motor yang lainnya masih dibengkel. Kalau ditaruh semua di sini parkiran tidak cukup,” jelas salah satu pegawai di gedung tersebut.
Lain halnya dengan kondisi motor di Dinas Pendidikan yang juga direncanakan juga ikut dilelang. Dari total 70 motor yang direncanakan ikut dilelang, semuanya masih digunakan sebagai kendaraan operasional sekolah. Dikatakan Wahjudi, Pengurus Barang Dinas Pendidikan, dari 70 motor yang ingin dilelang itu, baru 53 buah yang telah disampaikan ke DP2KA selaku pengelola aset pemerintah kota, dikarenakan segala administrasi dan kesiapan fisik 53 motor tersebut sudah beres, baik berupa pajak kendaraan, Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (STNK) dan juga Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor (BPKB). “Yang 23 motor lainnya, ada yang masih diurus perpanjangan STNK. Juga masih diselesaikan pembayaran pajaknya di Samsat,” kata Wahyudi beberapa waktu lalu.
Tapi dari 23 motor itu, sekitar 40 persen, kata Wahyudi, sudah selesai pengurusan administrasinya. Sementara lainnya sedang diusahakan segera selesai. Hambatannya selama ini karena motor-motor ini masih digunakan pihak sekolah, yakni sebagai kendaraan operasional kepala sekolah dan wakil kepala sekolah. “Jadi masih sulit dijangkau. Terkadang motor yang mau dilelang ini letaknya di sekolah yang jauh. Kadang juga STNK-nya sudah mati, jadi butuh waktu mengurus perpanjangannya. Begitu juga ada yang belum dilunasi pajak tahunannya,” jelas Wahjudi.
Namun Dinas Pendidikan merencanakan ikut melelang 23 motor ini bersama-sama 53 motor lainnya yang lebih dulu diserahkan kepada DP2KA. “Kita harap bersama-sama,” ujar Wahyudi.
Pihak Dinas Pendidikan juga sudah mengkomunikasikan rencana ini kepada Dinas Perhubungan untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kondisi fisik 70 kendaraan ini. Dari hasil pemeriksaan itu, diketahui kondisi fisik kendaraan sudah dibawah 25 persen. “Pihak Dishub sudah mem-prosentase-kan fisik tiap-tiap kendaraan. Dari prosentase itu, nanti DP2KA yang menentukan harga,” ujarnya.
Kepala Seksi Pemeliharaan Aset, DP2KA, M. Zainuddin sebelumnya mengatakan, rencana penghapusan aset pemerintah kota ini masih diusulkan kepada Wali Kota melalui Sekretaris Kota Tarakan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan. “Kalau nantinya disetujui Pak Wali Kota, dalam SK (surat keputusan) itu akan diterangkan, apakah lelang dalam arti dijual, atau dihibahkan, atau juga dimusnahkan,” kata Zainuddin.
Menurutnya, ada kemungkinan dilakukan penjualan motor-motor tersebut karena masih bernilai ekonomis dan dianggap dapat membantu kas daerah pemerintah kota Tarakan. “Kan masih layak digunakan. Kalaupun ada yang rusak masih bisa diperbaiki,” terangnya.
Rata-rata motor yang ingin dilelang ini merupakan pengadaan operasional pada tahun anggaran 2000 dan 2001. Sehingga sudah dapat dilakukan penghapusan aset melalui lelang sesuai Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri (Permendagri) Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah, karena sudah melewati 5 tahun. Adapun harga satuan motor-motor tersebut, Zainuddin memperkirakan antara Rp 1 juta hingga Rp 5 juta. “Namun tergantung tingkat usia kendaraan dan kondisi motor itu,” ujarnya. Dalam Permendagri tersebut juga dijelaskan jika nilai aset berupa barang bergerak dibawah Rp 5 miliar, cukup melalui SK Wali Kota tanpa mengajukan izin ke DPRD. Sementara jika yang akan dihapus itu adalah tanah atau bangunan, walau nilainya dibawah Rp 5 miliar, tetap harus diajukan ke DPRD. “Kita rencanakan dilelang tahun ini juga karena sudah diusulkan tahun ini. Tinggal menunggu SK dari Wali Kota saja,” jelas Zainuddin. (***)
Sumber: radartarakan (6 November 2010) Borneo
Senin, 22 November 2010
Pertengahan Desember Pertamax Hadir di Tarakan
TARAKAN - Mengantisipasi tingginya permintaan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi di Tarakan, Depot Pertamina Tarakan pertengahan Desember akan menghadirkan produk BBM non subsidi khusus pertamax.
Untuk menghadirkan Pertamax di Tarakan berbagai persiapan telah di lakukan Pertamina Tarakan, salah satunya menyiapkan drum untuk pengisian pertamax. Di dalam drum tersebut Pertamina Tarakan telah menyiapkan 1.000 kiloliter yang persediaannya cukup untuk 20 hari.
"Untuk infrastruktur Pertamax sudah kami siapkan, bahkan satu drum pengisian premium kami ganti untuk pengisian pertamax. Jadi semuanya sudah sudah siap tinggal kami launching pertengahan Desember mendatang," ucap Ilham Nasution, Operation Head Depot Tarakan PT Pertamina, yang ditemui di ruang kerjanya, Senin (22/11/2010).
