Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Tarakan menyatakan tidak melarang adanya peredaran minuman beralkohol di Tarakan. Pernyataan ini ditegaskan Sekertaris Daerah (Sekda) Kota Tarakan, Kamis (24/2/2011) usai melakukan rapat minuman beralkohol di ruang kerjanya.
Sekda mengeluarkan pernyataan ini, terkait kekecewaan 67 pengusaha minuman beralkohol, karena adanya pencabutan surat izin usaha perdagangan minuman beralkohol (SIUP MB) yang dilakukan Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan Koperasi (Disperindagkop dan UMKM) Tarakan, akibatnya mereka pun tidak bisa berjualan.
"Kami disini tidak pernah melarang adanya peredaran minuman beralkohol, hanya saja kami ini mengatur peredaran minuman beralkohol. Kalau mengatur artinya, ada aturan dan mekanisme yang dilakukan pengusaha minuman beralkohol," katanya.
Sekedar informasi,dari 73 tempat usaha minuman beralkohol di Tarakan, hanya enam tempat usaha yang diperbolehkan menjualan minuman beralkohol golongan A, B, dan C. Sedangkan 67 tempat usaha minuman beralkohol tidak diperbolehkan dan akhirnya Disperindagkop dan UMKM Kota Tarakan menerbitkan SK pencabutan SIUP MB.
Penulis : Junisah
Editor : Reza Rasyid Umar
Sumber : Tribun Kaltim (24 Februari 2011)
Redirect to TarakanBais
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Pemkot Tarakan Atur Peredaran Minuman Beralkohol
Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
Proses Kedisplinan PNS Tarakan Telah Selesai
TARAKAN - Tim Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan (Baperjakat) Kota Tarakan telah selesai melakukan proses dan mekanisme kedisplinan terhadap dua PNS Eselon II yang sempat tidak hadir dalam pelantikan. Kedua pejabat tersebut adalah Firmannur dan Suparlan.
Ketua Baperjakat yang juga Sekretaris Kota Tarakan Badrun mengungkapkan, kedua PNS tersebut sudah menjalani rangkaian proses dan mekanisme sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 53 Tahun 2010 tentang Kedisplinan PNS.
"Saat kami melakukan proses dan mekanisme secara internal, antara bawahan dengan atasan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, ternyata kami memandang yang terjadi selama ini hanya ada unsur miskomunikasi.Mudah-mudahan yang bersangkutan pun sudah menyadari miskomunikasi ini, dan selanjutnya yang bersangkutan akan melakukan tugas dan kewajibannya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku," ungkap Badrun, Selasa (22/2/2011).
Seperti diketahui pada 29 Januari lalu, dilakukan mutasi jabatan di struktural eselon II, III dan IV, di Lingkungan Pemkot Tarakan. Tapi saat dilakukan pelantikan sumpah jabatan Firmananur dan Suparlan tidak hadir. Dalam pelantikan tersebut Firmannur dimutasi menjadi Kepala Badan Pengelolan Lingkungan Hidup (BPLH) dan Suparlan dimutasi menjadi Staf Ahli Walikota Bidang Pembangunan. (*)
Firmannur dan Suparlan Minta Maaf kepada Walikota
Terkait ketidakhadiran saat pelantikan di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Tarakan, Firmannur dan Suparlan pun meminta maaf kepada Pemkot Tarakan, dan khususnya kepada Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio.
"Saya sebagai PNS dan selaku pribadi, juga sebagai bawahan dengan atasan, serta anak dengan orangtua, untuk itu dengan kebesaran hati, saya menyampaikan permohonan maaf kepada Pemkot Tarakan, khususnya kepada Bapak Walikota Tarakan," ucapnya, Selasa (22/2/2011).
Permintaan maaf pun dilakukan Suparlan. Suprlan yang juga telah mengikuti proses dan mekanisme kedisplinan PNS mengaku, selaku PNS dan pribadi ia meminta maaf kepada Pemkot Tarakan, dan juga Walikota Tarakan Udin Hianggio. "Saya menyampaikan permohonan maaf kepada Pemkot Tarakan, dan Walikota Tarakan," katanya. (*)
Penulis : Junisah
Editor : Sumarsono
Sumber : (22 Februari 2011)
Ready to Publish Electronic Identity Card Tarakan
Hamza: Mid-2011 e-ID card Already into force
Media Center Diskominfo, - Since the year 2009 Office of Population And Civil City of Tarakan has started to make the transition Occupied Identity Card System (Simduk) to the Electronic Identity Card (e-ID card) which is a national program.
