Masyarakat Tarakan Kalimantan Timur akan meluapkan kegembiraan dalam Festival Jepen 2010. Inilah upaya pelestarian seni dan budaya daerah milik masyarakat pesisir pantai itu.
“Saya ini hidup-mati di seni budaya. Salah satunya Jepen,” ungkap Asrani, budayawan dan pelestari tari Jepen di Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim). Pria asal Kutai Kartanegara itu lantas mengungkapkan kecintaan sekaligus kegundahannya atas seni dan budaya tradisi.
Salah satu yang menjadi perhatian Asrani adalah tari Jepen, seni tari rakyat Kutai yang dipengaruhi kebudayaan Melayu dan Islam. Menurutnya, nasib tari pergaulan yang populer di kalangan masyarakat pesisir pantai itu tak jauh beda dengan tarian tradisi lainnya. Artinya, kata dia, tari Jepen di Kaltim tidak berkembang pesat tapi masih bertahan dan tidak hilang.
“Beberapa daerah yang masih sering mempertunjukan tarian ini misalnya di Kutai Kartanegara, Berau, Tarakan, Tana Tidung, Bulungan, dan Kutai Timur,” sebut pria yang pernah mendirikan sebuah sanggar seni budaya pada 1992.
Layaknya sebuah tari pergaulan, tari Jepen umumnya ditarikan berpasang-pasangan yang menggambarkan kegembiraan sekaligus rasa syukur. Kostum yang dikenakan pun biasanya semarak dan kaya warna sebagai perlambang keceriaan. Penari pria biasanya bercelana panjang, berbaju Teluk Belangga (lengan panjang) dan bersarung.Sedangkan penari wanita bersarung dan berkebaya dengan model khas daerah masing-masing.
Tarian enerjik ini menggunakan gerak dasar langkah kaki dan lambaian tangan, dengan iringan nyanyian dan irama musik khas Kutai yang disebut Tingkilan. Adapun alat musiknya terdiri dari gambus (sejenis gitar berdawai 6) dan ketipung (semacam kendang kecil). “Tarian ini juga terkadang diselingi pantun berbalas,” ucap Asrani.
Selain di Kalimantan, lanjutnya, Jepen sebagai tarian berbasis Melayu-Islam juga populer di daerah pesisir pantai lainnya seperti Riau dan Sumatera Utara. Bahkan, di Betawi juga berkembang tari Japin yang diiringi musik gambus dan kendang kecil. Secara geografis, Jepen hidup pula di Serawak (Malaysia), Tawi-Tawi (Brunei Darussalam) dan Tawao (Philipina).
“Penamaannya mungkin saja berbeda. Bisa tari Jepen, Japin, atau Zapin. Tapi, nafasnya sama-sama Melayu-Islam,” tutur Asrani.
Sebagai tari pergaulan, Jepen awalnya dilakukan semata-mata untuk kesenangan pelakunya (kelangenan) hingga kemudian menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup masyarakat pesisir pantai. Saat ada upacara pernikahan atau khitanan, tetamu dihibur dengan tarian ini. Konon, raja-raja Kutai pun sering memesan kesenian rakyat ini untuk merayakan ulang tahunnya atau menyambut Tahun Baru Islam. Selain itu, tari Jepen juga lazim ditampilkan dalam prosesi menyambut tamu kehormatan semisal menyambut menteri.
“Saya berharap generasi penerus bangsa tidak akan pernah meninggalkan seni budaya daerahnya. Kalau dikelola dan dilestarikan dengan baik, seni budaya juga bisa mendatangkan devisa,” tandasnya.
Hapiza, seorang guru tari Jepen dari sanggar Bina Seni Budaya Indonesia (BSBI) di Samarinda punya harapan serupa. Untuk itu, wanita yang sudah lima tahun mengajar tari ini dengan senang hati mengajarkan tari tradisi itu kepada anak-anak TK dan SD di sanggar yang ada di lantai dua rumahnya. Sementara Hapiza dan puteri bungsunya menari Jepen, putra sulungnya dengan lihai memainkan musik Tingkilan.
“Saat ini baru ada 35 anak yang berlatih tari. Namun, melihat anak-anak mengenal dan mencintai tarian daerah sendiri merupakan suatu kebanggaan bagi saya. Memang agak sulit mencari bibit baru karena anak jaman sekarang lebih tertarik nge-band,” tutur ibu dua anak itu.
Hapiza bersyukur karena hampir semua SD saat ini mewajibkan mata pelajaran muatan lokal kesenian daerah sehingga anak-anak tertantang untuk bisa membawakan tarian, teater, dan lagu daerah. Alhasil, anak-anak yang awalnya tidak suka justru kian bersemangat, terlebih jika ada perlombaan atau festival.
“Grup tari pemenang lomba biasanya akan diajak oleh pemerintah untuk pentas keliling di luar kota. Sehingga, tertanam dalam benak anak-anak bahwa tarian daerah pun bisa membawa mereka menjelajahi seluruh Indonesia,” bebernya.
Sejauh ini, sambung Hapiza, grup tari sanggar BSBI telah pentas di sejumlah kota seperti Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Menado, dan Anjungan Kaltim di TMII Jakarta. Ia pun berharap pemerintah memberi perhatian lebih sehingga kesenian daerah bisa lebih sering tampil di luar negeri.
Direktur Promosi Dalam Negeri Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Kemenbudpar) Fathul Bahri mengatakan, pihaknya sudah sering mengikutsertakan tim tari daerah untuk ikut misi kebudayaan RI di luar negeri. Diantaranya di Malaysia, Brunai Darussalam, Shanghai, Australia, Jerman, hingga Amerika. “Biasanya grup tari pemenang lomba dan yang dinilai bagus itu kita ikut sertakan,” tegasnya.
Menurut Fathul, penyelenggaraan lomba dan festival Jepen juga merupakan cara efektif dalam melestarikan dan menggelorakan semangat kesenian rakyat agar tidak layu. Untuk itu, Kemenbudpar mendukung penuh penyelenggaraan Festival Jepen 2010 yang diselenggarakan di Tarakan, mulai 30-31 Oktober. Menurutnya, kendati pesertanya baru mencakup kabupaten dan kota di Kalimantan, festival tersebut sudah ditetapkan sebagai festival nasional.
“Festival ini sudah yang ketiga kalinya dan bertujuan memacu masyarakat untuk melestarikan tari Jepen sebagai potensi daerah. Saya lihat tariannya bagus, enerjik, tidak monoton dan menunjukkan nuansa gembira dari muda-mudi. Selain tari Jepen, pertunjukan tarian dan musik dari daerah lain juga akan tampil dalam Festival Jepen 2010,” paparnya.
Fathul berharap melalui perlombaan tari dalam festival Jepen semangat rakyat akan terpompa. Biasanya, kata dia, jauh hari sebelum penyelenggaraan festival masyarakat semangat berlatih untuk mencapai target kemenangan secara sehat. Selain itu, melalui ajang lomba kreasi Jepen terlahirlah Tari Jepen Tungku, Tari Jepen Gelombang, Tari Jepen 29, Tari Jepen Sidabil dan Tari Jepen Tali. Umumnya tari kreasi baru tersebut sudah mengalami perkembangan dalam hal gerakan dan kostum, kendati nafas aseli tari Jepen masih tetap melekat.
“Gerakan dan warna kostum tari Jepen sekarang ini mulai lebih berani, karena setelah difestivalkan orang menilai bahwa yang lebih semarak dan kreatif itulah yang akan menang. Untuk itu, sang koreografer dituntut untuk kreatif dan inovatif,” tuturnya.
Berwisata Sejarah dan Budaya di Tarakan
Tarakan merupakan sebuah pulau yang terletak di ujung utara propinsi Kaltim. Pulau ini dipilih sebagai lokasi penyelenggaraan Festival Jepen 2010 karena letaknya yang sangat strategis, yakni berbatasan dengan Malaysia dan Filipina di sebelah utara. Tarakan juga kerap dijadikan tujuan wisata bagi turis dari negara bagian Sabah (Malaysia), Brunai Darussalam, Filipina, Jepang, China, Korea dan negara pasifik lainnya. Para pelancong dari Australia dan Selandia Baru juga tak sulit mencapai kawasan ini.
Di masa lampau, pulau Tarakan juga memiliki keterikatan emosional dengan tiga negara besar yakni Jepang, Amerika dan Australia. Ketiga negara ini ikut terlibat dalam Perang Pasifik saat memperebutkan Tarakan. Sebab itu, selain alam yang indah, Tarakan juga memiliki sejumlah objek wisata bersejarah yang menjadi saksi bisu kedahsyatan Perang Pasifik. Antara lain lading minyak, bunker, gudang senjata, rumah bundar, benteng pertahanan, meriam dan serpihan pesawat terbang.
Kekayaan budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki Tarakan menjadikan pulau seluas 281 kilometer persegi ini layak dikunjungi. Apalagi, jarak antara satu objek wisata yang satu dengan lainnya tidak terlalu jauh. Boleh dikata, Tarakan adalah surga wisata alam yang eksotis dan fantastis. (Indah Susanti/Koran SI/tty)
Sumber: lifestyle.okezone (29 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Redirect to TarakanBais
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
Festival Jepen, Wajah Melayu Islam dalam Tari Pergaulan
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Aspiration of citizens to the City Government of Tarakan
Bara is Not Cold Right
From: Danan Jaya (
We say thank you as much as possible to the government officials who managed to reduce last month's riots in Tarakan quickly. The riots have only run 3 days and hopefully this out this Tarakan not become hot news on TV anymore.
However, we still need to be alert and do not pay attention when there is news that no clear origin. Provocation had occurred a week since the peace with the graffiti-graffiti blood use in the home pack in Selumit Wahab. Streaks of blood that had sparked residents to prepare for war again. Actors such inducement reportedly been arrested and the blood used was chicken blood. After that there's more variety of other news that could be reignited the mass anger that has been cooled it. The news comes just still continues to this day. Fortunately so far successfully muted.
Bara was really cold yet, and it seems there are still those who can not accept the situation and still hold grudges. People who have not received it tried to provoke unrest continues to happen again. I think it becomes our duty together to try to lure the-teaser that does not work, thanks if the individual that tried to lure turbidity can be caught.
So hope all of us, hopefully Tarakan really secure peace as before.
PS: I avoid the term provocation, because the term is a foreign word.
Build Suggestions
From: jason Garcia (
Indeed the situation peaceful, safe, and quiet that we all dream. if there are local government officials, officers and teman2 it can to provide direct aspiration of the government town of Tarakan saran2 please inform me:
1. System / corporate governance should be evenly and firmly.
For example: Port SDF and Malundung.
There used to be the provision of tariff barang2 raised by the workers. The authorities must be firm. if the radar Tarakan want a survey, can know the level of user satisfaction and the port of SDF buruh2 Malundung (I think it good to be known by the public). as well as taxi and motorcycle taxi, arranged according to numerical order, so do not fight for passengers.