Rencananya di Tarakan ada dua Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBBU) yang akan melayani Pertamax. Namun sejauh ini belum diketahui SPBBU mana yang akan ditunjuk untuk melayani BBM non subsidi khusus Pertamax. (*)
Sumber: tribunkaltim (22 November 2010) Borneo
Minggu, 21 November 2010
The Grand Mosque of Tarakan Not yet 100 percent finalized, but Make Amazed
TARAKAN Borneo - Thousands of people packed the Grand Mosque Muslim Tarakan Tarakan for Eid al-Adha prayers, yesterday morning (17/11). This is the first time buildings that suck more than Rp 100 billion budget is used.
"The execution of the Grand Mosque of Tarakan this is not 100 percent completed. But, we all hope for our common pride of the mosque is to be done, "said Mayor of Tarakan H Udin Hianggio.
Some residents claimed amazed after seeing the grandeur of nearby Grand Mosque Tarakan. In fact, after a series of Eid al-Adha prayers implementation is complete, self-perpetuating seen a few people and some families with a background mosque highway.
"No never thought it finally had a mosque Tarakan this grand feast," said Dwi, one of the residents.
Still, not a few people complain because the condition of the main mosque floor of a dusty highway. "How likely is not cleaned," said one resident who complained because his trousers get dirty because sitting on the floor.
To note, there are some alternative steps to arrive at the main floor, called the main sacred areas, namely, 2 main staircase on the left and right basement , also a pair of small stairs on the left and right two main staircase was , a pair of stairs to the corridor of the front and a pair of stairs to the back corridors of the mosque. This ladder as a whole connects basement with the main sacred area or main prayer area which has an area of 3840 square meters.
At the front of the main prayer area, the main wall stands firmly multicolour granite which comes from India. This wall was already completed, but there are still other operation that is still running, one of the founding mihrab which covers 14.5 square meters. To the back wall, there are several rooms that are limited by the corridor, including the secretariat takmir measuring 72 meters square in which there is room chairman Tamir, living room, meeting rooms and VIP rooms. In addition, there is also room preparation, space cooperation, space information, finance room, committee room, maintenance room, and the place of ablution. Meanwhile, in the north and south there is space security. The room is almost entirely complete. Only the furniture alone.
Go to the back of the main prayer area, we will find a room that will be used as a first aid room, main plaza south and north, each measuring 317 square meters and 651 meters in front of square on the back. In this section, there are male and female ablution, cafeteria and library plans. Almost all the furniture that is in this place does not exist.
Eid al-Adha prayers IN TENGKAYU I
Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah members in Tarakan salat Eid al-Adha on Tuesday (16/11)
One of the pilgrims, Samsuddin, said he perform Eid al-Adha prayers on Tuesday for following the implementation of the standing at Arafat. "I follow the standard standing at Arafat which was held last Monday (15/11)," said Samsuddin, residents Juata Sea.
The majority of residents who had the feast of Eid al-Adha on Tuesday is Muhammadiyah members. However, based on radar observations, since the morning, not a few citizens who are not members of Muhammadiyah, also celebrated the Eid al-Adha today.
Meanwhile, although the implementation of Eid al-Adha prayers in the port but the activity in the Port Tengkayu I keep running normally as ordinary days.
"Ports are not closed," said one of the main staff of the Port Tengkayu I. (BDS)
Source: radartarakan (18 November 2010)
Will President Inaugurates State UB So in Jayapura
Tarakan Borneo - Got delayed several times due to administrative constraints, changes in the status of the University of Borneo (UB) Tarakan into state universities be realized.
City Secretary (Sekkot) Tarakan Badrun revealed it had received an invitation containing the schedule of the inauguration of UB penegerian Tarakan with two other universities, namely University Musamus (Merauke) and University of Bangka Belitung (Louth) on 22 November.
"The launch of these three universities as well as associated with the working agenda of the President who made visits to the University Cinderawasih in Jayapura, Papua," said Badrun.
Related inauguration, said Badrun, certainly the president will refer to the regulations, and in it there is no change of name. "In the nomenclature is clear the University Borneo Tarakan," he said.
Even so, connect Badrun, from the management aspect of city government still will refer to the applicable provisions as other state universities. One of them in terms of budget.
"Automatically load from the local government budget goes into the state budget. Insha Allah, 2011, but for the transition period, according to the instructions of the Minister of National Education to oversee the transition of local government continue until the conditions are totally over management can be implemented, "he said.
For fiscal year 2011, local governments are still running will give the budget through the budget to the University of Borneo.
"Do not let the state budget has not been budgeted, while the budget was also not budgeted, because it can cause a vacuum. What is important is not double account. Budgets are expected to continue to back up both the provincial budget and the budgets of the city, "he explained.
Others, of course for the officers, employees, staff, faculty, equipment, assets and so directly and immediately parsed explicitly specified. To be in balance there is separation. "The administration is already taken, but the follow-up will be no formal surrender," he admitted.
At Tarakan itself, at the inauguration conducted in Papua, also will be a ceremonial event.
