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Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Meet Police Chief After Tarakan and Police Officers, Massa Liquidate Yourself

. Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan After Meet the Police Chief and Police Officers, Massa Liquidate Yourself - Kaltim BorneoTARAKAN - Representatives of the masses in Tarakan held a meeting with Kapolresta AKBP Dharu Siswanto and a number of police officers Mapolresta Tarakan in East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (09/28/2010). The mass represented Udin Bahlok or called Commander Beetle, Haji Muktar, Chairman Tidung Kaltim, and a few others.

After the meeting, Udin straight to the masses and said police had arrested two suspects involved in the murder of Abdullah (45). "One suspect was arrested. There are still two or three more suspects in the search process, and in the near future must be caught by the police," said Udin to the masses.

Customary Chief Tidung Kaltim Idris Haji Mukhtar also confirmed, the police had arrested one suspect. Saaat suspects are used to provoke his peers to be arrested as well.

Furthermore, Udin Bahlok requesting calm and disperse the mass. A few moments later the mass was disbanded and left mapolresta. (*)

Source: TribunKaltim (28 September 2010)

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