2. Management of human resources.
The city government should seek to assist local communities to progress together. It is inevitable, that the progress of a region because the information and insights from the smart and intelligent people from outside the area. if orang2 from outside are not able to provide transformation of science, it is proper city government to help communities in the region to move forward together.
3. Safety and Inspection ...?
There rekan2 ever to Malaysia ...? What if we want to enter the area Sabah Sarawak region. Passport examination and given a time limit to visit. Can Do Tarakan implement such a system ...? Sea ports and air as the main route of transportation. data of all persons from outside the area, where they live, who are responsible for them in Tarakan, what their goals, and how long they visit. Ask the assertiveness of community and social paguyuban2 to register their members. Razia ID card and resident outside the area ...
4. Local Regulations.
How much revenue the town of Tarakan of alcoholic beverages ...? is comparable with the effects of these drinks ..?
how the regulations on the circulation of alcohol ..? what is not better every buyer and seller of alcohol is also being recorded ...?
5. Who criminals and crimes that have been caught ..? what penalties have been imposed by the court ...? still unknown by the public. when the suspect has been set. I think it needs to process fast for this settlement.
Similarly, brief advice from me ... anyone wants to add ...?
kata2 apologize if there are less pleased ....
Citizen Response Tarakan
From: (
Tarakan was safe ....
The spirit !!!!!
Mas jason, you are my suggestions to convey to the editorial radar teman2 Tarakan. U to the city government, if I see ya later ma pak wali. Thanks ya.
From: (
safe, comfortable, quiet, peace is the hope and dreams are coveted by everyone who has parents, siblings and friends, and god created man differently is to know each other ... so let fellow colleagues who are here the same as keeping watch and who are comfortable managing the condition becomes more comfortable ..... do not be influenced by issues or gossip that not clear, if listened to that like it see that celebritis gossip ... he he he wrote his mbak anny ..... tul
Source: (13 and 14 October, 2010)
City Government of Tarakan Launching Media Center
TARAKAN Borneo - Office of Communications and Information City Government of Tarakan, on Monday (10/11/2010) today launch the media center located in one corner of the office space.
The plan media center will be used for press conferences Tarakan municipal government officials in addressing the various issues that arise in Tarakan.
Mayor of Tarakan Hianggio Haji Udin said the formation of this media center could become a meeting place between Tarakan municipal government officials and media crews in Tarakan.
"So the news that their growing, so there is no buzz about each person willing to give an explanation," he said. Udin emphatically denied that the establishment media center to control the news media will be presented.
"The media center is not to control but we invite each other to cooperate. For example, the news-news that's cool, do not just make a different interpretation," he said.
He said he never intended to ban certain news writing. "So it does not mean that it should be like this. There is no prohibition, you keep it," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (October 11, 2010)
Mayor of Tarakan: socialization Peace Keep Walking
TARAKAN Borneo - Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio say, the socialization of the peace agreement continues to be done to the residents of Tarakan. But he refused to explain the roots of conflicts between citizens that occurred late last September.
"Socialization of the peace agreement is still moving. Wakapolda Kaltim go ahead. Indeed, there are still differences but I think we've agreed that perdamiaan it should be realized," he said.
He said the disaster happened in Tarakan is part of a national disaster which also occur in other areas. The disaster in Tarakan nothing when compared to other areas. As the attack police headquarters.
"Clashes occurred everywhere. How national disasters? So what's the government's desire? This we evaluate all including us, you. You probably know better, do not ask the same to me. Why is this nation because of defective moral character," he said.
He was also reluctant to answer when asked crocheted clashed with social jealousy related distribution of natural resources is uneven.
"If asked, this is a muddy issue again. The effort that we do not have the budget in Parliament. For example for the construction of the building arts, later we will also commission III of the House bill promises to help the City Government of Tarakan including patrol boats. Later we both to Jakarta , "he said.
Source: TribunNews (October 11, 2010)
Not sure Wakapolda Kaltim Troops Withdrawal from Tarakan
TARAKAN Borneo - Kalimantan Wakapolda Gen. Pol Drs Ngadino SH MM, Monday (11/10/2010) today held a meeting with the whole range of military-police in Tarakan.
The meeting, held at Camp Riot Control Police Tarakan Tarakan in Mako was to evaluate the condition of Tarakan post-peace agreement between the Tribe and Bugis Tidung Letta at 29 to 30 September last.
After the meeting, Wakapolda Kaltim its staff took time to visit Makodim Tarakan. Ngadino to say, post-peace agreement
which lasted nearly two weeks, conditions in the city of Tarakan is getting better.
"For the conditions than the post-deal till now there is no turbulence God bless yah. But we are from the military and police are all still hold until the situation is completely recovered," he said.
He made sure, the mass from outside the area who participate get involved in disputes and has been repatriated to their own homelands. Likewise with the conditions on the ground, both sides have started to blend in daily life.
Although the condition of Tarakan gradually recovered, but he can not ensure the withdrawal of all troops stationed in Tarakan. "If we warrant until October 27th. But we shall see more information like what," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (October 11, 2010)
Son priority in the Reception Area in Tarakan CPNS
Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan Mayor H Udin Hianggio sure, the admissions process Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS) Tarakan City 2010, there is little difference from the previous year. One additional requirement is a priority points local son. Even so, said Udin Hianggio, does not mean acceptance of CPNS in Tarakan closed for HR (human resources) who qualified from outside the area.
"To whom shall have the priorities, but of course within reasonable limits and reasonable so as not to cause turmoil," said Udin Hianggio in his office, yesterday.
However, the ending still not the City Government of Tarakan who decides whether or not graduate. Because the selection exam results CPNS will be sent to Samarinda and examination by BKD Kaltim. "Assessment is not in Tarakan," said Udin.
To that end, the mayor hopes, the role of universities in the Tarakan area to encourage children to be able to compete with HR graduate from college-universities outside Tarakan.
"God willing, this year there will be a priority. But we're talking first with the pack of governors, "he said.
Previously, Head of Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Tarakan City Asmuni Drs M. Ap said, according to the candidate receiving the quota formation of civil servants (CPNS) given by the State Kepegawain Agency (BKN) and the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Reformation bureaucracy (Kemen- PAN), this year the City of Tarakan get as many as 267 ration quotas. With the details; for education personnel of 120 people, health workers and the rest as much as 61 people of technical personnel as much as 86 people.
As in previous years, for the formation CPNS acceptance of this general education requirement is a minimum acceptable diploma 3 (D3). "According to the stage, now we are still awaiting confirmation from the center of BKN in this case, details of the formation that has been approved," said Asmuni to Radar Tarakan.
However, the certainty of approved formation BKN usually will not take long, after the publication of information that agreed quota of BKN. "Can a month could be more," he said.
And it is estimated, in October of this, all stages of the admissions process began participant registration CPNS test selection, it will be started by BKD. For that, BKD reminded to prospective applicants, to prepare the letters of administration required from now on.
"Completeness of administration that need to be prepared among them; SKCK (police record certificate), medical certificates, legalized diploma, certificate of domicile, and photograph," beber Asmuni.
Explained Asmuni, based on experience in conducting acceptance CPNS BKD, the most revised at the time of registration is in legalized diploma. The reason, which is attached to the diploma legalized many of which have oversight authority officials who signed it.
"One of the examples; to verified university diploma should be legalized by the rector or dean of faculty. If the academy must be the director. So no longer valid provost, dean or rector shall direct, "he explained. Previously, Asmuni said that quota Tarakan CPNS revenue decreased compared to previous years. Even so, the local government still doing preparatory stages. (Ddq)
Source: Radar Tarakan (6 OCTOBER 2010)
Myths Behind the Riots Tarakan Stud (2-Done)
Bugis Kajang Come, Commander Shane Bird
Tarakan Borneo - STORY Commander and Commander of the Bird Beetle continued to expand. Included in Nunukan. No less interesting is the story of people who associate with kesaktian Bugis Kajang.
Commander of the beetle is considered as a pioneer for help early in a conflict. If the presence of Commander of the beetles have not resolve the conflict, whether it's for a victory or to the peace agreement, the then Commander of the imported birds.
As Commander of the Beetle, Bird Commander also comes from the tribe Dayak, Central Kalimantan. Commander of the bird will come after doing meditation in a particular place. Miracle, able to incorporate the spirit to all the troops on the ground so that they are raging in the unconscious.
Outside of that awareness, swords in hand cut the throat of the people who have been determined through the ritual of the Commander of the Bird. Some even say that the sword was flying alone to find opponents who had been predetermined.
Between believing and not, magic is the dreaded Bird Commander of the citizens. Do-do is not just a myth. Lest it would happen in Tarakan. It could be also be extended to other areas, such as Samarinda and Nunukan. You see, these two regions immediately menghelat election is of course prone to conflict.
Residents also heard stories that the magic bird Commander also used in Sampit so many fall victim to the sadistic. Its properties are, the victim's neck because heads should be chopped tumbal of ritual that has been done.
"Perhaps it was just a myth. However, on the other hand, mentioned also that the Commander of the Bird's actually very wise. He's a good guy. He is elder. If there is any way of peace, the Commander of birds pick the best for the good of all.
He was a symbol of people patiently and simple. When it comes to self-esteem and humiliation and there's no other way, then down. Hence, the Commander is not just any bird down. He is very selective, "said Jaya, 78, Tidung traditional elders who daily seek seaweed.
So how about the Commander of the Bird's avert supernatural powers? An indigenous elder from South Sulawesi in Nunukan narrate the language is said. He said, magic Commander and Commander Bird Beetles occur in hundreds of years ago. That there are now living generation.
He also relates that among the Bugis Tidung and still have a blood relationship. The proof, many Bugis people who marry Tidung. And vice versa.
A member of Harmony Family of South Sulawesi, Jamil, his father and mother Bugis Makassar Tidung people. His father was one of the most respected public figures in Nunukan. Sekkab Nunukan, HZ Zainuddin also married to the Bugis.
Maybe that's why so between Bugis and Tidung always avoid bloody conflict. When there is conflict in Nunukan in 2008, there was news that a group of people from Kajang off the boat. Moments later, a group that involved conflict avoidance. Some areas in Nunukan too quiet. The bloody conflict was avoided.
Some residents in Nunukan claim often heard that the Commander of the Bird's magic never been challenged by the Bugis people who come from Kajang. This story is yet another myth nuanced. Why not, when the Commander of the Bird demonstrates its miracle, came also the magic of the Bugis Kajang.
Bugis Kajang spread the rice to the earth. Only by swinging his finger in a circular motion, thousands of rice seeds was also moved himself up to come together in a pile.
Bird commander who witnessed the scene, initially mediocre. However, when explained, that this is only an example of how the Bugis Kajang opponents are able collect scattered in the field of conflict as easily collect the rice seeds. Having collected his opponents, then easily deceived. They could not resist.