"Ceremony is being prepared at UB, in the same time when the president inaugurated the University of Cenderawasih, the UB was also conducted simultaneously through teleconferencing events," added Badrun, yesterday. (Ddq)
Source: radartarakan (18 November 2010)
Presiden Akan Resmikan Universitas Borneo Jadi Negeri
Presiden Akan Resmikan UB Jadi Negeri di Jayapura – Sempat tertunda beberapa kali lantaran kendala administrasi, perubahan status Universitas Borneo (UB) Tarakan menjadi perguruan tinggi negeri segera terealisasi.
Sekretaris Kota (Sekkot) Tarakan Badrun mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah menerima undangan berisi jadwal peresmian penegerian UB Tarakan bersama dua universitas lainnya, yakni Universitas Musamus (Merauke) dan Universitas Bangka Belitung (Pangkal Pinang) pada 22 November nanti.
“Peresmian ketiga universitas ini sekaligus dikaitkan dengan agenda kerja Presiden SBY yang melakukan kunjungan ke Universitas Cinderawasih di Jayapura, Papua,” kata Badrun.
Terkait peresmian tersebut, kata Badrun, tentu akan mengacu kepada peraturan presiden, dan di dalamnya belum ada perubahan nama. “Dalam nomenklaturnya jelas Universitas Borneo Tarakan,” tandasnya.
Meski begitu, sambung Badrun, dari aspek manajemen tentu pemerintah kota masih akan mengacu kepada ketentuan yang berlaku sesuai universitas negeri lainnya. Salah satunya dari segi anggaran.
“Otomatis beban pemerintah daerah dari APBD akan beralih ke APBN. Insya Allah 2011, namun untuk masa transisi, sesuai instruksi dari Menteri Pendidikan Nasional agar pemerintah daerah tetap mengawal transisi sampai pada kondisi alih manajemen secara total dapat dilaksanakan,” ungkapnya.
Untuk tahun anggaran 2011, pemerintah daerah memang masih akan memberikan kucuran anggaran melalui APBD kepada Universitas Borneo.
“Jangan sampai APBN belum menganggarkan, sementara APBD juga tidak menganggarkan, karena bisa menyebabkan kevakuman. Yang penting tidak double account. APBD diharapkan tetap dapat memback up, baik APBD provinsi maupun APBD kota,” jelas dia.
Lainnya, tentu untuk pegawai, karyawan, staf, tenaga pengajar, peralatan, aset dan sebagainya langsung segera dirinci dan diurai secara tegas. Agar dalam neraca ada pemisahan. “Secara administrasi memang sudah ditempuh, namun tindak lanjutnya akan ada penyerahan secara resmi,” akunya.
Di Tarakan sendiri, pada saat peresmian dilakukan di Papua, juga akan dilakukan acara seremonial.
“Seremonial sedang disiapkan di UB, dalam waktu yang bersamaan saat presiden meresmikan Universitas Cenderawasih, di UB juga dilakukan acara secara simultan melalui teleconference,” pungkas Badrun, kemarin.(ddq)
Sumber: radartarakan (18 November 2010) Borneo
Sabtu, 20 November 2010
8 office for Tarakan City Government is ready to
TARAKAN Borneo - Eight units of shophouses (home stores) in the Market Boom built Pajang City Government (City Government) Tarakan through the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning (DPUTR) Tarakan has been completed. The plan in the near future shop will soon be occupied.
Commercial mixed-painted dark red, beige and chocolate have floors two floors. This commercial also have facilities, water and electricity, so the shop ready to be operationalized. Shop management plan will be submitted to Perusda Tarakan.
According to the Head DPUTR Tarakan, Suparlan, construction of a physical shop has completed 100 percent. Because the contractor who built shophouses tersebuy have provided DPUTR DPUTR Tarakan Tarakan and then will submit to the City Government of Tarakan.
"During this shop has not been occupied, for the maintenance and treatment of this shop is still the duty of the contractor. If there is damage to the contractor who will have the obligation to fix it," he said.
When asked what used to shop, said it did not know .. Suparlan "We do not know to what use the shop and who will occupy. For this we only get the task to build the shop," he said. . (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
PDAM Tarakan Find Pumps at Home Residents
TARAKAN Borneo - It appears that many factors causing the water taps are not flowing through to the settlement residents, one of them use the pump. The reason PDAM find there are some residents in the Tarakan that use pumps to suck water, for the sake of its own. This also causes the water does not flow in the vicinity.
"We find there are some people who use pumps to suck water in his house, so the people around him did not miss the water. We find in the area and Lingkas Sebengkok Bridge End," said President Director of PDAM Plh, Agus Adnan after receiving the resident representative RT 2 and 31 Kelurahan Karang Anyar Beach, on Friday (19/11/2010) in the conference room taps.
Agus said the residents who was caught using a pump, it directly involves a reprimand by the Chairman of RT. "It turns out that we give this warning effective and homeowners, are not using the pump anymore," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
Strive Tarakan PDAM Water Flowing Soon
TARAKAN Borneo - The existence of citizen complaints RT 2 and RT 31 Kelurahan Karang Anyar, which has been two months dialir no water, PDAM Tarakan party promised to seek the immediate water flow in the area.
Plh President Director of PDAM Tarakan, Agus Adnan said the ministry would try as soon as possible to drain the water into a second settlement RT. Although there are several areas that should be sacrificed for a while not dialir water.