It is one thing that informed the Secretary of the Office of Population And Civil City of Tarakan, Hamza SE, this afternoon (Thursday, 2.10) during a press briefing to reporters.
According to the former Head Office of the PDE, the update data in the City of Tarakan has been performed in 20 Villages with a population of about 230 people over the recorded.
When asked by the crew of the media about when to use e-ID cards, Hamza explains his service is currently pending legislation in Parliament was in godok Tarakan City. "Members of the council some time ago have made study visits to the Yogyakarta area, and is currently completing Perdanya," he explained.
"When this law was published, the e-ID card will be launched to the public no later than mid-year (red, 2011)," Hamza added.
e-ID card itself more advantages than the conventional type of ID card (simduk), because the e-ID card will have a chip containing eight kilo bytes of data from the owner, including fingerprints found us and jamkesda.
Explained Hamzah, e-ID card currently in use in six areas. And they are pilot projects of national e-ID cards which have so far been successful.
"City of Tarakan including one of 197 City - County who will implement e-ID cards," said Hamza.
Before closing his speech, reminded the community Hamza Tarakan especially the parents who do not take care of her child's birth certificate for the immediate care of the Department of Population and Civil Registration, Because birth certificates are needed and useful to the interests of the child later.
DD, the Office of Communications and Informatics.
Source: diskominfo Tarakan (10 February 2011)
Two Great Believe Nata flow Qiblah
In the midst of pros and cons of the Ahmadiyah sect to cause casualties, in Tarakan, East Kalimantan found public confidence in the other, the flow of Nata Court.
Chairman of the Islamic Ummah Forum Religious Harmony (FKUB) Tarakan City H Salepa Hepa admit, at Tarakan there Nata cult Court. FKUB and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Tarakan perform a search.
Having traced this stream proved to deviate. Some deviations ditemukam, each incoming flow Nata General must say two sentences creed. Not only that this flow also believe in the existence of two Qibla ie kabir and Sagir aka mecca mecca mecca of East and West.
West is in Mecca Qiblah Qiblah while the East is in Sesanip, one in the Tarakan area called Paradise Earth. Therefore, for the followers of this genre, go to the center of this flow in Tarakan already be called a pilgrimage.
"With these deviations MUI Tarakan has expressed great nata flow is an evil cult and misleading. For it must be supervision and this has been discussed in the MUI," said Salepa, during a press conference at the Media Center, Office of Communications and Informatikan (Diskomninfo ) Tarakan, on Friday (02/11/2011).
Editor: Yulis Sulistyawan
Source: tribunnews (February 11, 2011)
Immediately So Malundung Tarakan International Port
Port Malundung immediately increased the status of international ports. Head of the Port Administration Office (Adpel) Tarakan, Adang Rodiana said, in order to become an international port, a port must have the eligibility standards for certification ISPS (International Ship and Implementation of The Port Facility Security, Red) Code. And today, the Port has been recognized decent Malundung certified ISPS Code.
"Some time ago we never visited the U.S. Coast Guard and they say we deserve a certificate of the ISPS Code," Adang said when met Radar Tarakan, yesterday.
Explained Adang, ISPS Code is a set of rules for securing ships and port facilities internationally. The facility is on port security is also recognition of already very comprehensive and worthy of being an international port, such as metal detectors, explosive detectors, CCTV and X-ray.
"ISPS is how the port could be safe and the evidence, during the riots yesterday (september gray, Red), port Malundung proven safe and no interference," he said.
Not only that. To obtain ISPS certification, it is clear Adang, various preparations have been done, including safety committee has been formed that aims to anticipate the occurrence of something that is not desirable and do it early. "So also with the ship, should be safe. For example, if the ship entered the harbor Malundung Korea, it's called the Korean ship, so it must be really safe, "he said, responding to one of the main port of the Tarakan as one of the main port of entry in the list of war risk zone zone (war risk zone), so it must have the ISPS certificate Code.
So far, the Port Malundung indeed serve the loading and unloading many involving foreign ships, such as Korea and ships from other countries to support the export of several companies in Tarakan. Even from Tarakan Adpel records, the ship docked and loading and unloading at the Port Malundung reach 240 percent from the previous.
