Beetles Commander Kebalkan Massa, Chief of the Bird Fly Sword
Tarakan Borneo - respected. Udin Beams (tattooed), which dubbed as the Commander of the Beetle by the citizens of Tarakan and Nunukan, the peace procession in Tarakan, last week. (PHOTO ARNOLD / RADAR TARAKAN)
LIKE movie mythology course. Unrest in Tarakan left interesting stories in the community.
Behind the trauma that still haunts some people Tarakan, there are interesting stories that became a byword. The stories that smelled so there are myths that told her to smile. However, some are quite serious, even more seriously.
Nuanced tales of myth it is the presence of two warlords who would assist in conflict Tidung in Tarakan. Chief Commander of the first degree and second degree Beetles Birds Commander.
Both came from the Dayak, Central Kalimantan. However, the miracle is different. Commander of the beetles could create mass resistance through a specific ritual process so that all Tidung brave in the field.
The Commander of the bird will come after the meditation perfectly. Miracle, able to incorporate the spirit to all the troops on the ground so that they rampage through unconscious finish off his opponents. They're like possessed.
In addition, the Commander of the Birds can move the sword up in the air. Sword-sword move itself chop your opponent's neck which has been determined origin.
According to the stories of citizens, this is the magic bird Commander acting on the riots in Sampit several years ago. As a result, the victim lying in a sadist. Many of the victims with a broken neck. Residents also memitoskan that the victim's head that is the evidence and sacrificial rituals Bird Commander.
Plan arrival Beetle Commander, I get when still in Makassar. The day before leaving for Tarakan, my contact phone number several residents in Tarakan. One of them claimed to be displaced by future Chief of the Bird. He said he would follow the Commander of beetles that are already in Tarakan.
Half an hour later, I received an SMS that says, "You'd better postpone the Tarakan. Commander beetles already here."
Had too alarmed. However, it was the last SMS that is pumping my journalistic instincts to get to Tarakan, although delayed one day due to restrictions on the landing at Tarakan. This was done to avoid the deployment of the security of certain groups who would disturb the atmosphere in Tarakan.
I certainly do not pray to be able to see the truth of the myth of the Commander of beetles in an atmosphere of ethnic war. A clash that tears it morandakan peace Tarakan. What's interesting to be published is to what extent the effects of the myths that affect the community in Tarakan.
Heavy rains suddenly flushed when arriving at the Airport Tarakan Juata, 23.30 local time. Besides the rain, also died lamp. Again, the myth emerged. "Yes, tonight really cool. Nature into our favor.
Just peace agreement, also soothing rain suddenly Tarakan town, "said one taxi driver who rushed widen the umbrella. He also believes that the Commander beetles already in Tarakan. However, when asked where he, the driver was shaking his head.
Tarakan town atmosphere that night not to be feared. You see, the next will come the National Police, Bambang Hendarso Danuri. Security must be super tight. Leisure Tarakan city would enjoy a priority.
I chose to mingle with residents who were displaced. However, it turns out places that you want addressed is empty. Since afternoon, the refugees in the city had returned to their homes. Fortunately there are displaced families who kindly called to his home in the Area Beringin.
In areas ranging from one kilometer from the mass concentration during the riots, many residents shut the door. If you knock on the door, the homeowner will not be open if it does not know the people who knocked. The door knocker even mention his name. If the vowel characters are familiar with the host, then the door will be opened.
I want to immediately know what kind of chief figure in the eyes of citizens beetles that make them afraid to go outside the house. One of his chief told him that Beetle had entered the city. Features, full of tattoos. Posture tiny. Then, how can action in securing the city is so tight security?
On Friday morning, I rush to join the entourage Chief of Police. Not securing themselves from the arrival of Commander of the Beetle, but a small liver me to guess, lest it not a myth.
Lest this is true of certain groups of warlords who deliberately brought in to take part in peace in Tarakan it. After all, since the arrival of Police Chief plans, has been conducted twice a peace deal that brings some community leaders.
In the midst of a peace deal ceremony attended by Chief of Police, the shy and immediately wanted to know, and little confidence, I asked one reporter, "The boss, in which it was Beetle Commander?" My question was a little wise guy, though, I've never witnessed it. However, potent, too. Who were asked directly pointing, "That's up ahead!"
A few minutes later, a man full of tiny tattoos on the body and his face was hugged by Chief of Police. Police must bend over a lot because the body's chief Beetle shorter.
Almost five minutes I was transfixed. Glaring at the figure of the Commander-in beetles from a distance of three meters, I do not moves. I also chose to cancel the intention to meet and talk with the Commander. Especially when it can be information that the Commander of the "stay" or maybe diinapkan on one luxury hotel in Tarakan.
I then thought about something that requires me to choose. Does continuing Commander visited Beetle or exploit for any thing more useful. I also think more about the segmentation of time efficiency and our newspaper (Daily DAWN) with various calculations about profit hurt to publicize the Commander of the Beetle.
"Cancel!" That last conclusion that makes me not to be interviewed Commander Beetle. Surely my calculation is not one hundred percent correct. Moreover, the Commander of the Beetle is the figure of "hero" in his community. He is not the thugs in their eyes. Clearly, he's one of the "leaders" who may be deemed necessary to be presented for the sake of securing a peace agreement in Tarakan.
At least, he has received attention from the ranks of security and other parties. The commander had been "getting space" in the presence of Chief of Police at the time of the visit was peaceful.
I finally decided to return to the village residents who prefer living in the house. There, some residents are in a yellow ribbon on the door that has been installed a few days after his family security. Residents in the village who has posted a white ribbon too, they open it.
There are people who even rush to change the color of ribbon that are installed prior to flee. He received the news that supporters of a particular ribbon colors coming soon. Supporting the ribbon color will be coordinated Commander Beetle.
However, until I left Tarakan to continue the journey to Nunukan, Sunday afternoon, October 3, what is feared to citizens and what dimitoskan, does not occur. Alhamdulillah.
Apparently, the Commander of the beetles in question they are a tiny figure of a man who was tattooed. Some residents in Nunukan said that his real name is Udin Beams. "Udin also never came in Nunukan. He is very simple. Rarely way," said Aziz, Tuesday, October 5.
Aziz also explained that the Commander of the beetles that could be a therapy for a peace. Instead it will be a suggestion for certain groups to be more energetic in a conflict. "But sorry, I did not mention the figure as a thug," said Citizens Nunukan claiming this bloody Tidung and Bugis.
Who was the Commander of the Beetle, which he clearly has been greeted by Chief of Police at the declaration of a peace deal in the town of Tarakan. Some say that the commander of the beetles are also present in the midst of riots Sampit a few years ago. If the group is brutal in Tarakan, it is feared this area into two volumes Sampit.
Fortunately presence in the midst of the masses who come to police headquarters in Tarakan recently, beralibi to calm the masses. If so, who is actually moving the masses? And, if the mass brutality, who is responsible? What are the penalties?
Whatever the answer, Commander of the Beetle has become a "character". Her presence in the midst of a peace agreement in Tarakan ceremony attended by Chief of Police, on Friday last week has been exploited for the sake of peace. The result, for temporary peace Tarakan, East Kalimantan Police chief despite still be based in Tarakan city.
So how about the Commander of the Bird? How did people react in Nunukan Tidung? What response responded historian at Nunukan nuanced reality that myth? (*)
Source: (6 OCTOBER 2010)
Redirect to TarakanBais
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Myths Behind the Riots Stud Tarakan (1)
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
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