"We will try as soon as possible to drain the water both RT. But the impact there are some areas that for the time being forced to not dialir water. Like the Kampung Baru area and Pamusian," he said on Friday (11/19/2010) after receiving the representatives of residents in two RT.
Agus admitted, the cause of the water does not flow in the two RTs, because settlement of two RT is far from the mains, so that needed booster to drain the water. "Looking at this in a long time we will spends Menganti booster and a long pipe with new pipe with larger diameter pipe," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
Two Months in Karang Anyar Tarakan Water Not Flowing
TARAKAN Borneo - Eight persons resident representative RT 2 and RT 31 Kelurahan Karang Anyar Beach, on Friday (19/11/2010) at 10.00 came to the Tarakan taps located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi. Their arrival to ask for water taps to drain the area. The reason was two months the water taps are not flowing.
Chairman of the RT 2, Ikhsan said, he and his people often tell the phone to the office water taps are not flowing, but there was never any follow-up.
"That's why we come here, so the director taps directly Tarakan hear our complaints. The period was two months of water does not flow at all," he said.
Because of the water taps are not flowing, Ikhsan with its citizens, forced to buy water for Rp 7,000 per drum. "Moreover, these days it does not rain, well we would not want to buy water," he said.
Ikhsan said it wanted to immediately drain the water taps to the settlement residents in RT 2 and RT 31. Because the two areas are adjacent to each other, there are 313 head of the Family (KK) who desperately need clean water.
"We ask the taps, if you can tonight already flowing water, because water in the house is gone and the rain water had run out. If the water will not flow, we will bring more mass to the taps," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
Kamis, 18 November 2010
PMI Tarakan Collect Disaster Funds USD 220 Million
TARAKAN Borneo - To date, donations to disaster victims trim, Mentawai and collected Wasior Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Tarakan Branch, has reached USD 220 million.
This was conveyed by Secretary PMI Tarakan, Suhendi Hendi, after receiving funding from the Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (SBSI) Tarakan, in the space Imbaya Tarakan Mayor's Office on Thursday (18/11/2010).
"Funds that USD 220 million was partially been sent to the account of the PMI headquarters of Rp 142 million, and the remaining funds, including funds donated more than SBSI will be given tomorrow, Friday (11/19/2010)," he said.
Top of this endowment fund, Hendi like to thank the community Tarakan very concerned about the victims of disaster. "We say thanks, it turns people's attention so big and tall Tarakan to victims of disasters in Indonesia," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (18 November 2010)
SBSI Tarakan Give USD 30 Million for Disaster Donations
TARAKAN Borneo - As a form of concern for disaster victims, trim, Mentawai, and Wasior, the Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (SBSI) Tarakan surrender endowment fund of about USD 30 million.
Delivery of donated funds are given symbolically Chairman SBSI Tarakan, Syarifuddin Lopez to Vice Mayor of Tarakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Thursday (11/18/2010) at 15.00 in room Imbaya Office of the Mayor of Tarakan.
Suhardjo who received the funds donated are handed back to the Seketraris help the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Tarakan, Hendi Suhendi to be given directly to victims of disaster.
Chairman SBSI Tarakan, Syarifuddin Lubis said the results of these donations came from community assistance Tarakan. "The funds we collect these donations from the community who help gather our friends in the streets," he said.
Meanwhile Suhardjo thank the help of donor funding that has been given SBSI. "On behalf of private and municipal Tarakan we say thank you. Because this activity is very noble, and will certainly help for disaster victims," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (18 November 2010)
Rabu, 17 November 2010
Halmahera Tarakan Road widened
TARAKAN Borneo - The density of the volume of vehicles on the road forced the Public Works Department Halmahera And Spatial (DPUTR) Tarakan do the widening of the road.
According to the Head DPUTR Tarakan, Suparlan, Halmahera is currently widening the road is still being conducted. Widening was done in front of the Park Oval. After that will continue on the road incline to the office of Mayor of Tarakan.
"The road climbs it should be widened so as not to endanger motorists. Moreover, the road climbs, the road that leads government offices and the General Hospital of Tarakan, so the volume of vehicles passing the road, of course, very much," he said, which met on Thursday (18 / 11/2010). (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (18 November 2010)
Mayor of Tarakan Street Mulawarman Sedimentation Review
TARAKAN Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio with the Head of Sanitation Department Gardening and Cemetery (DKPP) Tarakan, Subono review of sedimentation (pengedapan sand) in the drainage Mulawarman Road, on Thursday (11/18/2010).
When reviewing the field, the number one in Tarakan this view of sedimentation in the drainage of the thickness of the sand has reached 50 centimeters. Sedimentation due to rain here every fall, in this Mulawarman Road experienced flooding up to the sand and debris spilling into the street.
Seeing this state of Udin's request DKPP with relevant agencies, especially the Public Works Department And Spatial (DPUTR) to be able to immediately solve the problems of sedimentation, for pemasalahan flooding in Tarakan can be resolved.
"I have asked to DPUTR to quickly overcome the existing blocks in the drainage, the flooding problem for society's expectations can be quickly resolved," he said.
Meanwhile, the head DKPP Subono said, should be located in drainage sedimentation is every need must always be dredged, so there is no sedimentation that causes flooding. "For every rain down sand and trash spilling onto the street, and of course our officers are always cleaning it," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (18 November 2010)
Losses Due to Conflict Reaches USD 3 M
Tarakan Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan Hianggio Udin said, the data loss version of the Office of the Public Construction Tarakan due to the conflict that occurred some time ago to reach USD 3 billion. While the version of the victims, losses reached approximately USD 5 billion more.