"Port Malundung not only implement the national port services but has been an international port services," said Adang.
Other requirements are a concern to obtain certificates of ISPS is Malundung Port activity is supported by a safety device, ie, government support, Syahbandar or Administrator Ports, Immigration, Customs and Excise, Animal and Plant Quarantine, Port Health and the Police Sector Port Area (KSKP). "So, with the consideration that we really deserve it (ISPS, Red)," he said. (Nat)
Source: radartarakan (February 8, 2011)
Branch of Bank CIMB Niaga Tarakan Inaugurated
Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio inaugurate the operation of CIMB Niaga Branch Office in Jalan Mulawarman Tarakan, on Wednesday (01/19/2011). This is an office of Bank Niaga to-758 in Indonesia and to a bank office network-40 in eastern Indonesia.
Area Manager of East Indonesia, Rahmat A Haris VP, revealed Tarakan chosen as one of the founding of the office, because Tarakan saving opportunity that is promising is menjadicenter points in the Northern region of East Kalimantan. "We see in Tarakan pertumbuhkan economy is very advanced, and the product distribution was running normally. So we believe that opportunities to increase economic growth in Tarakan can run well," he said.
Rahmat said that, as a form of support economic growth in Tarakan side utilizing human resources (HR) derived from Tarakan. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 19, 2011)
7 Houses and Kiosks in Tarakan Burned
An estimated seven houses and kiosks located at 8 Village Selumit RT sold out on fire, the red rooster, at 18:00, Tuesday (18/01/2011). As a result one fireman were injured at their feet for nail punctured, as would extinguish the fire.
The cause of the fire thought to have come from petrol kiosks owned by Agus. The fire quickly grabbed into building houses and kiosks that are next to and behind. A total of 12 units of fire trucks were deployed to extinguish the fire as well with 4 units of trucks from PDAM Tarakan. Finally, for two and a half hour a new fire can be extinguished.
Yono Suratin, one of the victims whose homes were burned admitted, the fire originated from petrol kiosks owned by Agus. "I heard that would refuel, bensinya was spilled, and all of a sudden there are sparks, and flames immediately enlarged, and residents tried to put out the fire, but fire even bigger," he said.
When viewing a fire enlarged Yono, together, wife and son immediately tries to save his property, but unfortunately only securities and a refrigeration unit that was rescued and the other sold out on fire.
"Everything was burned, only securities that can be saved, but I am still grateful for my family all survived. So for now I live in the family home first, because no longer know where to go," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 18, 2011)
Citizen Watch Fire From Top Car Damkar
7 Houses and Kiosks in Tarakan Burned - BorneoTARAKAN - Fires that hit homes and kiosks in RT 8 Selumit Village, on Tuesday (01/18/2011) at 18:00, the spectacle of hundreds of citizens. Obviously this is very difficult for firefighters to extinguish the fire. There are even people who drive reckless fire just to watch the red rooster.
Seeing a few people watching the fire from above the car, firefighters assisted police officers immediately expel citizens, because of the presence of people watching the fire difficult to extinguish the fire officer.
Fire Chief City of Tarakan, Hariyanto admitted, officers put out the fire difficult, because many people are watching. "I ask the residents if a fire should not be a spectacle, because we are there in this field so difficult. Our car came to fetch water becomes slow, because the number of residents in the street who witnessed kebarakan," he said.
Not only that, the institute also said Hariyanto water shortages. But it was grateful for the help of 4 units PDAM car that helped put out the fire. "Gratitude taps would help so the fire can be extinguished," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 18, 2011)
Perusda Tarakan So Domestic Gas Manager
Local Company (Perusda) Tarakan City, finally selected Departamen of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Directorate General (DG) Oil and Gas as the manager of household gas in the city of Tarakan, after bidding by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas in Jakarta.
According to the Director Perusda Tarakan, Tigor Nainggolan, as the manager of the company would soon carry out its duties and responsibilities. "But for the moment we have not directly worked, because it is still waiting Decree (SK), an official from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. If we have received SK then we worked," he said yesterday (17/01/2011)
Tigor admitted, to carry out duties as a manager, it has set up eight technical experts. They later served starting from record meter usage, receive public complaints to make improvements if found any damage. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 17, 2011)
BI will form TPID Tarakan City
To keep and maintain the stabilization of the movement of local inflation, Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Government of the City (City Government) Tarakan will soon form a Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID).