"However, the Bugis are not going to trick the people who are not helpless anymore," said Chairman of the Martial Arts College Holy Footprint Putra Muhammadiyah, Pimda 212 Nunukan district, Kaharuddin Andi Andi Tokkong, Wednesday, October 6.
University seeks to accommodate "people who initially felt good" to be fostered ruqyah. It is said, initially felt good, because many of its members that before entering this college, feel bruiser. However, when going to college and channel kejagoannya, little by little given moral guidance that will eventually be aware of its own and will not fight.
This embrace multiethnic college in Nunukan. Both the Bugis, Dayak, Tidung, as well as other tribes, such as Java and others. This strategy is used to avoid ethnic conflict in Nunukan.
Pembinanya came from Pare Pare, namely Pendekar Sukri President Saleh. Swordsman his Associate of Tidung community leaders, namely HZ Zainuddin who is also Sekkab Nunukan. Dayak and coaches from youth Tidung.
The number of cadres blue belt comprising 23 people in Nunukan multiethnic. Spreading in the four districts, namely Nunukan District, South Nunukan, Sebatik, and West Sebatik. Included are in the process in District Sembakung and Lumbis.
So if this will not be a paramilitary, paramilitary troops and whiz-whiz that could lead to conflict? "Oh, no. Not at all. We are the border. We need to defend the state reserves. The young people must have self-defense provision.'s Not just martial arts, but also akhlakul kharimah.
It's even a unifying vehicle to avoid excessive growth of tribal primordialism. Thus, it will avoid the things that trigger a horizontal conflict, "said Kaharuddin who met after Asar prayers berjemaah with its members around the training center, yesterday.
Kaharuddin who is also the historian says, that as the Bugis, Tidung also has its own history. They also live sedentary. They really do not like violence.
This can be seen from their art, namely dance Zapin (Jeppeng) which kemelayu-melayuan. There are similarities with the art Bugis. There's even a diving Bugis community dance in their culture.
If traced the history, the kingdom Tidung stand in 1551-1916, was preceded by the Royal and Ancient Tidung replaced by Tarakan. Monarchy Amiril last king is king of the sea, Rashid holds Datoe Datoe Fair.
Kingdom Tidung or also known by the name of the Kingdom of Tarakan (Kalkan / Kalka), the empire that ruled North Tidung in East Kalimantan, based in Tarakan Island and ends in Salimbatu.
Previously there were two kingdoms in this region. In addition Tidung Kingdom, there is also the Sultanate Bulungan located in Tanjung Palas. Based on existing genealogy, explained that on the East coast of the island of Tarakan, the region already exist Binalatung Tidung Ancient Empire (The Ancient Kingdom of Tidung), about AD 1076-1156.
They then moved to the West coast of the island of Tarakan, namely in the area of Tanjung Batu, about the years 1156-1216. Then shifted again, but remained in the West coast, namely the area of the river area, roughly the years 1216-1394. After that move again relatively far from the island of Tarakan, namely to the region Pimping West and the Yellow Land area, ranging from years 1394-1557.
A source explained that the history of the kingdom and the leader (king) who once ruled Tidung divided among the top few places that has now been separated into several districts.
The regions that include Bulungan (Salimbatu, Tanjung Palas Subdistrict of Central), (Malinau Kota, Malinau District), Sesayap, Tidung Tana District, (Sembakung, Nunukan District (City of Tarakan), and others down to the local Sabah ( Malaysia), the South.
This reference indicates that it has a tradition Tidung move, similar to the Bugis. Therefore, for calling the Bugis migrants and people Tidung as indigenous people, still requires in-depth review. That is why, there are anecdotes that fellow immigrants should not be in conflict.
No wonder when the myth Chief Bird with powerful people from Kajang'd choose to avoid bloody conflict. Evidence, bloody conflict in Tarakan so quickly muffled when there is also news that the Bugis ethnic group will also move to Tarakan. (*)
Source: (7 OCTOBER 2010)
Myths Behind the Riots Stud Tarakan (1)
Beetles Commander Kebalkan Massa, Chief of the Bird Fly Sword
Tarakan Borneo - respected. Udin Beams (tattooed), which dubbed as the Commander of the Beetle by the citizens of Tarakan and Nunukan, the peace procession in Tarakan, last week. (PHOTO ARNOLD / RADAR TARAKAN)
LIKE movie mythology course. Unrest in Tarakan left interesting stories in the community.
Behind the trauma that still haunts some people Tarakan, there are interesting stories that became a byword. The stories that smelled so there are myths that told her to smile. However, some are quite serious, even more seriously.
Nuanced tales of myth it is the presence of two warlords who would assist in conflict Tidung in Tarakan. Chief Commander of the first degree and second degree Beetles Birds Commander.
Both came from the Dayak, Central Kalimantan. However, the miracle is different. Commander of the beetles could create mass resistance through a specific ritual process so that all Tidung brave in the field.
The Commander of the bird will come after the meditation perfectly. Miracle, able to incorporate the spirit to all the troops on the ground so that they rampage through unconscious finish off his opponents. They're like possessed.
In addition, the Commander of the Birds can move the sword up in the air. Sword-sword move itself chop your opponent's neck which has been determined origin.
According to the stories of citizens, this is the magic bird Commander acting on the riots in Sampit several years ago. As a result, the victim lying in a sadist. Many of the victims with a broken neck. Residents also memitoskan that the victim's head that is the evidence and sacrificial rituals Bird Commander.
Plan arrival Beetle Commander, I get when still in Makassar. The day before leaving for Tarakan, my contact phone number several residents in Tarakan. One of them claimed to be displaced by future Chief of the Bird. He said he would follow the Commander of beetles that are already in Tarakan.
Half an hour later, I received an SMS that says, "You'd better postpone the Tarakan. Commander beetles already here."
Had too alarmed. However, it was the last SMS that is pumping my journalistic instincts to get to Tarakan, although delayed one day due to restrictions on the landing at Tarakan. This was done to avoid the deployment of the security of certain groups who would disturb the atmosphere in Tarakan.
I certainly do not pray to be able to see the truth of the myth of the Commander of beetles in an atmosphere of ethnic war. A clash that tears it morandakan peace Tarakan. What's interesting to be published is to what extent the effects of the myths that affect the community in Tarakan.
Heavy rains suddenly flushed when arriving at the Airport Tarakan Juata, 23.30 local time. Besides the rain, also died lamp. Again, the myth emerged. "Yes, tonight really cool. Nature into our favor.
Just peace agreement, also soothing rain suddenly Tarakan town, "said one taxi driver who rushed widen the umbrella. He also believes that the Commander beetles already in Tarakan. However, when asked where he, the driver was shaking his head.
Tarakan town atmosphere that night not to be feared. You see, the next will come the National Police, Bambang Hendarso Danuri. Security must be super tight. Leisure Tarakan city would enjoy a priority.
I chose to mingle with residents who were displaced. However, it turns out places that you want addressed is empty. Since afternoon, the refugees in the city had returned to their homes. Fortunately there are displaced families who kindly called to his home in the Area Beringin.
In areas ranging from one kilometer from the mass concentration during the riots, many residents shut the door. If you knock on the door, the homeowner will not be open if it does not know the people who knocked. The door knocker even mention his name. If the vowel characters are familiar with the host, then the door will be opened.
I want to immediately know what kind of chief figure in the eyes of citizens beetles that make them afraid to go outside the house. One of his chief told him that Beetle had entered the city. Features, full of tattoos. Posture tiny. Then, how can action in securing the city is so tight security?
On Friday morning, I rush to join the entourage Chief of Police. Not securing themselves from the arrival of Commander of the Beetle, but a small liver me to guess, lest it not a myth.
Lest this is true of certain groups of warlords who deliberately brought in to take part in peace in Tarakan it. After all, since the arrival of Police Chief plans, has been conducted twice a peace deal that brings some community leaders.
In the midst of a peace deal ceremony attended by Chief of Police, the shy and immediately wanted to know, and little confidence, I asked one reporter, "The boss, in which it was Beetle Commander?" My question was a little wise guy, though, I've never witnessed it. However, potent, too. Who were asked directly pointing, "That's up ahead!"
A few minutes later, a man full of tiny tattoos on the body and his face was hugged by Chief of Police. Police must bend over a lot because the body's chief Beetle shorter.
Almost five minutes I was transfixed. Glaring at the figure of the Commander-in beetles from a distance of three meters, I do not moves. I also chose to cancel the intention to meet and talk with the Commander. Especially when it can be information that the Commander of the "stay" or maybe diinapkan on one luxury hotel in Tarakan.
I then thought about something that requires me to choose. Does continuing Commander visited Beetle or exploit for any thing more useful. I also think more about the segmentation of time efficiency and our newspaper (Daily DAWN) with various calculations about profit hurt to publicize the Commander of the Beetle.
"Cancel!" That last conclusion that makes me not to be interviewed Commander Beetle. Surely my calculation is not one hundred percent correct. Moreover, the Commander of the Beetle is the figure of "hero" in his community. He is not the thugs in their eyes. Clearly, he's one of the "leaders" who may be deemed necessary to be presented for the sake of securing a peace agreement in Tarakan.
At least, he has received attention from the ranks of security and other parties. The commander had been "getting space" in the presence of Chief of Police at the time of the visit was peaceful.
I finally decided to return to the village residents who prefer living in the house. There, some residents are in a yellow ribbon on the door that has been installed a few days after his family security. Residents in the village who has posted a white ribbon too, they open it.
There are people who even rush to change the color of ribbon that are installed prior to flee. He received the news that supporters of a particular ribbon colors coming soon. Supporting the ribbon color will be coordinated Commander Beetle.
However, until I left Tarakan to continue the journey to Nunukan, Sunday afternoon, October 3, what is feared to citizens and what dimitoskan, does not occur. Alhamdulillah.
Apparently, the Commander of the beetles in question they are a tiny figure of a man who was tattooed. Some residents in Nunukan said that his real name is Udin Beams. "Udin also never came in Nunukan. He is very simple. Rarely way," said Aziz, Tuesday, October 5.
Aziz also explained that the Commander of the beetles that could be a therapy for a peace. Instead it will be a suggestion for certain groups to be more energetic in a conflict. "But sorry, I did not mention the figure as a thug," said Citizens Nunukan claiming this bloody Tidung and Bugis.
Who was the Commander of the Beetle, which he clearly has been greeted by Chief of Police at the declaration of a peace deal in the town of Tarakan. Some say that the commander of the beetles are also present in the midst of riots Sampit a few years ago. If the group is brutal in Tarakan, it is feared this area into two volumes Sampit.
Fortunately presence in the midst of the masses who come to police headquarters in Tarakan recently, beralibi to calm the masses. If so, who is actually moving the masses? And, if the mass brutality, who is responsible? What are the penalties?