"In 10 agreements signed, mentioned provincial and municipal government will provide assistance and this is expected to be realized, so that should be considered together," said Udin, when Coffee Morning with ranks Muspida and community leaders at the Governor's Office on Monday (15/11 ) ago.
To provide assistance to victims, especially the losses from the fires and damage to property, Udin Hianggio ask for help the provincial government. In addition, the City Government of Tarakan also trying to raise funds from businessmen Tarakan.
"Whatever is given to treat the victims, so we hoped. There are several companies that helped but we do not check the spread account," said Udin. The amount of assistance will be given to the victims of the conflict, said Udin still be published.
Tarakan City Government alone has spent approximately USD 3 billion for handling conflict. Funds are used for handling refugees, security and the need for a span of conflict.
According to Udin, City Government of Tarakan can not just spend much less money as never before included in the budget. "Basically have to budget," he said. At present the matter to the Governor, the City Government of Tarakan not necessarily get assurance because the provincial government should discuss with the DPRD Kaltim first.
Coffee morning held at the Governor's Office was also attended by Governor Awang Faroek Isaac, Mayor of Balikpapan Imdaad Hamid, police chief Mathius Salempang and other Muspida ranks. (May)
Source: TribunKaltim (19 November 2010)
Senin, 15 November 2010
Six Students Tarakan National Olympic Champion
TARAKAN Borneo - Six students SDN Main Tarakan I finally won four titles at once diajang in Indonesia or the Indonesian Science Festival Science Festival (ISF) and the Olympic Indonesian Literature (OSI), which held the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Primary and Medium (Mandikdasmen) from 9 to 14 November at the Garden Hotel Surabaya.
Consists of four champions, Champion Runner II and II for the Study of Science diajang ISF, Second Place and Third Place diajang OSI. Which boasts of four winners of this, when he joined the OSI event. Because in this event, followed by first-SDN Main I, but immediately won two champions at the same time.
Veranita one student who won the Second Place diajang OSI can claim to be happy winner. The reason for following this event he did not get into trouble. Even he had to give explanations before the jury.
"When I was in the jury room asked me to explain the summary of literature and poetry that I created. Time to give my explanation was not nervous and I was able to explain it," he said, after meeting with Vice Mayor Takrakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Monday (15/11 / 2010) in the Office of the City Government of Tarakan Imbaya space. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010)
Enam Pelajar Tarakan Juara Olimpiade Nasional
TARAKAN - Enam pelajar SDN Utama I Tarakan akhirnya meraih empat gelar juara sekaligus diajang di Festival Sains Indonesia atau Indonesian Science Festival (ISF) dan Olimpiade Sastra Indonesia (OSI) yang diadakan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menegah (Mandikdasmen) mulai 9 hingga 14 November di Hotel Garden Surabaya.
Empat juara tersebut terdiri dari, Juara II dan Juara Harapan II Bidang Studi IPA diajang ISF, Juara II dan Juara III diajang OSI. Yang membanggakan dari empat juara ini, saat mengikuti ajang OSI. Pasalnya di ajang ini, baru pertamakali diikuti SDN Utama I, namun langsung meraih dua juara sekaligus.
Veranita salah satu pelajar yang meraih Juara II diajang OSI mengaku senang dapat meraih juara. Pasalnya selama mengikuti ajang ini ia tidak mendapatkan kesulitan. Bahkan ia pun dapat memberikan penjelasan di hadapan dewan juri.
"Waktu di dalam ruangan jurinya meminta saya untuk menjelaskan ringkasan sastra dan pantun yang saya buat. Waktu memberikan penjelasan saya sama sekali tidak gugup dan saya mampu untuk menjelaskannya," ujarnya, usai bertemu dengan Wakil Walikota Takrakan, Suhardjo Trianto, Senin (15/11/2010) di ruang Imbaya Kantor Pemkot Tarakan. (*)
Sumber: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010) Borneo
Quarantine Central Frezer Tarakan Minim
TARAKAN Borneo - The widespread circulation of illegal meat allana brand of Indian origin in Tarakan, and the incessant raids of illegal meat is carried out a joint team, making the engine coolant or frezer Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan can not accommodate that raided the illegal meat .
Frezer engine owned Quarantine Central Office, it can only accommodate around 600 kilograms of meat, making meat illegal raids result of PP as much as 80 kilograms Satpol found some time ago, can not accommodate.
"Yes our capacity is not too much just about 600 pounds. Yesterday alone, there were 80 kilos of illegal meat from Satpol PP allana findings we receive, but because we frezer capacity is not enough, so only 40 kilograms of meat that can be accommodated, the rest we ask Satpol PP to save, "said Chief Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan, Achmad Widodo, on Monday (15/11/2010) after doing the culling allana meat. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010)
640 Kg Illegal Meat Destroyed at Tarakan
TARAKAN Borneo - Agricultural Quarantine Central Office Class II Tarakan related agency team destroy as much as 640 kilograms of illegal meat Allan brands from India, on Monday (11/15/2010) behind Quarantine Central Office located in Jalan Mulawarman.