TPID was later headed by the Mayor of Tarakan and assisted by several members, among others, City Secretary, Department of Industry and Trade, Economics and BI. TPID duty to monitor the problem of inflation that occurred in the town of Tarakan.
BI Senior Economic Researcher Young Samarida Branch, Sulistiyono revealed, in Tarakan TPID formation is critical to be formed. Because the value of inflation-owned City of Tarakan is higher than any other city in East Kalimantan.
"This value Tarakan in East Kalimantan highest inflation of 7.92 percent, while only 7 percent of Samarinda and Balikpapan 7.38 percent. For it is Tarakan should have TPID to be able to establish control of inflation in the region," he said after meeting the Mayor of Tarakan, Tuesday (01/18/2011)
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Tarakan, Udin Hianggio said it strongly supports the existence of the plan to form TPID. "We strongly support the establishment of TPID. Surely this is posisiti steps that can help speed inflation in the town of Tarakan," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 18, 2011)
Alicia Djohar Want to shoot film on the Beach Charity Tarakan
Alicia Djohar who entertain a large family on the Beach Charity Hospital Tarakan Tarakan New City, on Sunday (01/16/2011) turned out to admire the beauty of this beach. Seeing the coast Charity with this white sand, Alicia wanted to shoot the film on the Beach Charity.
"The beach is good, because I see the waves of the sea is not too large, so well suited to people swim and is also suitable for filming here. I hope my wish can come true and there are parties who want to support. If you shoot in this place, can as well as promotes tourism in the city of Tarakan, "he said.
Alicia heard the desire, the Director of Tarakan Hospital, Wiranegara Tan welcomed desire. "I think it's an interesting idea, and I will certainly support and look for some parties that may support this idea, for the town of Tarakan is also known to the wider community," he says (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 16, 2011)
Senior Artist Alicia Djohar Meriahkan Tarakan Hospital 47th Anniversary
Senior Artist Alicia Djohar Meriahkan Tarakan Hospital 47th Anniversary - BorneoArtis senior Alicia Djohar present day family event that was held Family District General Hospital (Hospital) Tarakan, in commemoration of the Anniversary (HUT) to Tarakan Hospital-47, Sunday (16 / 1 / 2011) in New Charity Beach.
Alicia Djohar presence which is a film actress and the show is entertaining family besara Tarakan Hospital through a few songs sung. Although not a singer, turns 56-year-old woman's voice is still fun to hear.
On this occasion also sang Alicia Okay honey, one of the soundtrack to the film Good-Good Love (BBS) diperankannya. In the movie this BBS, Alicia served as the mother of Diamond Nuraini that act as westi.
Tarakan Hospital Director Wiranegara Tan expect, with this event in the future to enhance cooperation among employees and kekompakkan Tarakan Hospital.
In family day was held several competitions, among them race dangdut dancing in pairs, clogs, and tug of war. Not only that there are also games flying fox. Games that fly using this rope followed the children, teens to adults. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 16, 2011)
Staff Setwan Tarakan Success Swim from Nunukan to Malaysia
Ibrahim, Parliament Secretariat staff Tarakan, on Wednesday (01/12/2011) today successfully mewujudukan ambitions across the sea between the island of Sebatik to Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. Ibrahim able to penetrate Malaysia for about four hours with the distance of about eight kilometers.
Sea depth reaches 32 meters with a flow of 80 knots per hour. Unlike the earlier action, this time Abraham had to wear a bathing suit to avoid jellyfish stings. He swam incessantly without the tools.
Swimmers who had failed to carry out its mission in August 2010 and then this, start the preparation of about 06.00 this morning with heating. Next he swam and reached the Port Sabindo, Tawau ekitar at 10:30. Arriving in Tawau, Abraham welcomed the Head of the Consulate General Tawau, Widoratno Rahendra Jaya, Assembly President Ismail Mayakob Perbandaran Tawau, Sabah Deputy Minister of Finance. Pengalungan red and white flag on his neck to end swimming action that has been prepared for months. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 12, 2011)
Fire Twice in One Day in Tarakan
In a fire occurs twice a day at different locations in the city of Tarakan, on Monday (1/10/2011). Two locations in the house Laode Mulawarman Road RT 45 and rear buildings Diploma of Nursing University of Borneo on the island of New Guinea Road.