Whatever the answer, Commander of the Beetle has become a "character". Her presence in the midst of a peace agreement in Tarakan ceremony attended by Chief of Police, on Friday last week has been exploited for the sake of peace. The result, for temporary peace Tarakan, East Kalimantan Police chief despite still be based in Tarakan city.
So how about the Commander of the Bird? How did people react in Nunukan Tidung? What response responded historian at Nunukan nuanced reality that myth? (*)
Source: (6 OCTOBER 2010)
Bags down the Post-Conflict Tarakan Riots (2-Done)
Keep the Great Mosque of Purity, Peace Messages Tidung People
WITH FIGURE Tidung. The author posing together with community leaders Tidung, signatories manuscript Peace Agreement in Tarakan, H Abdul Wahab. (PHOTOS PERSONAL DOCUMENTS)
Tarakan Borneo - TWO days I worked hard to meet the central figure Tidung. His name, H Abdul Wahab. This 65-year-old man who signed the Peace Agreement with the tribe Letta, to end the conflict in Tarakan.
Travel to the house Abdul Wahab only spent around 30 minutes from the airport Juwata, Tarakan. Not found significant obstacles in the journey. Unless, had entered a tunnel whose length ranges from half a mile.
The corridor is rather narrow. If the bus pass, one must find the space a bit wide to stop the bus while the other gives way. Both have to set the mirror so as not to rub against each other.
On the first day looking for Abdul Wahab, Friday afternoon, October 1, at 17:15 pm, my heart was excited. Especially when entering the hall with a sharp rise, many young people congregate. One of them sitting on a motorcycle which was parked on the right side of the road. He seriously plays his cell phone keypad. Not caring people who will pass.
My heart is getting worried. I'm hesitant about saying hello or any other greeting. I then remembered the teachings of parents, "Fix your breath. The blind will smile when your heart smile at him."
With a custom home, my "mappatabe" (bowing slightly with his right hand down on the right side of the thigh) while saying, "perimisi ..." I do not use diction "tabe" for fear I know if the Bugis. Understandably, a character I want to visit this newly icon conflict with Bugis Letta. Do not let their perceptions of others.
I was very relieved when the young man who sat on the left side of the road to respond. He shifts the standard bike with a smile and say, "please."
More relieved again when asked one who was fat in post ronda. I just bent a little, blue shirt man smiled pleasantly. He immediately stood up and showed the house Abdul Wahab. Unfortunately, the house in the village Kampung One Skip RT 13 RW 02 No. 24, Tarakan was locked from the outside.
Ahead of the sunset, I chose to work Radar Tarakan (DAWN Group). I tried asking friends Tidung reporters about the character of people. "People were friendly-friendly Tidung, Mas. They were patient-patient," said Miss Annie covering events of the old town when I was a reporter.
I am even more confident to be able to talk more closely with Abdul Wahab. Are now looking for moments when and where I should meet. I chose to stay with the "headquarters", the Great Mosque of Al-Ma'arif on Jl KH Agussalim No. 1, Village Selumit, Central Tarakan Subdistrict.
The mosque is a place Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran VIII 2010 in Tarakan, on this last week, many people who claim to still traumatized by the surrounding. This occurred in respect of a murder case that sparked riots. In the mosque is a place of worship majority Tidung.
In this mosque also the many families of the late Abdullah bin Salim H worship. H Abdullah Salim died on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at the Village Juata Permai due to dispute that sparked riots in several places in Tarakan.
Saturday afternoon, 2 October, the momentum that was coming. I chose the noon prayers at the mosque. Because the experience of yesterday afternoon when residents Tidung get the friendly, plus the story was about patience Mbak Ani Tidung citizens, so I stepped into the mosque area.
I'm trying to forget the story of people who are still reluctant to pass in the vicinity of the mosque because of the trauma of the murder that triggered rioting. Moreover, there are socialization peace deal earlier in the mosque, so I was more optimistic.
Again, one resident Tidung smile I get when going to open a shoe on the stairs of the mosque. He was pulled beard. Through the mirror in front of him, he saw me coming. He turned. I was a little bent, he was smiling.
Which makes me a little hesitant because it uses the attributes of Makassar (clothes DAWN). However, all doubts were gone when I greet someone. The figure is so high. I do not have time to estimate how many centimeters in height. Clearly, if both feet, my head only reached his armpits. He was the H Abdul Wahab.
To start a conversation, I shook as she took photos together. I embrace the rear. He also holds more closely. I then remembered the "magic" of a camera. Although these small cameras, but I was a little long set in front of the figure's face is rather thin. He smiled after a while just push the camera button.
I was deliberately doing it as therapy. The camera can make someone down the proud. In fact, without doing it, H Abdul Wahab definitely too friendly. In addition because he Tidung residents, also because it's not a thug.
I begin by expressing concern for the hearts of a disaster. I side with all who are forced to grieve. Indeed, no opponent in the humanitarian perspective. Humans only one. Which differ only way. Moreover, the case of citizens of this Tarakan involving brothers, a fellow Muslim.
Abdul Wahab did not say much. Again and again closed his eyes. His expression was little changed; tense. It seems to hold back tears. He then said, "We all regret this incident." He did not clarify the unfortunate incident. He rubbed his eyes.
Still so thick that dikenangnya perisitiwa. He was a close family of the late Abdullah bin Salim H. However, it also revealed the greatness of his heart when he said, "To my children, to my brothers and sisters, do not act against the law because the incidents are just pure criminals. This unusual event, only involving unscrupulous people Tidung Letta with unscrupulous people."
Abdul Wahab further statement confirming this figure as a public figure. Nothing wrong if he was asked to sign the Peace Agreement in Tarakan manuscript. Nothing wrong too when he carried off to some conflict-prone regions to disseminate the results of these peace agreements.
After all, in the coming days, both in the vicinity of this mosque, and at Tarakan in general, peace is something that is a hope shared tribal.
Not one of all, if in the vicinity of the Great Mosque rung on display a simple inscription, which reads, "Keep the sanctity of this mosque!" And, thus, staining terebut Peace Agreement, means the sanctity of the Great Mosque of Tarakan, too smudged. (*)
Source: (04 OCTOBER 2010)
Bags down the Post-Conflict Tarakan Riots (1)
Still Worried, Not Continuing Marriage
Unrest in Tarakan left a lot of stories. Sad story still continues with worries about unrest aftershocks.
Report: Basri (03 OCTOBER 2010)
Morning yesterday, unlike the previous days. The atmosphere in the region at 07.30 Beringin on it completely alert. Pair of eyes staring at every person must pass. Understandably, this region is inhabited Tidung citizens and immigrants from South Sulawesi. While the conflict in the last week involving Tidung and some people from South Sulawesi, the Bugis Letta.
Upon hearing that both sides are peaceful, residents in the area of Banyan began relief, especially those who have been evacuated to a Navy family. Not only citizens who fled from South Sulawesi, but also citizens Tidung. Those who fled in two days, until yesterday had returned all of the homes. Whether they live in Banyan, or elsewhere.
The most recent came from Nunukan yesterday. They are to Nunukan, actually came from South Sulawesi, with the aim of Tarakan. However, when I heard the unrest in Tarakan, direct them to Nunukan. Those who join the thousands of refugees are accommodated in the tents which facilitated Pemkab Nunukan.
Life under a tent for two nights is over. Then still tenangkah them upon arrival in Tarakan yesterday it? "We are still wary. Do not let this day is safe because it came Chief of Police, but the following days, we do not know," she said just pick up balls Asia that eight families newly arrived in the port of Nunukan.
Some residents who met in South Sulawesi Banyan also still worried. Especially mothers. Their reasons, as the main perpetrators of the murder has not been arrested. Until last night, after sunset, so many have closed their doors shut.
They still restrict children's activity outside the home. Especially at night. What they worry about is not to get revenge-old grudges that are not directly related to cases of murder, but an excuse to attack or wreak revenge.
"They like the potential it is okay to have advance planning, or there are targets of their goals. They are just waiting for the momentum of the occurrence of friction. If such a scenario happens, then the disputes would be greater. This is what we worry about," said Nan families who disband his son's wedding on Tuesday night because there are groups that suggest dissolved when disputes occur not far from the party.
At night pacci (tudampenni) is, is celebrated with traditional rituals Bugis. Guests began to arrive. However, when the commotion going on around the party, the guests who were rushed to finish eating his food. Who had not eaten, was forced to cancel eat tudampenni menu. While the ritual mappacci discontinued.
The planned ceremony took place the next day, had to be postponed. They chose the camps. Family H Mustahing who yesterday returned from the refugee was forced to reschedule the party. Especially the pending marriage ceremony. Good day so long planned, it turns out "violent day" in Tarakan.
Anxiety among them, making the family Mustahing hesitate to set reschedule the party and ceremony. Anxiety is triggered also by where they lived near the Dayaks Market. In addition to people of South Sulawesi, this market is also crowded with the Dayak people and Tidung.
This market is located on the seafront. Many traders who settled in the vicinity of the market. Therefore, residents were comprised of sailors and merchants on the mainland. Those who go to sea is Tidung, while the citizens of South Sulawesi, Dayak Market trading in the region.
Market Dayak Dayak tribe named who pioneered the trade in the Village Selumit Beach, Middle Tarakan Subdistrict. In addition to the Dayak tribes who began to trade, they also initially that dominate the market. However, over time, diminishing the Dayak tribe. Immigrants Sulsel replace their position. Until now, most of the people of South Sulawesi. Over 70 per cent. The rest, Tidung and Dayak.
Tidung increasingly desperate. Many who sell land to settlers. High-rise houses built in the immigrant population. In contrast, residents Tidung and Dayaks just build type 21 or 36. The other, choosing cheaper land outside the city. Livelihoods as fish in the sea search continues dilakoni. At sea too, the gap persists. Immigrant population using motorized boats, while residents Tidung just boats.
Social inequalities not only take place on land, but also in the sea. "This is a potential conflict semualah in Tarakan," said H Beddua Asse who was 30 years old living in the Middle Tarakan.
Bugis community leaders recognize that the potential for conflict was indeed long been felt. Fear riots follow-up, also not denied. However, it can be resolved when the security guards still intensive approach and custody.
In conflict-prone areas Beringin that, until last night, still on guard security officer of Infantry Battalion 613 military personnel King Nature. They seemed more relaxed. Some of them even mingling with residents while grilled fish. Other colleagues should still be on guard.
Chairman KKSS, Ince Rivai, cautioned residents not to worry. If there is concern about security conditions are not yet fully recovered, he said it's perfectly natural because of the trauma of residents.
"I'm sure things will soon return to normal. We believe in the forces who has taken various approaches to community leaders. Including the headman and subdistrict heads the incentive to socialize," said Ince, last night.