Destruction of illegal meat was burned using the tools of office incenerator Tarakan Agriculture Quarantine Center. The destruction was witnessed meat from various representatives of relevant agencies, including the Office of Port Security Services (KP3), Adpel Office, Office of Customs and Excise, Immigration Office, Satpol PP, Juwata Tarakan Airport, and the Police.
Illegal meat was destroyed, confiscated from from June to October 2010, when conducted joint raids with the team. The reason meat destroyed there are four, have no health documents, not included in the agriculture ministry data, not reported to the quarantine center, and contain foot and mouth disease.
Head of Class II Institute for Agriculture Quarantine Tarakan Achmad Widodo said, is expected by the destruction of illegal meat is no deterrent effect for the owner of the meat. "We expect the owner of this meat memperjual deterrent and no longer buy or consume this meat, as they contain foot and mouth disease," he said .. (*)
Source: Tribun Kaltim (15 November 2010)
Conflict Tarakan Spend USD 4 Billion
Tarakan Borneo - City Government of Tarakan has spent approximately USD 4 billion to finance the citizens of intergroup conflict in late September 2010. As stated by the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio in the Office of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Samarinda, on Monday (11/15/2010).
Fund USD 4 billion was spent to help the security forces overcome the problem of security during the conflict lasts, to finance purchases of food and beverages to residents who had fled, and provides compensation to some families of those killed in the clashes.
The conflict itself has killed five residents. Four charred house. Several motorcycles were also destroyed in the fire. Losses on the estimated resident approximately USD 5 billion while the government estimated USD 1.3 billion.
Just to remind, youth disputes that occurred on September 26, 2010 has sparked conflict between ethnic Dayak and Bugis. Widespread conflict, but eventually managed to be muted. Facilitated by local governments both tribes finally reconciled.
Source: Kompas (15 November 2010)
Mayor of Tarakan Can Award from the Ministry of Health
TARAKAN Borneo - Thanks to the concern in the health sector, the Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio Bakti Husada award winning Knights of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, in commemoration of Health Nasonal (HKN), the 46th at the House of the Ministry of Health, Friday (12/11) night yesterday.
Bakti Husada Knight Award is given to individuals who voluntarily contributed energy, thoughts and knowledge to the public in developing health programs.
Recipients of this award is 19 people. Among them, Thaib Armaiyn (Governor of North Maluku), Lukman Hakim (Mayor of Metro), Ahmad Herywan (Governor of West Java), Amran Nur (Mayor Sawahlunto), Riduan Effendi (Mayor Lubuk Linggao), Arifin Budiman (Regent Bulungan) and Udin Hianggio ( Mayor of Tarakan).
Hianggio Udin said, grateful for the receipt of these awards. "I am grateful to this award, because I did not know before. It's just informed when I suddenly get an award," he said when contact Tribun. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (14 November 2010)
Budi Handoyo Now Danlanud Tarakan
Complete Development Makolanud
Borneo TARAKAN - Sticks of command leadership at the Air Base (air base) official Tarakan switching from Flight Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Erwan Navigation Budi Handoyo, Friday (12/11) in Makolanud Tarakan.
Pangkoopsau II Marsma TNI R. Agus Munandar sertijab said after the ceremony, emphasizing a new commander does not have to completely change what it has been running in Lanud Tarakan.
"Usually the new officials if a commander must completely change the old policy. That's not true, "he said.
According to him, the task of the new officers would continue what has been done a long time official. Because if not forwarded, then the program has been designed will not be synergy anymore.
"Given the Tarakan Air Base is still new, I ask the new danlanud remain prioritized its development so that two or three years later can be settled (settled)," he hoped.
However, Agus does not impose limits to the new danlanud for creativity, especially in building the air base Tarakan. If taken seriously, said Agus, development in this Tarakan air base in the next two years one can certainly be completed. "The land is not flat. Road tembusnya also not finished, "he said.
For information, current development of the pass from Jl. Mulawarman towards new Makolanud completed about 80 percent. It is constrained because under the road was under construction there is content coal.
"This year we expect construction is finished," two-star general hope in this shoulder.
He explained, Lanud Tarakan residing in the border region is certainly scope to anticipate the threats that exist.
"We do not impose on the entire base to be a home base. But as a base, this base whenever necessary should be ready for war. Especially if there is a threat from outside, "he concluded.
Danlanud long Erwan Flight Lieutenant Colonel Andrews said that would be a chore for his successor is to conduct communication and approach with neighboring regions such as Pemkab Berau, Malinau, Bulungan, Summit, and Nunukan.
"That's what I have not had time to do and I will send down to the new officials," he said.
While in Tarakan, Erwan who impressed with his men near it has enough memorable experience at the time of the incident gray in Tarakan some time ago.
"Quite frankly of little problems which really huge impact. We even feel. I am told, let us create a situation conducive to the peace. If this happens then all good, "said Erwan that could accommodate the refugees for a few days at his headquarters.
After from Tarakan, Erwan will serve as a guide lecturer at the School of the Air Force Command Unit in the Prime Halim Kusuma Jakarta. For information, Erwan Andrews served as Danlanud in Tarakan during 1.2 years.