Twice this fire did not result in fatalities only property that was burned. Fire that occurs twice in the city of Tarakan in the same day certainly makes surprise Tarakan City community.
How could I not, at 10.00 there is a fire that hit home Laode. During a fire, Laode with his family was not at home, because it was in Java, so that Laode house made of wood was burned down.
In the afternoon at 16.30 returning fire at the rear of the building III Diploma in Nursing. Of course, these fires create panic for student-student who is attending lectures and immediately ran outside the building. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 10, 2011)
Tarakan Small Cities Included Comfortable Huni
Tempo Why choose the theme "City of Little Comfort Huni" for People of Architecture 2010? Starting from the accumulation of problems in the capital Jakarta. Throughout 2010, practically no good news about Jakarta. The chronic traffic congestion, which in turn makes the central government took over efforts to overcome them. Vice President Boediono also formed a special team.
Flood. Old story that increasingly bind the Jakarta because of the impact of increasingly complex climate change-plus factors that disrupt the season. Flooding also resulted in more congestion not biodegradable. The man was angry and frustrated at having to spend time and energy on the road.
Jakarta, such as problems with no solution. Until the discourse transfer capital out of Jakarta. Various scholars submit proposals. Even seminars and discussion took place in different levels: local to national.
What's worse, the national capital area of 740.28 square kilometers, with a population of about 9.5 million people, and the intensity density of 14,464 per square kilometer walk without direction. Spatial Planning and Regional 2010 2030 to late 2010 is still a draft, not yet approved as a binding legal product.
Rather than continue to grumble and criticize, yet not too Jakarta turned into good, better look for alternatives. This is the subject of our discussion with the jury selection Tempo Architecture People of 2010, is the architect of management Institute of Architects of Indonesia, Bambang Eryudhawan; landscape experts from the University of Trisakti, Nirwono Joga, and architects are artists, Yori of Inter. Finally, we agreed on the theme "Small town city Huni Comfortable."
The choice was not without foundation considerations warmth.
First, major themes of the World Cities Spatial Day is a smart green city planning, city bright green. This well is the reason we "avoid" major cities, such as the capital of the state or province. Because, in Indonesia, there will be no examples of large cities in the category planned intelligently. If anything, maybe just one or two.
Second, considering the presence of corruption. Convenient city for habitation (livable) impossible or very difficult to materialize when pemangkunya corrupt. It's hard to find big city clean of corruption. For that, we look at the results of surveys of corruption perceptions index of Transparency International Indonesia to 50 cities in Indonesia. Cities that enter the sequence 1 25 crossed out corrupt city.
Nirwono Joga, which many judge the competition of urban planning, strengthening the second reason in three sizes to choose city: in terms of ecological, economic, and social. "This is the entry point. What we select the city clean city in the sense of clean in governance, clean city, and the wheels of its economy running," he said.
Third, as written in the column "Turning to the City of Comfort Huni" by Eko Budihardjo, professor of architecture and urban Diponegoro University, Semarang. Trends in the world is now no longer discuss the big cities like New York and Los Angeles, because in places like that have too many bad things that degrade the quality of human life. Tata cities of the world is focusing on small towns comfortable to live in, because in addition to more humanely and democratically organized, could be an alternative for people to live and prosper.
Having agreed with the theme, the next set of zoning, because it is impossible to compare the size of Java with cities outside Java. So dibagilah into western, central, and east. Finally selected small cities, led by the mayor in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
Each city had a choice of distinctive features and strengths. Of all the options under debate, observations, reportage, and interviews a variety of sources, tersaringlah eight cities: Sawahlunto in West Sumatra, Tegal and Surakarta in Central Java, Blitar in East Java, South Kalimantan Banjarbaru, Balikpapan and Tarakan in East Kalimantan, and smells smell in the Southeast.
People of Architecture Award this time we give to local stakeholders, namely the mayor and his team, who managed to make them comfortable city for habitation.