Ince also promised to carry out activities involving all citizens. The goal, to tighten the relationship between diverse cultures. Of course including the culture that had not been forced to establish a continuation of wedding delayed due to riots. They need a guarantee not to worry. (*)
Source: (03 OCTOBER 2010)
Losses clash Tarakan USD 5 Billion
TARAKAN Borneo - not only causing casualties, the clash between two groups of residents in the Tarakan on last week also leaving material losses. Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio affirm recorded material losses reached more than Rp 5 billion.
Rough calculation was based on the range value of the house that burned and destroyed the masses, including dozens of trees in road median follow uprooted. Udin said the amount does not include the economic collapse and cancellation of a number of investors to invest in the town of Tarakan.
For example, Bank Niaga Tarakan, salon and spa outlets and two shrimp purchase business premises, which should have opened this week forced to cancel his intention because it is still waiting for security to return to normal.
"Not to mention the psychological harm the child and parents, it certainly also quite large value. When clashes material and immaterial losses are very large," he said.
City Government of Tarakan is currently calculating the amount of loss due to certain figures such clashes.
Related to this, in accordance with any of the contents of the peace agreement signed by both parties, this loss will be overcome government. Municipal government and Pemprop Tarakan Tarakan Kaltim and its parliament would conduct further discussion on the turn of the loss.
"We can not indemnify a whole, but in accordance with the procedures and equipment. And that must be approved by the DPRD Tarakan. Provincial provide compensation assistance to Rp 200 million, it is estimated only for nominal operation," he said.
The need for approval of parliament is due to Tarakan, Tarakan municipal government never budgeted construction funds after the clash city. "We never budgeted funds tactical and urban construction funds like this, so we must be careful," he said. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (October 6, 2010)
Thank God! Finally, the Governor of irreconcilable conflict Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Governor of East Kalimantan Ishak Awang Faroek along with a number of government officials, on Wednesday (29/09/2010) night, managed to reconcile two conflicting groups of citizens in Tarakan.
Peace agreement was reached in a meeting held at the VIP meeting room Juwata International Airport. In the agreement, Fokum Communications Clumps Tidung (FKRT) acted as the first party and Family Harmony South Sulawesi (KKSS) as the second party, agreed on ten point peace.
The agreement was signed Yancong represent KKSS and Sabirin Sanyong represent FKRT, at 18:03 pm. The signing of an agreement witnessed by Awang Faroek Isaac, Luther DPD coop, Chairman of the DPRD Kaltim Faisyal believer, Aceh military commander Maj. Gen. Tan VI Mulawarman Aspan, Asop Police Inspector Pol Sunarko DA, Wakapolda Kaltim Gen. Pol Ngadino, Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio, Regent Bulungan Arifin Budiman, Tana Regent Tidung Undunsyah, and Vice Regent of Malinau Muhammad Nasir.
The core agreement, both parties to end all forms of disputes and build harmonious cooperation for the sake of the continuation of construction of the City of Tarakan. Both parties understand that what happened was purely criminal act and is an individual matter.
Furthermore, it was agreed the dissolution of the mass concentration in all places, at the same time and prohibit or prevent the use of sharp weapons and other weapons in public places.
Also people from outside the city of Tarakan who intend to help resolve the dispute to immediately return to their respective regions no later than 1 times 24 hours. While the refugees in all locations will be sent back to their homes, facilitated by the City Government of Tarakan and security forces.
If the peace agreement is violated, the authorities will take stern measures according to legislation. After signing the agreement, all parties directly involved to disseminate to the warring groups in the start to the masses in Jalan Gajah Mada, Simpang Three Grand Tarakan Mall.
The result of the agreement was read at Masjid Babul Yancong Haq public squares. Next the group headed AL-Ma'arif Great Mosque, Jalan KH Agus Salim, Selumit Village, District Central Tarakan, where other mass is concentrated.
Awang Faroek said all parties involved from East Kalimantan Provincial Government, City Government of Tarakan, the Police and TNI will supervise the agreement.
"I have said, Tarakan was built all stakeholders kepetningan. Not only government but all the stake holders," he said. Awang East Kalimantan provincial government also expressed a commitment to donate 10 tons of rice and money as much as USD 200 million for the refugees.
Source: TribunNews (Wednesday, September 29, 2010 23:27 pm)
Residents in Tarakan Conflict Chronology
Tarakan Borneo - Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters released a chronology of the clashes between groups of citizens who happened at Kampung Permai Juata, Tarakan, East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (09/28/2010). These events resulted in one fatality.
Here konologi released via social networking facebook by the Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters.
Sunday on 26 September 2010 around 22.30 pm.
At the time of Abdul Rahmansyah, Citizens Ex Juanta Permai crossing in Perum Korpri Jl. Seranai III, Juata District of North Tarakan, Tarakan City, suddenly ganged up 5 (five) people are not known, so the mister Abdul Rahmansyah ditelapak injured hand. Furthermore, Mr. Abdul Rahmansyah went home to ask for help and escorted the family to Tarakan Hospital for treatment.
Monday, September 27, 2010
At around 0:30 pm, Mr. Abdullah (56), Citizens Ex Juata Permai, Parents Mr Abdul Rahmansyah and 6 (six) persons who are family of the Tribe Tidung trying to find the perpetrators pengroyokan with sharp weapons in the form of saber, machetes and spears. They went to a house suspected of being the house of one of pengroyok residence in Perum Korpri Jl Seranai III, Juata, North Tarakan Tarakan City. Residents who know that his house would be attacked immediately armed himself with a sharp weapon in the form badik and machetes. Then there was a fight between a group of Mr Abdullah (citizen Tribe Tidung) with the occupants of the house (incidentally residents Bugis Latta). As a result of Mr Abdullah had died from sabetan sharp weapon.
At 01.00 pm, in Perum Korpri Jl. Seranai III, North Tarakan, Tarakan City an attack which carried about 50 people (Citizens Tribe Tidung), armed with saber, machetes and spears. Occurs destruction of houses belonging Noodin Mr. (Citizens Bugis Letta), Citizens t 20 Ex Juata Permai, North Tarakan.
At 05.30 WITA happen again arson against a house owned by Mr. Sarifudin (Citizens Bugis Latta), Citizens Perum Korpri Jl. Ex Juata Seranai Permai Rt 20, North Tarakan. At 06.00 pm, about 50 people (Citizens Tribe Tidung) looking for Mr. Asnah (Citizens Bugis Latta), but were apprehended members of Mobile Brigade.
At 10:00 pm, the mob returned to the residence of Mr Noodin (Citizens Bugis Latta) and direct fire.
At 11:00 pm, the mob returned to destruction of 4 (four) who are at home motorcycle Noodin Br.
At 14:30 pm, the victim died of Mr Abdullah was buried in Mount Daeng district Sebengkok Ex Tarakan Tarakan City Center.
At 18:00 pm, occurred beatings of Mr. Samson Tani (Residents Bugis), Citizens Memburungan Tarakan District Rt 15 East, City of Tarakan, by persons unknown.
At 18:00 pm, personnel from the police station compound Tarakan (National Police Fri, Sat and Sun Reskrim Samapta) helped to secure crime scene.
At 20:30 o'clock pm until 22:30 pm at the North Tarakan District Head Office attended the meeting lasted untur local government as Mayor of Tarakan, Tarakan City Secretary, Dandim Tarakan, East Kalimantan Police Dirintelkam, Dansat Police Mobile Brigade East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Wadir Criminal Police and representatives from the Tribe Bugis and Tribal Tidung.
The result of the meeting among others, agreed to see these problems as individual problems, agreed to submit the case to the applicable law, seek immediate perpetrators, the entire government and economic activities as usual, elements of society, community and religious leaders support the efforts of law enforcement , address the root causes completely, does not create a homogenous settlements, all leaders of society to its citizens to provide an understanding to refrain, and the role of government internally to clogs ethnic groups.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
At 11:30 pm, has secured 2 (two) persons who allegedly as mister killer Abdullah. They are Baharudin alias Bahar (20), acts as penebas machetes and Badarudin aka There are (16) that acts as a helper.
Source: TribunNews (29 September 2010)
South Sulawesi Governor Participate in Tarakan Relieve Conflict
Tarakan Borneo - Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulawesi) Syahrul Yasin Limpo sought to join the riot in Tarakan, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), is not widespread. Yasin Limpo this hands down due to conflict which took a death toll that involve citizens from Bugis.
"Mr. Governor of South Sulawesi have also been helpful, making phone calls to the people of Sulawesi that was there (Tarakan, red)," said Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi told reporters at his office on Tuesday (28 / 9).
Gamawan said this when asked whether there was an attempt to bring together government leaders Tidung with Bugis leaders, in order to prevent spillover of the conflict. Gamawan explained, will also be pursued antartokoh meeting both the tribe.
"Yes, yes direction will certainly go there," said Gamawan. For the moment, because the smell of unrest still warm, then the government with the security forces to prioritize aspects of security. "While the first security priority," he explained.
As reported, during Monday (27 / 9), the atmosphere was tense due to the riots hit Tarakan, East Kalimantan. Some residents with a sharp weapon in the hands sweeping action against other citizens. Two houses were also burned and damaged four other homes.
Riots triggered the deaths of Abdullah bin Salim H (58) since beaten six youths in the area Juata Permai, North Tarakan. The death of Abdullah Bin H. Salim is the case on Sunday night or Monday (27 / 9) morning, after a quarrel between son Abdullah bin Salim H named Abdul Rahman to 6 youth. The quarrel occurred after Abdul Rahman buy cigarettes at around 22:00 on Sunday (26 / 9) last night. (Sam / jpnn)
Source: (28 September 2010)
Tarakan City Silence
Tarakan Borneo - The conflict in the immigrant and native tribes in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, has subsided. However, normal activities of citizens Tarakan not like the original. A number of shops, markets and offices were still deserted. The volume of vehicles passing on the highway was not busy as usual today.
From some point of the reflected, such as traditional markets, shopping centers bustling food not visited by visitors. The vendors recognize customers who used to buy goods not come. Quiet atmosphere is also seen in the building of education in several places in the city of Tarakan though the school declared closed. However, almost all schools are operating today choose to lock the gate while going process of learning.
Residents said he did not venture out too far. Because, until now there is no guarantee a conducive atmosphere of the apparatus. Moreover, the original residents still passing by a sharp weapon. The atmosphere began to heat up again when about 500 residents return to concentrate on the Masjid Al-Muarif sue the police immediately arrested the perpetrator killing of native tribes. (M Sakir / BANG)
Source: Metro News (28 September 2010)
Four police officers from the Police Mobilized to Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Police from four Police were deployed to help secure the City of Tarakan, East Kalimantan, after the riots in the city. Head of Public Relations of East Kalimantan Police Commissioner Anthony Vishnu Sutirta states, the deployment of four Police personnel to anticipate the widespread unrest.