The new Tarakan Danlanud Navigation Lieutenant Colonel Budi Handoyo claims will continue the good things of the old commander, especially in the field of infrastructure development and mental development of soldiers. So the future of the soldiers to carry out their duties as a good soldier airforce.
"What I first move was to build infrastructure such a way that can be neatly organized and the members of the improved discipline. So all ready to run commands in an atmosphere of precarious in performing their duties, "said Budi.
Lanud Tarakan, he explained, is a leading Aju base which is the air base that at times are faced with disputes in other countries. For that, Lanud Tarakan expected to be ready to do battle. "Whatever the situation that requires us to fly, we are ready," said the man who served Danlanud second Tarakan.
Related makolanud development, especially the entrance facilities, according to Budi completion lived 20 percent longer. It influenced the natural factors, namely coal content in it. For that plan to the content of the coal will be dredged and will diuruk.
"God willing the end of the month is over," added Bob previously served as commander of the TNI Unity School of the Air Force Command. (Ddq)
Source: RadarTarakan (13 November 2010)
Juwata Tarakan Airport Name Will Not Be Replaced
Mayor of Tarakan: Airport Name Juwata No Need to Replace
Tarakan Borneo - Proposed change of name Juwata Tarakan airport to Airport DR Jusuf Serang Kasim proposed by the Head of Special Airport Grade 1 Juwata Tarakan, Husni Djau, surprise Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio. Because until now Udin never knew the proposal.
"I was shocked to hear a proposed name Tarakan airport suddenly would be replaced. I do not know if there are proposals would be replaced. I know there are suggestions the airport name was changed from the Provincial DPRD Kaltim," he said, the Tribune found, in his office, Monday (11/08/2010).
According to Udin, you should not need to change the airport name. This is because the name Juwata Tarakan airport has become the historical city of Tarakan. "Starting from the Japanese era name Juwata it already exists, and also anyways juwata name known to the public, so why change," he said. (*)
The Mayor will call Chief Juwata Tarakan Airport
Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio will immediately call the head of the Special Airport Grade 1 Juwata Tarakan, Husni Djau, related to the proposed change of name Juwata Tarakan airport to airport DR Joseph SK.
"I'll call Hosni to discuss the proposed change of name of this airport. Because this is not to political interests," stated the number one in this Tarakan, in his office on Monday (08/11/2010)
Udin said that in the near future, he along with City DPRD Tarakan will soon discuss and present also Husni. "We will discuss the proposed change of name of this airport. Because the proposed change of name of this airport has been heard by the DPRD Kaltim Pronvinsi. Certainly not good, if DPRD Kaltim already know this proposal, while the municipal government and the DPRD Tarakan we do not know," he said. (*)
Chairman of the DPRD Tarakan Not Know Proposed Replacement Airport Name
Proposed renaming the Tarakan Airport Juwata be Dr. Jusuf Serang Kasim Airport proposed Chief Juwata Tarakan Airport, Husni Djau, it was not known by the provincial city of Tarakan.
According to Chairman of the DPRD Tarakan, Efendhi Djuprianto, it has not received the proposal, because just returned from a visit to China. "I do not know, because recently arrived at Tarakan. But as I recall from the airport had never submitted the proposal," he said on Monday (1/11/2010).
Efendhi reveal, the proposed renaming the airport is not easy. This is because it requires several steps which must not only involve the airport, but also the entire community Tarakan.
"This proposal was also not bad. But still need to have phase-steps that we should be discussed with the community and community leaders. For that this proposal should we learn first, so I can not comment too much about it," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim
Pros and cons on the Proposed Replacement Airport Name Juwata
Borneo TARAKAN - Proposed change of name to International Airport Jusuf SK Juwata turns raises the pros and cons in the community. Several residents met Tarakan City Tribune claimed agree and some will not agree with the proposed replacement of the name.
A resident, Jauria said he did not agree when there is a replacement name of the airport. "I do not agree, because the name had already become an icon Juwata Tarakan society and also has been known, so why change. After all regional heads had the obligation to build the city that dipimpinannya for the sake of society," he said.
Unlike Ardian. This guy could not agree Juwata Airport name replaced with the name Joseph SK. "I agree, because he is indeed instrumental for the development of the airport. I wish there was no where to Pak Jusuf Tarakan Airport can move forward until now," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (1 November 2010)
Festival Jepen, Faces of Islam in the Malay Dance Intercourse
Tarakan Borneo - Community Tarakan in East Kalimantan will excite joy in Jepen Festival 2010. This effort to preserve local arts and cultural community-owned coastal beach.
"I was living-dead in the arts and culture. One of them Jepen, "said Asrani, cultural and dance Jepen conservationists in East Kalimantan (Kaltim). Men from aquatic mammal was then revealed at once a love for art and culture kegundahannya tradition.
One concern is Asrani Jepen dance, folk dance-influenced Kutai Malay culture and Islam. According to him, the fate of social dance popular among the coastal communities were not much different from other dance traditions. This means, he said, dance Jepen in Kaltim not booming but still survive and not disappear.
"Some areas are still often demonstrates this dance for example in the aquatic mammal, Berau, Tarakan, Tana Tidung, Grand Indonesia, and East Kutai," called the man who had established a culture of art galleries in 1992.