Person in charge: Bina Bektiati, Coordinator: Ahmad Taufik, Authors: Ahmad Taufik, Adek Media, Harun Mahbub, Tito Sianipar, Reporter: Tito Sianipar (Banjarbaru), Harun Mahbub (Baubau), Imran Ma (Lhokseumawe), Soetana Monang Hasibuan (Sibolga / Siantar), Febrianti (Sawahlunto), Arif Ardiansyah (Pagaralam), Jayaram Supriyadin (Tasikmalaya), Edi Faisol and Sohirin (Tegal), Day Tri Wasono (Blitar), Sri Gunawan Wibisono (Aberdeen), Suherman Madani (Parepare), Photography : Aryus P. Soekarno (coordinator) Design: Ehwan Kurniawan (coordinator), Agus Darmawan Setiadi, Kiagus Auliansyah, Watno Tri Widodo. Language: Sapto Nugroho, Dewi Kartika Teguh.
Source: Tempo Magazine (January 3, 2011)
Tarakan Mayor Opens Jami Masjid Hidayatullah
Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio inaugurate Jami Masjid Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah in Karungan, Sunday (01/02/2011). The inauguration was marked by the signing of the Jami Masjid inscription development.
Udin hopes with Jami mosque was built to support the smooth and the activities of Islamic boarding schools, one of which improve fluency in reading the Quran for the younger Hidayatulah boarding school.
"I also hope in Pesantren Hidayatullah can give birth and Qoriah qori best for the future to bring the name of the City Government of Tarakan East Kalimantan provincial level. For some time ago in the Champions MTQ East Kalimantan provincial level we had ranked the 12th. I hope that future ratings can be improved in this MTQ , "he said.
Jami Mosque Development Chairman, Salman said, Jami mosque that floored II has not yet been 100 percent. Until now, new construction is 70 percent finished and is still about 30 percent longer.
"Because this is still about 30 percent, we expect more assistance from the City Government of Tarakan. For now the City Government of Tarakan has helped about 200 million of the $ 2 billion more funds that we budget for the construction of this mosque," he said. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 2, 2011)
PDAM president director Agus Adnan Handshake Tarakan City
Team Selection Committee PDAM in Tarakan, finally set Agus Adnan as Director of PDAM in Tarakan. Agus Adnan election, after the committee conduct a plenary meeting and the consideration of the regulatory body taps.
Mayor of Tarakan Udin Hianggio any, in the near future it will promptly issue a decision letter of appointment and inauguration Agus Adnan. "Insyallah this January will also soon the appointment and swearing. Just have to wait for a decision letter from the Mayor of Tarakan," said Chairman of Team Selection Committee, Badrun, who is also secretary of Tarakan City, on Monday (3/12/2011) at his office.
Agus Adnan selected after removing rival Agus Salim. In various series of tests, ranging from tests of vision and mission of taps in front of the team selection committee and members of the DPRD Tarakan, psychological test and a written test value higher than Adnan Agus Agus Salim. (*)
Source: tribunkaltim (January 3, 2011)
Tarakan City Building Diskominfo Allocated USD 3.5 Billion
Office of Communications and Information (Diskominfo) Tarakan City, would soon have a new building itself. The plan construction will start in 2011 on an area of 10 meters x 30 meters
Head Diskominfo Tarakan City, Ruslan Arifin said the development plan has reached the feasibility study. "We expect the year 2011 development has to be done, because in accordance with the budget changes in 2010 for the construction of this building is allocated funds amounting to Rp 3.5 billion," he said on Sunday (19/12/2010)
The plan of this building will be built at the Environment Secretariat of the City Government of Tarakan exactly right behind the building of Public Relations and Information of the City of Tarakan. This building will stand as much as three floors equipped with various rooms. Among them, the room in communications and public information, information technology, as well as post and telematics.
Not only that also will be equipped room media center, crisis center, and multi media. Special to the basement or ground floor will be built cafeteria and parking lots, making it easier for information services to the community. (*)
Source: (December 20, 2010)
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Penderita Gizi Buruk di Tarakan Menurun
TARAKAN - Data Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kota Tarakan menunjukkan jumlah balita gizi buruk di Tarakan tahun 2010 mencapai 24 kasus. Kasus balita gizi buruk ini menurun dibandingkan tahun 2009 yang mencapai 32 kasus.
Menurut Kepala Dinkes Tarakan, Khairul, penyebab adanya penderita gizi buruk bukan hanya karena faktor keluarga miskin, sehingga kekurangan makanan dan minuman. Melainkan karena adanya penyakit penyerta inilah yang akhirnya membuat balita menderita gizi buruk.