"Since this morning, the nearest police station with four personnel strength of about 500 to 600 personnel have been deployed to Tarakan to help secure there," said Anthony Sutirta Vishnu. Police, whose members were sent to Tarakan Police Malinau, Berau, Bulungan, and Police Nunukan.
In general, Sutirta said, the security situation in the town of Tarakan after clashes that killed residents of a local community leaders were still under control. "Last night was a meeting between the two warring groups facilitated by local government and also attended by community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and the police and armed forces have found a deal," said Sutirta.
The deal, said Sutirta, said that both groups agreed the incident was a crime of persecution that cause other people died. In the deal, too, said Sutirta, both sides submitted the matter to the police to investigate and arrest the perpetrators. "The conflicting parties also agreed to give sense to the masses to create a situation conducive kamtibmas in Tarakan," he said.
He said police were still examining nine witnesses to investigate the motive and perpetrator persecution. Clashes between residents that triggered the death of Abdullah (50), a community leader, the Housing Juwata Permai, Sunday lmalam. On Monday afternoon, residents are angry and then set fire to two houses allegedly belonging to the perpetrators of the murder. (Ant / BANG)
Source: Metro News (28 September 2010)
Tarakan City Strained Back
Tarakan Borneo - Citizen Police Go Tarakan - Kaltim BorneoTarakan - Situation City of Tarakan, Riau, on Tuesday (28 / 9), re-gripping. Tribal masses do convoy on the road with carrying various sharp weapons. A number of trees along the main street park city of Tarakan cut down as a reaction to the demands of indigenous tribal police to arrest perpetrators of resident killer.
Tensions culminated in the mass convoy going to the location where the murder at Jalan Juata Teritik. Because, in the way they were confronted by a blockade line of TNI Infantry Battalion 613 King Natural Tarakan. This was done to avoid clashes. Because, at the location where the murder was carried out talks between Chairman of the Great Peoples Tidung with the family of the perpetrator of murder.
The road in front of the TNI Headquarters 613 King Natural jams. Therefore, none of the people passed through the blockade despite the population bermungkim residents in the vicinity of the murder. TNI rifles equipped to withstand a mass convoy going to the Road Juata. The mass turned to go home even though about two hours had occurred quarrels between the mass and the TNI.
Massa returned to the main road to continue. According to them, this convoy continue, even larger amount, as long as the killing of the perpetrator is not arrested by the police. Since at 14.00 this afternoon quiet city of Tarakan back. Shops and houses in the city re-cap. While passing vehicles is dominated by vehicle convoy of security forces and tribal lines. (M. Sakir / BANG)
Source: Metro News (28 September 2010)
Thousands Dayak Tidung Police Surround Tarakan
Borneo Tarakan - Kaltim BorneoTarakan atmosphere Tarakan City, East Kalimantan, re-gripping. Thousands of indigenous Dayak people who joined in the Union Tidung Native Borneo (Heritage) Police came and surrounded the city of Tarakan, on Tuesday (28 / 9).
They demanded the authorities to immediately catch the killer Abdullah (Dayak indigenous stakeholders Tidung). Residents who come to the office of Police equip themselves with various sharp weapons types saber (sword), badik, and machetes. While tens of Police officers stood guard around the office.
Due to the arrival of the mass, the situation around Tarakan Police office heats up. The masses also do oration, in addition to urging the police immediately arrested the killer Abdullah, was also expelled ethnic perpetrators of Tarakan City.
Meanwhile, the police chief Adjunct Commissioner Dharu Tarakan Siswanto said it was continuing to hunt for perpetrators of homicide. "We are still looking for the perpetrators. We hope we can soon find the perpetrators, so that this problem can be overcome," he said.
According Dharu, until recently it was still examining nine witnesses for questioning over the incident conflict. "We still check the witnesses. We hope to witness testimony, the offender may be found," said Dharu. (MI / riz)
Source: Metro News (28 September 2010)
Meet Police Chief After Tarakan and Police Officers, Massa Liquidate Yourself
Tarakan Borneo - Tarakan After Meet the Police Chief and Police Officers, Massa Liquidate Yourself - Kaltim BorneoTARAKAN - Representatives of the masses in Tarakan held a meeting with Kapolresta AKBP Dharu Siswanto and a number of police officers Mapolresta Tarakan in East Kalimantan, on Tuesday (09/28/2010). The mass represented Udin Bahlok or called Commander Beetle, Haji Muktar, Chairman Tidung Kaltim, and a few others.
After the meeting, Udin straight to the masses and said police had arrested two suspects involved in the murder of Abdullah (45). "One suspect was arrested. There are still two or three more suspects in the search process, and in the near future must be caught by the police," said Udin to the masses.
Customary Chief Tidung Kaltim Idris Haji Mukhtar also confirmed, the police had arrested one suspect. Saaat suspects are used to provoke his peers to be arrested as well.
Furthermore, Udin Bahlok requesting calm and disperse the mass. A few moments later the mass was disbanded and left mapolresta. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (28 September 2010)
Both Kubu in Tarakan It Peace
Conditions conducive Tarakan
Tarakan Borneo - Conditions Conducive Tarakan - Kaltim - BorneoTARAKAN - Conflicts between groups in Tarakan, East Kalimantan, began to subside after a meeting in North Tarakan District office on Monday (09/27/2010) night.
The meeting lasted for two hours from 20.30 pm. There is a nine-point agreement, the most important being the murder of Abdullah's settled law.
The meeting that triggered the conflict between groups in the area Kopri, Kelurahan Juwata Permai, District of North Tarakan Tarakan was attended by Udin Hianggio Mayor, Deputy Mayor Suhardjo Trianto along Muspida element.
Community leaders from various ethnic groups were also present including the former Mayor of Tarakan Yusuf Serang Kasim, and former Deputy Mayor Thamrin.
Nine agreement was read Badrun Tarakan City Government Secretary, among others:
- Agree to the problem that has occurred is an individual problem, and not a problem group, ethnicity, and religion.
- Problem is processed in accordance with the law berlak
- With all the efforts the perpetrators are found
- All activities of government and society should still be running as usual
- All elements of society, religious leaders and masyaakat supports all efforts in the process of solving problems with existing regulation
- Collectively prevent recurrent perstiwa
- Seek a homogenous settlements
- All figures continues to carry out ethnic coaching in their respective communities
- Government to improve guidance on the elements of the community and the community.
"I want to be able to resist each other, this problem will be completed." - Secretary of the City Government of Tarakan, Badrun
Badrun said, with nine points, the deal is expected to resolve disputes between the two groups. "It is expected that the nine points can be run and done his best," he said.
While in this meeting, Udin ask the two warring groups for mutual restraint, in order to maintain security of the City of Tarakan. "I want to be able to resist each other, this problem will be completed," he said
Although it has been found to be nine-point agreement, until Monday night, police personnel are still on guard and surround some places that are considered to trigger conflict. Community groups also still on guard with a sharp weapon. (*)
Source: TribunKaltim (28 September 2010)
Tata Successfully Tarakan Public Transportation
TARAKAN Borneo - Tarakan City again won an award from the central government. This time, Tarakan receive a trophy Forum for Tata Nugraha (WTN) because it is successfully managing public transport and orderly berlalulintas. This is the second time to the Tarakan get WTN medium city category.
WTN awards, would be handed over Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi, Tuesday (28/09/2010) at the Ministry of Transportation Building Jalan Merdeka Mataram West No 8 Jakarta to the Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio.
Before heading to Jakarta, Sunday (26/09/2010), Mayor Hianggio Udin said, this award thanks to the hard work of all components of the City of Tarakan. (*)
Source: TribunNews (26 September 2010)
Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Bandara Juwata Tarakan untuk Pelayanan Publik
Bandar Udara International Juwata Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur, dengan panjang runway 2250 meter dan lebar 45 meter, saat ini, sudah didarati oleh pesawat jenis boeing dan airbus, serta pesawat – pesawat perintis.
Setiap harinya dari Bandara Juwata ini, tidak kurang dari 10 kali penerbangan pesawat boeing dan airbus, dari Jakarta, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Makassar dan Balikpapan, mendarat dan terbang dari bandara ini.
Dari catatan petugas bandara, penumpang yang naik dan turun melalui Bandara Juwata, setiap harinya melebihi dari 1000 sampai 2000 penumpang.
Dibangunnya kantor radar dan administrasi bandara guna meningkatkan aspek safety, security, dan pelayanan publik. Serta dimanfaatkan untuk pengendalian ruang udara, lalu lintas penerbangan wilayah Tarakan dan sekitarnya. (Asep Syaifullah dan Baharudin/Sup)
Sumber: (25 Oktober 2010 ) Borneo
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Menhub Resmikan Fasilitas Baru Bandara Juwata Tarakan
TARAKAN - Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Freddy Numberi meresmikan tiga bangunan fasilitas di Bandara Udara Kelas I Khusus Juwata Tarakan, Sabtu (23/10/2010). Tiga bangunan tersebut terdiri dari gedung baru kantor bandara, Masjid dr H Jusuf SK, dan Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) Ekadyasa.
Peresmian ditandai dengan bunyi sirene dan penandatanganan prasasti. Freddy mengungkapkan, dengan dibangunanya fasilitas di bandara diharapkan pihak manajemen Bandara Juwata Tarakan lebih meningkatkan pelayanan, keselamatan, dan keamanan penerbangan bagi masyarakat sebagai pengguna jasa bandara.
"Fasilitas ini sebagai sarana pendukung yang memiliki peran penting dalam keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan. Apalagi gedung kantor yang baru ini sangat baik mencerminkan pengaruh citra yang postif dalam masyarakat, mengingat gedung kantor bandara yang lama kurang steril berdekatan dengan area penerbangan," ungkapnya.
Freddy mengatakan, dengan adanya fasilitas bangunan tersebut kedepannya Bandara Juwata Tarakan dapat menjadi lebih baik dalam meningkatkan pelayanan. "Bandara ini merupakan akses yang dapat menuju Tawau, Malaysia. Kalau pengoperasiannya lebih baik, keinginan akses ke Tawau dapat terwujud. Tentunya pemerintah akan mendukung untuk mewujudkan dengan memberikan anggaran tahap kedua untuk pembangunan bandara ini," tuturnya.
Sumber: TribunNews (23 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
Pemkot Tarakan Bagi 4 Kawasan Pelabuhan
TARAKAN - Pemerintah Kota Tarakan membagi 4 kawasan Pelabuhan umum, menjadi wilayah dan sektor yang memiliki fungsi masing-masing. Seperti Pelabuhan Tengkayu I, digunakan sebagai pelayanan armada keberangkatan penumpang menuju beberapa wilayah di Utara Kaltim. Lalu, Pelabuhan Tengkayu II difungsikan sebagai pelabuhan bongkar muat beberapa perusahaan.
Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio menjelaskan, Pelabuhan I dan II digunakan untuk aktifitas bongkar muat dan keberangkatan para penumpang, dalam skala kecil. Lalu, Pelabuhan Malundung difungsikan sebagai pelabuhan bongkar muat peti kemas, dan keberangkatan kapal PELNI dalam skala besar.
“Tengkayu II kita rencanakan untuk bongkar muat perusahaan, dalam skala kecil dan Tengkayu I peruntukannya sebagai angkutan penumpang menuju wilayah Nunukan, Malinau, KTT dan Bulungan” tuturnya menjelaskan kepada Reporter Grass FM Tarakan pada jumat siang tadi, (22/10/2010) di kantornya.
Sementara, Pelabuhan Feri Juata Laut tetap difungsikan sebagai berlabuhnya kapal feri. Saat ini, kapal itu masih melayani rute Tarakan – Toli toli dan sebaliknya. Armada itu juga, mampu mengangkut puluhan penumpang dan beberapa kendaraan roda dua dan empat.
“Pelabuhan Feri seperti biasa, untuk angkutan penumpang dan kendaraan. Lalu, kedepannya semua pelabuhan dilakukan konsentrasi pelayanan, agar masing-masing pelabuhan memiliki fungsi masing-masing sesuai aturan” jelasnya. (yoko – grass fm tarakan)
Sumber: Grass FM (22 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Brimob Kembali ke Jakarta, Tinggalkan Tarakan
TARAKAN - Sebanyak 174 personel Brimob dari Jakarta yang telah bertugas ikut mengamankan kota Tarakan akibat bentrok antar dua kelompok warga akhir bulan September lalu, akhirnya kembali ke Jakarta, Kamis (21/10/2010) malam.
Upacara pelepasan pasukan Brimob ini dilaksanakan di Polres Tarakan. Acara dhadiri Kapolda Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), Mathius Salempang, Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio, dan Wakil Walikota Tarakan Suhardjo Trianto. Mathius, Udin, dan SUhardjo menyalami satu persatu anggota Brimob yang telah bertugas di Tarakan seama 24 hari tersebut.
Tak lupa, dalam kesempatan tersebut, Mathius mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh anggota pasukan Brimob. (*)
Sumber: TribunKaltim (22 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010
Kapolda Kaltim Tanam Pohon Ulin Perdamaian
TARAKAN - Kedatangan Kapolda Kaltim Irjen Polisi Mathius Salempang, Kamis (21/10/2010) di Kota Tarakan selain menghadiri upacara penarikan pasukan Brimob Mabes Polri juga menanam pohon perdamaian. Pohon ulin perdamaian ini ditanam di depan pintu gerbang Bandara Juwata Tarakan.
Mathius mengaku, penanaman pohon tersebut merupakan kelanjutan penanaman pohon yang pernah dilakukan beberapa waktu lalu di Tugu 99.
"Ini kelanjutan dari penanaman pohon yang kemarin. Kita harapkan pohon perdamaian ini, ibarat hidup manusia yang bila disiram akan tumbuh subur, sehingga menandakan perdamaian di Kota Tarakan selalu tetap terjaga," ujarnya.
Mathius menambahkan, pohon yang ditanam ini juga sebagai simbol yang kuat dan memiliki arti, yakni permasalahan yang telah terjadi jangan pernah terulang lagi. "Kita tanam pohon ini berarti permasalahan sudah selesai, untuk itu mari kita menjaga perdamaian di Kota Tarakan," katanya. (*)
Sumber: TribunKaltim (21 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Kapolda Kaltim: Tarakan Seperti Kampung Halaman Saya
TARAKAN - Kapolda Kaltim Irjen Polisi Mathius Salempang kembali mengunjungi Kota Tarakan. Dengan menumpangi pesawat Lion Air Kapolda Kaltim bersama istri serta rombongan ini tiba di Bandara Juwata Tarakan pukul 13.00, Kamis ( 21/10/2010).
Kali ini kedatangan Mathius untuk melihat langsung keadaan Kota Tarakan yang telah kondusif dan sekaligus menghadiri upacara penarikan pasukan Brimob Mabes Polri sebanyak 2 SSK atau 174 personel di Kantor Polres Tarakan.
Mathius mengakui, saat menginjakkan kaki di Kota Tarakan ia seperti pulang kampung. Maklum saat terjadi bentrokan dua kelompok beberapa waktu lalu, Kapolda Kaltim selama dua minggu harus berkantor di Polres Tarakan.
"Saya datang kesini seperti pulang kampung. Saya sudah anggap Kota Tarakan ini rumah sendiri, jadi yah serasa pulang kampung. Saya melihat situasi Kota Tarakan yang sudah aman," ujarnya. (*)
Sumber: TribunKaltim (21 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
Rombongan Vietnam ke Tarakan Pelajari Kehutanan
TARAKAN - Tarakan kedatangan tamu istimewa dari Vietman. Rombongan yang berjumlah 22 orang tersebut sengaja ke kota ini untuk belajar tentang kehutanan.
“Mereka juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana caranya mendapatkan sertifikasi. Karena depannya Vietnam berkeinginan menjadi negara yang memiliki pengelolaan hutan yang lestari,” kata Roslin, perwakilan dari Kementerian Kehutanan RI bidang Kerjasama Luar Negeri.
Pada dasarnya, kata Roslin, rombongan asal Vietnam ini berkeinginan besar untuk belajar bagaimana Kota Tarakan mengelola hutan secara lestari. Satu-satunya perusahaan yang dituju adalah PT Intracawood Manufacturing sebagai salah satu contoh yang sudah mendapatkan sertifikasi untuk pengelolaan hutannya.
Menurut Roslin, sertifikasi pengelolaan hutan ini memang penting. Pasalnya, di negara-negara importir seperti Amerika dan negara di Eropa lainnya, sangat mengutamakan produk kayu hasil hutan yang besertifikasi dan dikelola secara baik.
“Sekarang memang belum, tapi untuk ke depannya akan diperlukan persyaratan sertifikasi tersebut, bahwa kayu yang diterima adalah kayu yang sudah besertifikasi,” katanya.
Tentunya dengan tujuan agar kayu yang dikirim tersebut tidak bermasalah karena negara-negara maju menginginkan hutan dikelola secara baik dan benar.(ddq)
Sumber: RadarTarakan (20 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Senin, 11 Oktober 2010
Pemkot Tarakan Launching Media Center
TARAKAN - Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Pemkot Tarakan, Senin (11/10/2010) hari ini melaunching media center yang terletak di salah satu sudut ruangan kantor dinas tersebut.
Rencananya media center akan digunakan untuk konferensi pers pejabat Pemkot Tarakan dalam menyikapi berbagai persoalan yang muncul di Tarakan.
Walikota Tarakan Haji Udin Hianggio mengatakan, pembentukan media center ini bisa menjadi tempat pertemuan antara pejabat Pemkot Tarakan dan awak media di Tarakan.
"Jadi supaya berita-berita yang berkembang itu, supaya tidak ada simpang siur masing-masing orang mau memberikan penjelasan," katanya. Udin dengan tegas membantah jika pembentukan media center itu untuk mengontrol berita-berita yang akan disajikan media massa.
"Media center ini bukan untuk saling kontrol tetapi kita mengajak bekerjasama. Misalnya pemberitaan-pemberitaan itu yang menyejukkan, jangan justru membuat penafsiran yang berbeda-beda," katanya.
Pihaknya tidak pernah berniat melakukan pelarangan penulisan berita tertentu. "Jadi bukan berarti bahwa harus seperti ini. Tidak ada pelarangan, anda jauhkan itu," katanya. (*)
Sumber: TribunKaltim (11 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Walikota Tarakan : Sosialiasi Perdamaian Terus Berjalan
TARAKAN - Walikota Tarakan, Udin Hianggio mengatakan, sosialisasi kesepakatan damai terus dilakukan kepada warga Tarakan. Namun ia menolak menjelaskan akar bentrok antar warga yang terjadi akhir bulan September lalu.
"Sosialisasi kesepakatan damai masih terus berjalan. Wakapolda Kaltim jalan terus. Memang masih ada perbedaan-perbedaan tetapi saya rasa kita sudah sepakat bahwa perdamiaan itu harus terwujud," ujarnya.
Ia mengatakan, bencana yang terjadi di Tarakan merupakan bagian dari bencana nasional yang juga terjadi di daerah lain. Bencana yang terjadi di Tarakan tidak seberapa jika dibandingkan di daerah lain. Seperti adanya penyerangan Markas Polsek.
"Bentrok dimana-mana terjadi. Bagaimana bencana-bencana nasional? Jadi apa keinginan pemerintah? Ini kita evaluasi semua termasuk kita, anda. Anda mungkin lebih tahu, jangan tanya sama saya. Kenapa bangsa ini begini karena rusak akhlak moral," katanya.
Ia juga enggan menjawab saat ditanya kaitan bentrok dengan kecemburuan sosial terkait distribusi sumber daya alam yang tidak merata.
"Kalau tanya ini kan memperkeruh masalah lagi. Upaya yang kita lakukan anggaran itu kan ada di DPR. Misalnya untuk pembangunan gedung kesenian, nanti juga kita akan tagih janji komisi III DPR untuk membantu Pemkot Tarakan termasuk kapal patroli. Nanti sama-sama kita ke Jakarta," katanya.
Sumber: TribunNews (11 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Wakapolda Kaltim Belum Pastikan Penarikan Pasukan dari Tarakan
TARAKAN - Wakapolda Kaltim Brigjen Pol Drs Ngadino SH MM, Senin (11/10/2010) hari ini mengadakan pertemuan dengan seluruh jajaran TNI-Polri di Tarakan.
Pertemuan yang digelar di Posko Penanggulangan Kerusuhan Tarakan di Mako Polres Tarakan itu untuk mengevaluasi kondisi Tarakan pasca kesepakatan damai antara pihak Suku Tidung dan Suku Bugis Letta pada 29-30 September lalu.
Usai mengadakan rapat, Wakapolda Kaltim beserta jajarannya menyempatkan mengunjungi Makodim Tarakan. Ngadino kepada mengatakan, pasca kesepakatan damai
yang hampir berlangsung dua minggu, kondisi di Kota Tarakan semakin membaik.
"Untuk kondisi daripada pasca kesepakatan sampai sekarang alhamdulilah sudah tidak ada gejolak yah. Tetapi kita dari TNI/Polri semuanya masih menggelar sampai betul-betul situasinya kembali pulih," ujarnya.
Ia memastikan, massa dari luar daerah yang ikut melibatkan diri dalam pertikaian yang lalu telah dipulangkan ke asalnya masing-masing. Begitu juga dengan kondisi di lapangan, kedua belah pihak sudah mulai berbaur dalam pergaulan sehari-hari.