Just like a social dance, dance Jepen usually danced in pairs that describe the joy as well as gratitude. Costume worn was usually vibrant and rich color as a symbol of joy. Men usually wear long dancer, dressed in the Gulf Belangga (arm length) and female dancers bersarung.Sedangkan gloved and berkebaya with typical regional model respectively.
This energetic dance using basic motion of feet and hand waving, to the accompaniment of songs and music typical of Kutai called Tingkilan. The instrument consists of psaltery (a kind of stringed guitar 6) and ketipung (a kind of small drum). "This dance is also sometimes interspersed with rhymes reverberate," says Asrani.
Besides in Borneo, he continued, Jepen as Malay-Islamic-based dance was also popular in other coastal regions such as Riau and North Sumatra. In fact, in Batavia is also developing Japin dance music accompanied by harp and a small drum. Geographically, Jepen also live in Sarawak (Malaysia), Tawi-Tawi (Brunei Darussalam) and Tawao (Philippines).
"Penamaannya may be different. Can dance Jepen, Japin, or Zapin. But, equally breath Malay-Islamic, "said Asrani.
As a dance association, Jepen originally performed solely for the pleasure of the culprit (kelangenan) to later become part of the lifestyle of coastal communities. When there is a wedding or circumcision ceremony, guests were entertained with this dance. That said, the kings of Kutai were often ordered this folk art to celebrate her birthday or welcome the Islamic New Year. In addition, dance is also prevalent Jepen displayed in a procession to welcome the guest of honor like to welcome the minister.
"I hope the future generation will never leave the local cultural arts. If properly managed and conserved, art and culture can also bring in foreign exchange, "he said.
Hapiza, a dance teacher from the studio Jepen Development of Indonesian Arts (BSBI) in Samarinda have similar expectations. For that, a woman who has five years of teaching this dance happy dance traditions teach that to children in kindergartens and primary schools in the studio on the second floor of his house. While Hapiza and his youngest daughter dance Jepen, his eldest son Tingkilan music expertly played.
"We only have 35 children who practice dance. However, seeing the kids know and love the dance itself is a pride for me. It is rather difficult to find a new seed because children nowadays are more interested nge-band, "said the mother of two children.
Hapiza grateful that almost all primary school currently requires that the local content subject areas of art so that children can be challenged to bring dance, theater, and folk songs. As a result, children who initially did not like just getting excited, especially if there is a race or a festival.
"The group dance contest winner will usually be invited by the government to stage around the outside of the city. Thus, embedded in the minds of children that the dance area can bring them explored throughout Indonesia, "he explained.
So far, continued Hapiza, group dance studio has BSBI stage in many cities such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Manado and Jakarta TMII Pavilion in East Kalimantan. He also hoped the government would give more attention to local art can be more frequently performed abroad.
Promotion Director of the Interior Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) Fath Bahri said it was often include local dance teams to go to the mission of RI culture abroad. Among them in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Shanghai, Australia, Germany, to America. "Usually the dance group that judged the winner of the competition and we want to include the good," he said.
According Fath, organizing competitions and festivals Jepen also an effective way to preserve and foster a spirit of folk art in order not to wilt. To that end, fully supports the implementation Kemenbudpar Jepen Festival 2010 held in Tarakan, starting October 30 to 31. According to him, although new participants include the districts and cities in Kalimantan, the festival has been designated as a national festival.
"The festival is already the third time and aims spur society to preserve the dance Jepen as potential areas. I see great dance, energetic, not monotonous and shows shades of joy of youth. In addition Jepen dance, dance performances and music from other regions will also appear in Jepen Festival 2010, "he explained.
Fathul hope through dance competitions in the festival spirit of the people will be pumping Jepen. Usually, he said, long before the festival spirit of community practice to reach the victory target in a healthy manner. In addition, through the creation race be born Dance Jepen Jepen Furnaces, Jepen Wave Dance, Dance Jepen 29, Dance Dance Jepen Jepen Sidabil and Tali. Generally, the new creation dance has experienced growth in terms of movement and costume, although breath Aseli Jepen dance still remain attached.
"Movement and dance costume color Jepen now begin more daring, because after difestivalkan people considered that a more vibrant and creative is what will win. For that, the choreographer is required to be creative and innovative, "he said.
Tour History and Culture in Tarakan
Tarakan is an island located at the northern tip of East Kalimantan province. The island was chosen as the venue Jepen Festival 2010 due to a very strategic location, which is bordered by Malaysia and the Philippines to the north. Tarakan also often used as a destination for tourists from the states of Sabah (Malaysia), Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Japan, China, Korea and other Pacific countries. The travelers from Australia and New Zealand is also not difficult to reach this region.
In the past, Tarakan island also has an emotional attachment with the three major countries ie Japan, America and Australia. The three countries involved in the Pacific War when fighting Tarakan. Therefore, in addition to beautiful nature, Tarakan also has a number of historic attractions are a silent witness to the awesomeness of the Pacific War. Among other oil cargo, bunkers, weapons storage, round house, fortress, cannons and aircraft debris.
Cultural and historical wealth owned Tarakan island makes this area of 281 square kilometers worth a visit. Moreover, the distance between one tourist attraction to one another not too far away. Virtually, Tarakan is an exotic paradise of natural attractions and fantastic. (Indah Susanti / Newspapers SI / tty)
Source: lifestyle.okezone (October 29, 2010)
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