"Jadi bukan lantaran karena orangtuanya miskin, sehingga tidak bisa memberikan makanan dan minuman bergizi. Tapi yah itu sebagian penderita gizi buruk selalu berhubungan dengan suatu penyakit dan membuat balita menderita gizi buruk," ucapnya yang ditemui di ruang kerjanya, Kamis (10/2/2011).
Khairul mengataan, dalam mengatasi gizi buruk, pihaknya telah berkoordinasi dengan seluruh puskesmas untuk memberikan makanan tambahan kepada penderita gizi buruk. "Dengan memberikan makanan tambahan, ternyata gizi buruk di Tarakan bisa menurun, dan tahun 2011 ini pun belum ada laporan balita penderita gizi buruk," ucapnya.
Penulis : Junisah
Editor : Reza Rasyid UmarTARAKAN, - Data Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kota Tarakan menunjukkan jumlah balita gizi buruk di Tarakan tahun 2010 mencapai 24 kasus. Kasus balita gizi buruk ini menurun dibandingkan tahun 2009 yang mencapai 32 kasus.
Menurut Kepala Dinkes Tarakan, Khairul, penyebab adanya penderita gizi buruk bukan hanya karena faktor keluarga miskin, sehingga kekurangan makanan dan minuman. Melainkan karena adanya penyakit penyerta inilah yang akhirnya membuat balita menderita gizi buruk.
"Jadi bukan lantaran karena orangtuanya miskin, sehingga tidak bisa memberikan makanan dan minuman bergizi. Tapi yah itu sebagian penderita gizi buruk selalu berhubungan dengan suatu penyakit dan membuat balita menderita gizi buruk," ucapnya yang ditemui di ruang kerjanya, Kamis (10/2/2011).
Khairul mengataan, dalam mengatasi gizi buruk, pihaknya telah berkoordinasi dengan seluruh puskesmas untuk memberikan makanan tambahan kepada penderita gizi buruk. "Dengan memberikan makanan tambahan, ternyata gizi buruk di Tarakan bisa menurun, dan tahun 2011 ini pun belum ada laporan balita penderita gizi buruk," ucapnya.
Penulis : Junisah
Editor : Reza Rasyid Umar
Sumber : tribunnews (10 Februari 2011)
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011
Tarakan Siap Terbitkan KTP Elektronik
Hamzah : Pertengahan 2011 e-KTP Sudah Diberlakukan
Media Center Diskominfo,- Sejak tahun 2009 Dinas Kependudukan Dan Catatan Sipil Kota Tarakan telah mulai melakukan transisi Sistem Kartu Tanda Pendudukan (Simduk) ke Elektronik Kartu Tanda Penduduk (e-KTP) yang merupakan program Nasional.
Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu hal yang diinformasikan Sekretaris Dinas Penduduk Dan Catatan Sipil Kota Tarakan, Hamzah SE, siang tadi (Kamis, 10/02) saat konfrensi pers kepada para wartawan.
Menurut mantan Kepala Kantor PDE tersebut, pemutahiran data di Kota Tarakan sudah dilakukan di 20 Kelurahan dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 230 jiwa lebih yang terdata.
Ketika ditanyakan oleh para awak media mengenai kapan akan digunakannya e-KTP, Hamzah menjelaskan dinasnya saat ini sedang menunggu Perda yang sedang di godok di DPRD Kota Tarakan. “Anggota dewan beberapa waktu lalu telah melakukan studi banding ke daerah Jogja, dan saat ini sedang merampungkan Perdanya,” jelasnya.
“Bila sudah terbit Perda ini, maka e-KTP akan kita luncurkan untuk masyarakat paling lambat pertengahan tahun ini (red, 2011),” Imbuh Hamzah.
e-KTP sendiri lebih banyak kelebihannya dibanding dengan jenis KTP Konvensional (simduk), karena di e-KTP akan terdapat chip 8 kilo bytes yang memuat data dari si empunya, termasuk terdapat sidik jari kita dan jamkesda.
Dijelaskan Hamzah, e-KTP saat ini sudah di pergunakan di enam daerah. Dan mereka ini adalah pilot project e-KTP nasional yang sejauh ini sudah berhasil.