Meskipun kondisi Tarakan berangsur pulih, namun ia belum bisa memastikan waktu penarikan seluruh pasukan yang ditempatkan di Tarakan. "Kalau surat perintah kita sampai tanggal 27 Oktober. Tetapi nanti kita lihat lagi informasinya seperti apa," katanya. (*)
Sumber: TribunKaltim (11 Oktober 2010) Borneo
Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010
Mitos Jagoan di Balik Kerusuhan Tarakan (2-Selesai)
Bugis Kajang Datang, Panglima Burung Takjub
KISAH Panglima Kumbang dan Panglima Burung terus meluas. Termasuk di Nunukan. Yang tak kalah menariknya adalah cerita warga yang mengaitkan dengan kesaktian Bugis Kajang.
Panglima Kumbang dianggap sebagai perintis untuk bantuan awal dalam sebuah konflik. Jika kehadiran Panglima Kumbang belum menyelesaikan konflik, apakah itu untuk sebuah kemenangan atau untuk kesepakatan damai, maka barulah Panglima Burung didatangkan.
Seperti Panglima Kumbang, Panglima Burung juga berasal dari suku Dayak, Kalimantan Tengah. Panglima Burung akan datang setelah melakukan semedi di tempat tertentu. Kesaktiannya, mampu memasukkan roh kepada semua anggota pasukan di lapangan sehingga mereka mengamuk dalam kondisi di bawah alam sadar.
Di luar kesadaran itu, pedang-pedang di tangan menebas leher orang-orang yang telah ditentukan melalui ritual Panglima Burung. Ada yang bahkan mengatakan bahwa pedang itu melayang sendiri mencari lawan-lawan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.
Antara percaya dan tidak, kesaktian Panglima Burung inilah yang ditakuti para warga. Jangan-jangan itu bukan sekadar mitos. Jangan-jangan itu akan terjadi di Tarakan. Jangan-jangan pula akan meluas ke wilayah lainnya, seperti Samarinda dan Nunukan. Soalnya, kedua daerah ini segera menghelat pemilukada yang tentu saja rawan konflik.
Warga pun mendengar cerita bahwa kesaktian Panglima Burung itu pula yang digunakan di Sampit sehingga banyak jatuh korban dengan sadis. Ciri-cirinya adalah, leher korban dicincang karena kepala harus dijadikan tumbal atas ritual yang telah dilakukan.
"Boleh jadi itu hanya mitos. Namun, di sisi lain, disebutkan juga bahwa Panglima Burung sebetulnya sangat bijak. Dia orang baik. Ia dituakan. Kalau masih ada jalan damai, Panglima Burung memilih yang terbaik untuk kebaikan semua.
Dia itu simbol dari orang-orang sabar dan sederhana. Kalau sudah menyangkut harga diri dan penghinaan dan tidak ada jalan lain, barulah turun. Makanya, Panglima Burung tidak sembarang turun. Ia sangat selektif," kata Jaya, 78, tetua adat Tidung yang kesehariannya mencari rumput laut.
Lantas bagaimana menangkal kesaktian Panglima Burung? Seorang tetua adat asal Sulsel di Nunukan mengisahkan dengan bahasa konon. Katanya, kesaktian Panglima Kumbang dan Panglima Burung terjadi pada ratusan tahun silam. Yang ada sekarang tinggal generasinya.
Ia juga mengisahkan bahwa antara suku Tidung dan suku Bugis masih punya hubungan darah. Buktinya, banyak orang Bugis yang kawin dengan suku Tidung. Demikian pula sebaliknya.
Salah seorang anggota Kerukunan Keluarga Sulawesi Selatan, Jamil, ayahnya suku Bugis Makassar dan ibunya orang Tidung. Ayahnya termasuk salah seorang tokoh masyarakat yang sangat disegani di Nunukan. Sekkab Nunukan, Zainuddin HZ juga beristrikan orang Bugis.
Mungkin itu sebabnya sehingga antara suku Bugis dan Tidung selalu menghindari konflik berdarah. Ketika terjadi konflik di Nunukan pada 2008, ada kabar bahwa sekelompok orang dari Kajang turun dari kapal. Beberapa saat kemudian, kelompok yang terlibat konflik menghindar. Beberapa kawasan di Nunukan pun sepi. Konflik berdarah pun terhindar.
Beberapa warga di Nunukan mengaku sering mendengar bahwa kesaktian Panglima Burung pernah mendapat tantangan dari orang Bugis yang datang dari Kajang. Kisah ini lagi-lagi bernuansa mitos. Betapa tidak, ketika Panglima Burung mendemonstrasikan kesaktiannya, datang pula orang sakti dari Bugis Kajang.
Bugis Kajang menebar beras ke bumi. Hanya dengan mengayunkan telunjuknya dengan gerakan melingkar, ribuan biji beras itu pun bergerak sendiri hingga bersatu dalam sebuah onggokan.
Panglima Burung yang menyaksikan adegan itu, awalnya biasa-biasa saja. Namun, ketika dijelaskan, bahwa ini hanya contoh bagaimana orang Bugis Kajang mampu mengumpulkan lawan-lawannya yang tersebar di medan konflik seperti dengan mudahnya mengumpulkan biji-biji beras itu. Setelah lawan-lawannya terkumpul, barulah dengan mudah diperdayai. Mereka tidak bisa melawan.
"Namun demikian, orang Bugis tidak akan memperdayai orang-orang yang sudah tidak berdaya lagi," kata Ketua Perguruan Seni Bela Diri Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah, Pimda 212 Kabupaten Nunukan, Andi Kaharuddin Andi Tokkong, Rabu 6 Oktober.
Perguruan ini berupaya mengakomodasi "orang-orang yang awalnya merasa jago" untuk dibina akhlaknya. Dikatakan, awalnya merasa jago, karena banyak anggotanya yang sebelum masuk perguruan ini, merasa jago berkelahi. Namun, ketika masuk perguruan dan menyalurkan kejagoannya, sedikit-demi sedikit diberi pembinaan akhlak sehingga pada akhirnya akan sadar sendiri dan tidak akan berkelahi.
Perguruan ini merangkul multietnis di Nunukan. Baik Bugis, Dayak, Tidung, maupun suku lainnya, seperti Jawa dan lain-lain. Strategi ini digunakan untuk menghindari konflik etnis di Nunukan.
Pembinanya berasal dari Parepare, yaitu Pendekar Utama Sukri Saleh. Pendekar Madya-nya dari tokoh masyarakat suku Tidung, yaitu Zainuddin HZ yang juga Sekkab Nunukan. Pelatihnya dari pemuda Dayak dan Tidung.
Jumlah kader sabuk biru 23 orang yang terdiri atas multietnis di Nunukan. Persebarannya di empat kecamatan, yaitu Kecamatan Nunukan, Nunukan Selatan, Sebatik, dan Sebatik Barat. Termasuk yang dalam proses di Kecamatan Sembakung dan Lumbis.
Lantas apakah ini nantinya tidak akan menjadi laskar-laskar dan jagoan-jagoan yang bisa memicu konflik? "O, tidak. Tidak sama sekali. Kita ini daerah perbatasan. Kita butuh cadangan bela negara. Para pemuda harus ada bekal bela diri. Bukan hanya bela diri, melainkan juga akhlakul kharimah.
Ini bahkan wahana pemersatu untuk menghindarkan tumbuhnya primordialisme kesukuan yang berlebihan. Dengan demikian, akan menghindarkan dari hal-hal yang memicu konflik horizontal," kata Kaharuddin yang ditemui usai salat asar berjemaah dengan anggotanya di sekitar pusat latihan, kemarin.
Kaharuddin yang juga sejarawan itu menuturkan, bahwa sebagaimana orang Bugis, suku Tidung juga memiliki sejarah tersendiri. Mereka juga hidup berpindah-pindah. Mereka sesungguhnya tidak menyukai kekerasan.
Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kesenian mereka, yaitu tari Zapin (Jeppeng) yang kemelayu-melayuan. Ada kemiripan dengan kesenian Bugis. Ada bahkan komunitas Bugis yang melakoni tarian ini dalam kebudayaan mereka.
Kalau ditelusuri sejarah, kerajaan Tidung berdiri pada 1551-1916, didahului oleh Kerajaan Tidung Kuno dan digantikan oleh Tarakan. Raja terakhirnya adalah Monarki Amiril Rasyid bergelar Datoe Radja Laoet Datoe Adil.
Kerajaan Tidung atau dikenal pula dengan nama Kerajaan Tarakan (Kalkan/Kalka), yaitu kerajaan yang memerintah suku Tidung di Utara Kalimantan Timur, berkedudukan di Pulau Tarakan dan berakhir di Salimbatu.
Sebelumnya terdapat dua kerajaan di kawasan ini. Selain Kerajaan Tidung, terdapat pula Kesultanan Bulungan yang berkedudukan di Tanjung Palas. Berdasarkan silsilah yang ada, diterangkan bahwa di pesisir Timur pulau Tarakan, yakni kawasan Binalatung sudah ada Kerajaan Tidung Kuno (The Ancient Kingdom of Tidung), kira-kira tahun 1076-1156.
Mereka kemudian berpindah ke pesisir Barat pulau Tarakan, yakni di kawasan Tanjung Batu, kira-kira pada tahun 1156-1216. Lalu bergeser lagi, tetapi tetap di pesisir Barat, yakni ke kawasan sungai Bidang, kira-kira pada tahun 1216-1394. Setelah itu berpindah lagi yang relatif jauh dari pulau Tarakan, yakni ke kawasan Pimping bagian Barat dan kawasan Tanah Kuning, berkisar tahun 1394-1557.
Sebuah sumber menerangkan bahwa riwayat tentang kerajaan maupun pemimpin (raja) yang pernah memerintah di kalangan suku Tidung terbagi atas beberapa tempat yang sekarang sudah terpisah menjadi beberapa daerah kabupaten.
Daerah-daerah itu antara lain Kabupaten Bulungan (Salimbatu, Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Tengah), (Malinau Kota, Kabupaten Malinau), Sesayap, Kabupaten Tana Tidung, (Sembakung, Kabupaten Nunukan (Kota Tarakan), dan lain-lain hingga ke daerah Sabah (Malaysia) bagian Selatan.
Referensi ini menunjukkan bahwa suku Tidung memang memiliki tradisi berpindah, mirip dengan orang Bugis. Oleh karena itu, untuk menyebut orang Bugis sebagai pendatang dan orang-orang Tidung sebagai penduduk asli, masih memerlukan kajian mendalam. Itu pula sebabnya, ada anekdot bahwa sesama pendatang tidak boleh berkonflik.
Tak heran ketika mitos Panglima Burung dengan orang-orang sakti dari Kajang tadi memilih menghindari konflik berdarah. Buktinya, konflik berdarah di Tarakan begitu cepat redam ketika ada pula kabar bahwa kelompok suku Bugis juga akan bergerak ke Tarakan. (*)
Sumber: (7 OKTOBER 2010) Borneo
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