“Kota Tarakan termasuk salah satu dari 197 Kota – Kabupaten yang akan menerapkan e-KTP,” imbuh Hamzah.
Sebelum menutup pembicaraannya, Hamzah mengingatkan kepada masyarakat Tarakan khususnya para orang tua yang belum mengurus Akte Kelahiran anaknya agar segera mengurusnya ke Dinas Kependudukan Dan Catatan Sipil, Karena Akta Kelahiran sangat diperlukan dan berguna sekali untuk kepentingan si anak kelak.
DD, Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika.
Sumber : diskominfo tarakan (10 Pebruari 2011)
Tambahan berita terkati : Selama dalam masa transisi, pembuatan e-KTP tidak dilakukan secara serentak, melainkan dengan cara satu persatu, yaitu mengganti KTP warga yang telah habis masa berlakunya dengan e-KTP. Selain menyimpan data diri, e-KTP juga terdapat data keluarga seperti istri dan anak. (SAM)Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
Malundung Tarakan Segera Jadi Pelabuhan Internasional
TARAKAN – Pelabuhan Malundung segera meningkat statusnya menjadi pelabuhan internasional. Kepala Kantor Administrasi Pelabuhan (Adpel) Tarakan, Adang Rodiana mengatakan, agar bisa menjadi pelabuhan internasional, sebuah pelabuhan harus memiliki kelayakan sesuai dengan standar untuk mendapatkan sertifikat ISPS (Implementasi The International Ship and Port Facility Security, Red) Code. Dan saat ini, Pelabuhan Malundung sudah diakui layak memiliki sertifikat ISPS Code.
“Beberapa waktu lalu kita pernah dikunjungi US Coast Guard dan mereka mengatakan kita layak mendapatkan sertifikat ISPS Code,” ujar Adang saat ditemui Radar Tarakan, kemarin.
Dijelaskan Adang, ISPS Code merupakan perangkat aturan untuk mengamankan kapal dan fasilitas pelabuhan secara internasional. Fasilitas pengamanan yang ada di pelabuhan ini pun diakuinya sudah sangat lengkap dan layak menjadi pelabuhan internasional, diantaranya metal detector, explosive detector, CCTV dan X-ray.
“ISPS itu bagaimana pelabuhan bisa aman dan buktinya, saat kerusuhan kemarin (september kelabu, Red), pelabuhan Malundung terbukti aman dan tidak ada gangguan,” katanya.
Tidak itu saja. Untuk mendapatkan sertifikat ISPS itu, jelas Adang, berbagai persiapan sudah dilakukan, termasuk sudah membentuk komite keamanan yang bertujuan sebagai antisipasi terjadinya sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan dan dilakukan lebih dini. “Begitu juga dengan kapal, harus aman. Contohnya, kalau kapal Korea masuk ke Pelabuhan Malundung, itu namanya kapal bangsa Korea, sehingga harus benar-benar aman,” katanya menanggapi pelabuhan Tarakan sebagai salahsatu pelabuhan yang masuk dalam salahsatu daftar zona war risk zone (zona resiko perang) sehingga harus memiliki sertifikat ISPS Code.
Sejauh ini, Pelabuhan Malundung memang banyak melayani bongkar muat yang melibatkan kapal-kapal luar negeri, seperti Korea dan kapal dari Negara lainnya untuk mendukung proses ekspor beberapa perusahaan di Tarakan. Bahkan dari catatan Adpel Tarakan, kapal yang merapat dan melakukan bongkar muat di Pelabuhan Malundung mencapai 240 persen dari sebelumnya.
“Pelabuhan Malundung tidak hanya melaksanakan pelayanan pelabuhan nasional namun sudah pelayanan pelabuhan internasional,” tandas Adang.
Persyaratan lain yang menjadi perhatian untuk mendapatkan sertifikat ISPS adalah aktivitas Pelabuhan Malundung sudah didukung oleh perangkat pengaman, yakni dukungan pemerintah, Syahbandar atau Administrator Pelabuhan, Imigrasi, Bea dan Cukai, Karantina Hewan dan Tumbuhan, Kesehatan Pelabuhan dan Kepolisian Sektor Kawasan Pelabuhan (KSKP). “Jadi, dengan pertimbangan itu kita sangat layak mendapatkannya (ISPS, Red),” ujarnya. (nat)
Sumber : radartarakan (8 Februari 2011)
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